Ph.D. Page of Nandkumar Saravade
I joined on 31st December, 2003, as a Research Scholar at the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, at IIT Bombay.  I am returning to academics, after almost 20 years, having left this very institution in 1984! 
The PhD Project is in the area of macro level perspective on Public Policy measures in Information Security in India.  More details of the proposal are available
As a part of the PhD programme, there is a requirement of completing course work, of 44 credits or more.  I have chosen following subjects for the first semester.

MG 602 E-business Strategy and Implementation

E-business introduction, technology and business perspectives.
E-business fundamentals, advances in e-business security, privacy and personnel issues.
Decision support systems: technology, business applications and implementation.
Mobile computing.
E-business at enterprise level: CRM perspectives, Supply Chain Management perspectives, Enterprise application and integration.
External Service Providers - ASP, EBPP, etc.
Knowledge management and groupware.
End customer perspective:: Product selection, Make-vs-buy, integration and implementation.

Mohanbir S. Sawhney, Jeff Zabin, Don Tapscott, The Seven Steps to Nirvana: Strategic Insights into eBusiness Transformation, McGraw-Hill Trade, 2001.
Ravi Kalakota and Andrew B. Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley, 1996.
J. Christopher Westland and Theodore H K Clark, Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and Case Studies, The MIT Press, 1999.
Kamlesh Bajaj and Debjani Nag, E-Commerce: The Cutting Edge of Business, McGraw Hill, 1999.

MG 615 Decision Models in Management

Decision Environment, Decision Making Processes, Optimization, Search Problems, Heuristics, Deterministic and Probabilistic Situations, Linear Programming Models, Primal and Dual Solution Approaches, Sensitivity Analysis, Cases in LP, Decision Making with Multiple Objectives, Goal Programming, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Integer Linear Programming and Applications, Dynamic Programming and Applications, Non-linear Programming, Unconstrained and Constrained Optimization Applications, Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Decision Criteria, Utility Theory, Game Theory Applications, Queueing Models, Markov Decision Processes, Applications to Inventory Management and Replacement Decisions, Discrete Event Simulation, Generation of Random Variables, Simulation Process and Languages, Cases.


Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research
H A Taha, Operations Research, Prentice Hall India, 1995.
Ravindran, Philips and Soleberg, Operations Research: Principles and Practice, John Wiley, 1987
MG 660 Business Process Reengineering

Management of Change
TQM, Kaizen and ISO 9000
Process Definition, Business Process Structure
Role of Information Technology: Networking, Shared Database, Distributed Computing.
7 Expert Systems.
Process Redesign and Evaluation.
Case Studies: Kodak, Ford Motor, IBM, Credit Etc.
The Indian Scene, Private and Public Sector, The Challenges and the Imperatives.
Detailed BPR Methodologies and Application: Implementation and Evaluation.


M. Hammer and J. Champy, Reengineering the Corporations, Nicholas, 1995
J.N. Lowenthal, Reengineering the Organizations, ASQC Quality Press, 1994
S. Davis, 2001 Management, Simon and Schuster Press, 1992
C. Savage, Fifth Generation Management, Digital Press, 1992
M. S. Jayaraman, Ganesh Natarajan, A.V. Rangaramanujan, Business Process Reengineering, TMH Publishing, 1994

MG 664 Management Information Systems

Data, Information and Knowledge
Concepts of Information Representation: Storage, Transformation, Dissemination, Discrimination and Transmission.
Management Information Systems: Information Flow, Systems Analysis and Design.
Database Management Systems, Paradigms, Design and Implementation of Relational Database for Management Applications.
Retrieval Aspects.
Security and Privacy.
Strategic Planning for Information Systems.
Specification and Configuration of Computer Based Systems.
Costing and Performance Audit Applications in Management.
Accounting manufacturing, Finance, Human Resources Management, Marketing and Distribution, Corporate Reporting.
Case Studies in MIS implementation.


R.G. Murdick, J. E. Ross and J.R. Claggard, Information systems for Modern Management, PHI, 1996.
G.B. Davis, Computers and Information Processing, McGraw Hill, 1978.
H.F. Korth and A. Silberstaschatz, Database Systems Concepts, McGraw Hill, 1986.

MG 666 Information Technology for Management Decisions

Planning for IT
Justification of IT Systems
Business Models and IT Architecture
Enterprise Wide Information Systems
Telecommunications and Distributed Systems
LAN, distributed systems, Network Planning
Managing IT Development
Project Planning and Control
Data Navigation, multimedia and hypertext
Human Interface in network
Expert Systems
Using IT software for Managerial Decision Makiing.
Case Studies.


J. Kanter, Managing with Information, PHI, 1996.

MG 675 Strategic Business Planning / Strategic Transformation

Module 1: Corporate Success and Transformation
Corporate performance – parameters, aspects and perspectives. Characteristics of high performing organisations. Concept of configuration. Achievement and sustenance of superior performance. Difference between incremental change and transformation. Imperatives and contexts of strategic transformation.

Module 2: Conceptualisation of Strategic Transformation
Types of corporate configurations. Transformation from one to another configuration. Financial and business aspects of transformation. Organisational aspects and preparedness. Definition of the superior configuration and the process of transformation change.

Module 3: Implementation of Transformation
Dynamics of evolving ownership and of committing organisation onto transformation. Launch of the process – considerations and facets. Establishment of a new business framework, through mergers, acquisitions, divestments, new entries, etc. Establishment of a new structural and systemic framework.

Module 4: Institutionalisation of Superior and Successful Configuration
Evolution of appropriate behavioural orientations, power equations and performance standards. Development of new business competencies and organisation culture. Refinements and learning approaches. Ensuring sustainability of the new configuration and of superior performance.
Text / References:      
1.James C Collins & Jerry I Poras, Built to Last, Random House 1999
2.James C Collins, Good to Great, Random House 2001
3.Henry Mintzberg, Mintzberg on Management, Free Press 1990
4.Gareth Morgan, Images of Organisations, Sage Publications 1997
5.Sumantra Ghoshal et al, Managing Radical Change, Viking 2000
6.Louis V Gerstner, Who Says Elephants Can't Dance – Inside IBM's Historic Turnaround, Harper Collins 2002
7.Robert Kaplan & David Norton, Balanced Scorecard – Translating Strategy into Action, HBS Press 1996
8.Jeffery Pfeffer, Managing with Power – Politics and Influence in Organisations, HBS Press 1992