Class 303 Unit Formation summary(includes unit swaps)

Unit NumberrefrubishedOriginal Vehicle Numbersreplaced VehiclesliveryWithdrawalscrappingFurther Info
303001 yes 75566 61481 75601 ----- ST 2002 2003 Pioneer 303001 was the first and the last 303 to move under its own power It was used on trial runs and it shunted 303s at Shields before being taken to Immingham for scrapping in January 2003. 303001 was one of the final 6 units left in service.
303002 no 75567 61482 75602 ----- BR BL 1980 1982 303002 was the first 303 to be scrapped after it ran away from Neilston station in 1980. It was scrapped in 1982 after it was discovered that the underframes of the unit were cracked.
303003 yes 75568 61483 75603 ----- ST 2002 2003 303003 was one of the final 303s in service being withdrawn on 29th December 2002. It was taken for scrapping in early January 2003.
303004 yes 75569 61484 75604 ----- ST 2002 2003 303004 was one of the final 303s in service being withdrawn on 29th December 2002. It was used as a depot shunter at Shields following withdrawal before being taken for scrapping in January 2003.
303005 no 75570 61485 75605 ----- BR BG 1989 1990 303005 was involved in the Bellgrove crash in 1989. It was scrapped soon afterwards.
303006 yes 75571 61486 75606 ----- ST 2002 2002 Was the first unit to be refurbished. Was withdrawn and scrapped in 2002.
303007 no 75572 61487 75607 75572 replaced 75733 in set 043 BR BG 1974 1974 Was involved in a collision with another train at Rutherglen all but vehicle 75572 was scrapped.
303008 yes 75573 61488 75608 ----- ST 2002 2002 303008 was the first unit to be painted in the orange and black livery, the unit lasted until early 2002 before being scrapped.
303009 yes 75574 61489 75609 61504 from 024 replaced 61489 ST 2002 2003 303009 caught fire in 2002 at Springburn in 2002. It was withdrawn and taken to Immingham in 2003.
303010 yes 75575 61490 75610 ----- ST 2000 2001 303010 was withdrawn in December 2000 following a motor coach fire at Bishopton.
303011 yes 75576 61491 75611 ----- ST 2002 2003 303011 was one of the final 303s to be withdrawn, it worked the final journey to Helensburgh with 088 on 30th December 2002.
303012 yes 75577 61492 75612 ----- ST 2002 2002
303013 yes 75578 61493 75613 ----- ST 2001 2002 vehicle 75613 from this set survives as a police training vehicle at Gravesend.
303014 yes 75579 61494 75614 ----- ST 2001 2001
303015 no 75580 61495 75615 ----- BR BG 1988 1988
303016 yes 75581 61496 75616 75581 swapped with 75750 from 040 ST 2002 2002
303017 no 75582 61497 75617 ----- BR BG 1991 1991
303018 no 75583 61498 75618 ----- BR BG 1991 1991
303019 yes 75584 61499 75619 ----- CC 2002 2002 One of 4 units painted carmine and cream.
303020 yes 75585 61500 75620 ----- ST 2002 2003
303021 yes 75586 61501 75621 ----- CC 2002 2002 One of 4 units painted carmine and cream.
303022 no 75587 61402 75622 ----- CC 1991 1991 Crashed into the Buffers at Lanark. Lasted until 1991 before withdrawal
303023 yes 75588 61503 75623 61503 replaced 61512 in set 032 for preservation of a class 303 at Boness CC 2002 2002 One of 4 units painted carmine and cream.
303024 yes 75589 61504 75624 61504 replaced 61489 in set 009 ST 1999 2003 75624 from this set is stored at Shoeburyness.
303025 yes 75590 61505 75625 ST 2000 2001 75590 was set on fire by arsonists at Yoker in 2000.
303026 no 75591 61506 75626 BR BG 1991 1991
303027 yes 75592 61507 75627 ST 2002 2003 Was withdrawn with motor faults
303028 yes 75593 61508 75628 61508 swapped with 61813 from 037 ST 1999 ????
303029 no 75594 61509 75629 BR BG 1991 1991
303030 no 75595 61510 75630 75595 used in set 033 ST 1988 1988
303031 no 75596 61511 75631 BR BG 1989 1989
303032 yes 75597 61512 75632 61503 from 303023 replaced 61512 for preservation of a class 303 at Boness ST 2002 303032 will be preserved at Boness and Kineil Railway following asbestos removal at Immingham.
