Date News
May 13, 2004 -Primary website construction completed
-If anyone has been here yet realize that this website was done entirely in HTML, I did not use Frontpage, and I made it for a Web1 class project, however I did use Photoshop to make some buttons and edit picture sizes, I got my background from and it was created by DoorinD If you would like me to do some website work my email can be seen at the top of my resume, I will charge unless you are a friend, thank you.

"Anybody who laughs is a communist."
May 10, 2004 -Website still under construction.
-Links Section added

May 9, 2004 -Website still under construction.
-Music Section added
-Interest Section added
-Television Section added

"How is the Exuberance?"
May 7, 2004 -Website still under construction.
-Resume Section added

"Whenever I have sex with Julia, it’s just so realistic."
-Jeff Murdock
May 5, 2004 -Website still under construction.
-Friends Section added

"Is this the sort of place that degrades women?"
"We could ask."
-Steve Taylor & Patrick Maitland
May 4, 2004 -Website still under construction.
-News section added to main page.

"This shouldn't take more than a few stabs seconds"