Punkmusic - awesome punk site tafita one - We know these guys. Or at least. We know Fenton. He used to go to our school. They're a wicked band. annnnyyyways. check them out ! Absolute punk - if you dont know about this site then youre definitely not a punk. What Went Wrong? - they came to our site we dont know them, but their site smells better than ours. Mourning Glory- we know them, well tash does, at least, she knows one of them, but yah. check out their site they're a really good band Anti - Avril Article- this thing is just damned amazing, its the best article I've ever read, I agree with it completely (follow the links to articles and then to Avril Lavigne- Rising Star or Rising Asshole)... for those of you who like Avril Lavigne, dont go here... Sad But True- these guys are a local band from devon, really awesome, and justin has a mohawk, which is just the coolest thing ever The Omega Theory- check them out, really wicked band, we havent heard them yet but they're still rad and they put out a really great message. |