Rhythm of the Rain

You are now in Animation Shop and have just copied over your main tube image.

Step 1

Open up your tag template.  Go to View/Normal Viewing.  You should have 8 frames.

Left click the control and A keys to activate all the frames.

Step 2

Make your tube image animation active and go to Edit/Copy.  Go to Edit/Propagate Paste.

Step 3

Make your tag template active (having all the frames activated), and go to Edit/Paste into Selected Frame. Holding down your left mouse button, place  the tube image to exactly where you want it in Frame #1.  Once you have it at the exact location you want it, release the left mouse button and your tube image will be in all the frames.

We will go ahead and save this now without text added so you can use this as a template to make multiple tags.

Step 4

Before we continue to save the animation, let's first click the Customize button to make sure you have all the correct settings for this animation. 

Click the Customize button and you will see two tabs:  Colors and Optimizations.

Here is what each setting should be under the two separate tabs:


255 Colors, Optimized Median Cut and Error Diffusion should be checked.


The middle three selections should be checked. 

The top and bottom selections - unchecked.

After customizing these animation settings, click Ok and click Next and you will get the following screens:

Screen 1

Animation versus output Size - just click next.

Screen 2

Optimization process - just click next.

Screen 3

Optimization preview - just click next.

Screen 4

Optimization results - click finish.

Step 5

Make sure to save your image as a gif file. You now have a template file with NO text.  This template you can use over and over to make tags for yourself, friends and group members.

Adding Text

Step 1

Open up Paint Shop Pro and open up the original psp file you saved before animating.  Go to Layers/New Raster Layer and apply the text you want for your tag, adding a drop shadow and any other effect you like to your text.  

Step 2

Go to Edit/Copy.  Open up Animation Shop and go to Edit/Paste as New Animation. You are only copying over the text.

Step 3

Make your text file active and go to Edit/Copy.  Now go to Edit/Propagate Paste.

Have your original tag file open and click the control and A keys to activate all the frames.

Holding down you left mouse button, bring the text to the very first frame, position the text exactly where you want it and release the left mouse button.  Your text will now be in every frame.  Resave your tag with a new name.

Step 4 - Important - Regarding Propagate Text Function

If you continue to add more names to your tag, just make the text active and go to Edit/Copy, make the tag image active and go to Edit/Paste into selected frames (do not go to propagate paste if you had already activated this function previously). The propagate paste should only be activated one time for it to continue to work.  And as long as you have animation shop open, and are continuing to add names to your tag, this function will remain working.

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial.


Nikki, Nichie and Sue