303033 yes 75593 61513 75633 all 3 vehicles replaced by other vehicles ST 2002 2002
303034 yes 75599 61514 75634 ST 2001 2002
303035 no 75600 61515 75635 Cal 1980 1980 used as a test unit gained thrystor doors and silicon rectifiers. Motor coach scrapped as non standard and the trailers reused on other units
303036 no 75746 61812 75802 GMP 1991 1991 Used in Manchester Area
303037 yes 75747 61813 75803 75747 was replaced by 75781 from 071 61813 was replaced by 61508 from 028 ST 2002 2002 unit was involved in the Newton Train Crash in 1990 later reformed
303038 no 75748 61814 75804 ST 1991 1991 motor coach exploded at Shields in 1991
303039 no 75749 61815 75805 BR BG 1991 1991
303040 yes 75750 61816 75806 75750 was later used in 016 ST 1999 2003
303041 no 75751 61817 75807 GMP 1991 1991
303042 no 75752 61818 75808 both trailers used in 048 ST 1991 1991
303043 yes 75753 61819 75809 75753 replaced by 75752 from 007 and later by 75766 from 056 ST 2002 2003 Was one of the last 6 303s to remain in service
303044 no 75754 61820 75810 ST 1991 1991
303045 yes 75755 61821 75811 ST 2002 2003
303046 yes 75756 61822 75812 ST 1994 1996 303046 was involved in an accident at Wymess Bay in 1994 and was withdrawn and scrapped.
303047 yes 75757 61823 75813 ST 2001 2002
303048 no 75758 61824 75814 Used in Manchester, last unrefurbished unit in service, was restored and given 042's trailers and 048's originals geiven to 052 Cal 1996 1998
303049 no 75759 61825 75815 NSE 1996 1996 Sent to Manchester, Later used as a sandite Vehicle on the NSE Region
303050 no 75760 61826 75816 GMP 1991 1991
303051 yes 75761 61827 75817 75817 was later used on set 033 ST 1987 1987 303051 involved in an accident following refurbished
303052 yes 75762 61828 75818 gained 048's original carriges ST 1991 1991
303053 yes 75763 61829 75819 GMP 1991 1991 Sent to Manchester
303054 yes 75764 61830 75820 ST 2002 2002 motor coach caught fire in 2002
303055 yes 75765 61831 75821 ST 1999 2001
303056 yes 75766 61832 75822 75766 was used in 043 from 2000 onwards ST 2000 2001
303057 no 75767 61833 75823 ST 1986 1986 motor coach caught fire in 1986
303058 yes 75768 61834 75824 ST 2000 2001 motor coach exploded in 2000 whilst in service
303059 no 75769 61835 75825 GMP 1991 1991
303060 no 75770 61836 75826 GMP 1991 1991
303061 no 75771 61837 75827 ST 1999 2001
303062 no 75772 61838 75828 ST 1991 1991
303063 no 75773 61839 75829 BR BG 1991 1991 75773 is now in stored at Longtown, last unrefurbished 303 vehicle in existance, gutted by fire in 2000.
303064 no 75774 61840 75830 ST 1991 1991
303065 yes 75775 61841 75831 ST 2001 2002
303066 no 75776 61842 75832 GMP 1991 1991
303067 no 75777 61843 75833 GMP 1991 1991
303068 no 75778 61844 75834 ST 1988 1989
303069 no 75779 61845 75845 ST 1991 1991
303070 yes 75780 61846 75836 ST 2001 2002
303071 yes 75781 61847 75837 75781 later used in set 037 ST 1989 1989 Unit involved in the Bellgrove crash. trailer 75781 used to reform set 071.
303072 no 75782 61848 75838 ST 1991 1991
303073 no 75783 61849 75839 ST 1991 1991
303074 no 75784 61850 75840 ST 1974 1974
303075 no 75785 61851 75841 ST 1991 1991
303076 no 75786 61852 75842 ST 1991 1991
303077 yes 75787 61853 75843 ST 2002 2002
303078 no 75788 61854 75844 GMP 1991 1991
303079 yes 75789 61855 75845 75845 replaced with 75635 from set 035 ST 2002 2002
303080 yes 75790 61856 75846 ST 2001 2002
303081 no 75791 61857 75847 ST 1991 1991
303082 no 75792 61858 75848 GMP 1991 1991 Used in Manchester
303083 yes 75793 61859 75849 ST 2002 2003
303084 no 75794 61860 75850 61860 used to reform 033 blue 1980 1980
303085 yes 75795 61861 75851 ST 2002 2002 last unit with sliding windows
303086 no 75796 61862 75852 ST 1991 1991
303087 yes 75797 61863 75853 ST 2001 2002 one of the units in carmine and cream
303088 yes 75798 61864 75854 ST 2002 ???? one of the last remaining units in service, worked the last 303 journey with 011 on 30.12.02.
303089 yes 75799 61865 75855 ST 1999 2001 named Cowal Highland Gathering in 1994, also the last to carry a headcode box.
303090 yes 75800 61866 75856 ST 2002 2003
303091 yes 75801 61867 75857 ST 2002 2002 Involved in the Gower St Collision in 1973, rebuilt with new cab ends.


ST = Strathclyde Transport Livery. (orange and Black)
CC = Carmine and Cream (SPT)
Cal = Caledonian Blue
BR Bl = BR Blue
BR BG = BR Blue Grey
NSE = Network South East
