<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/nycdocseeklove/ironmaks.wav">
Philippe (also Leonardo DiCaprio) ... "Of all the wonders I have seen...I've never looked upon anything as beautiful as you."


As I share my thoughts with you, it will be as if you are peering into my journal, my life and my heart for I share with you only honesty.  I choose to strip my soul naked and that I may attract the woman with these feelings parallel to my own passion. I will know it is you, only when you truly recognize me, my soul, though my honesty.  How I long for a woman who will love me as I am.  Somewhere I once read that to become one we must reconnect with out missing half by becoming more of ourselves to attract them.  And so I wonder? Is this where I will find you? My missing half.  My Love so true? I lie alone at night praying for God to guide me to you. So, why have I thus far been so unsuccessful on my journey? Because the love of my life is not just any "body." She is some "one."  The only ONE."   She is someone I will recognize in clear view because in her eyes I will see a reflection of my soul looking back at me.  There will be no wall high enough for me to climb over or no wall deep enough for me to penetrate to reach her heart or prevent me from entering it. The woman of my life comes to me as a vision; her beauty, brilliance and intelligence radiate from within.  We will then share the pleasures of all that life has to offer and through the eyes of love our energies erotic, loving and passionate will all radiate our circumference.  We will then become "one" together. Our beautiful journey is always an adventure. We will laugh, cry, touch and caress each other and flow in our conversation be comfortable in our silences encourage each other to reach higher and touch the sky, as we grow closer. Together we can accomplish anything because I envision us to be a spiritual team. Honesty is so important to me and speaks volumes in true relationship bonding. I love you already, this woman I am seeking.  I think of you always, though we have yet to induce our meeting.  Will you hug me then? And never let me go? Or will you become afraid of my closeness when your heart is naked and unguarded? Will you let me in closer where I want to be? Is there such a woman who will rise to this challenge, to TRUST in our Love and in me, so that our love will live forever and we can travel the distance together?

As I sit here, I picture you reading my message. You sitting comfortably in your home chair, curious to know me, there is a quiet understanding that we share, for I have seen you in Starbucks and have glanced into your eyes if only for a moment. A moment in which left me full of wonder at the love we would share. My brown eyes piercedInto your soul and exposed all your desires and fears. Within that moment I embraced your heart and it now belongs to me. I shelter it when the wind blows and laugh with it when it smiles. I cherish the oneness of our souls-we speak always, yet use few words. My life begins today. By questioning everything on this search and not settling for a "safe" relationship anymore. I have learned a very important thing. By being honest about my feelings brings me closer to the TRUE me and therefore the truth in everything.

Within my words I have found my true desires, expressed perfectly. I have hidden these truths, even from myself. My words exposed the feelings I hold secretly within my depths, for most do not see with these eyes, nor understand. I stand silently waitingFor our moment together, where words seize to have meaning as our souls unite. You have been here with me always, peacefully sleeping, patiently waiting for our time. Our faces meet; my cheek softly caresses yours, our eye rest as we cherish the moment of our first precious kiss. I still think that one day the whole fairy tale will come true for the both of us, and it will be completely worth every second of what the wait has been to finally. Find each other and hold each other, knowing that this is going to be it.  I want to look deep into her eyes and see more than a thousand words couldn't even say. I want to find the love that is so simple, innocent, and pure.  I do believe that we all do have a soulmate.  Sometimes, it is sad, that I see some of my friends who have already gotten married, but did not wait for the one right person, and they could have wound up so much happier in life.  I will wait for her (hopefully we find each other sooner than later)  and long for her to enter my life. 

Forget about all the certain values and belief you were brought up with. Does it feel like I know me for many years? Is your soul is running to me to talk to me. My thoughts are somewhere near your thoughts; maybe we think the same.  What you are reading described you, my soulmate: how you sleep, what you like, how I will touch you. Do you imagined yourself in these situations and does your body was shake. It's not only the desire, no, this is much more! It's so deep like our lives, like our emotions Did my word touched some closed part of your heart and two hot tears ran down your cheeks. What do you think, what do you feel and how do you live? I care about you! Where are you? Are you near? Maybe it's your breathing that I feel early in the morning? Maybe it's you, whom I see in my dreams? Maybe we were born to be together? Do you feel me?

My beautiful princess, my one and only, you will be happy to know that I adore children, my friends and family.  They are very important to me.  I love to be independent, but embrace relationship fully.  Perhaps my honesty may deter the masses or for some, offer a voice of encouragement. It may sound cliché, but the truth is what separates the "real" from the impostors and really will "set us free" to truly know each other. How I have longed for a woman who would appreciate the beauty inside of me and love me (not for my outward appearance), but for the soul which resides inside of me, my inner "sanctity," strength of character, wit and crazy sense of humor.  I love to be spoiled with the gift of affection, I love to touch, be touched and engage in philosophical conversation.  Therefore, the woman that I seek will be my lover, best friend and companion, appreciate all of my qualities, which endear me only to her and encourage growth in my soul, which only she would understand.

If  someone, who read my journal, felt the connection, but found we were not meant for each other, perhaps there could be a friendship that can be built. We both have something so powerful in common, the need to connect to the soulmate that is out there looking for us. I have been given a gift, that not many people have, it is the gift of being able to give and accept and love unconditionally. I’m proud of what I have been given, because I know how to use it, I have been given the opportunity to use it in a job I once had,  and it opened me up to my spiritual being, I am so blessed for that. I have been given the gift and when someone is in the same place spiritually, they recognize it in my eyes, they look at me, and they feel it and they open up to it. This gift has brought me into so many lives, that I will never forget. They have all since passed away, but they are still with me, they have given me this gift.

I get lonely so often. I wonder if this is because I know that the Love that I desire is in your possession and that I have been numb for so long. Sometimes I think that it is better to be numb than to know what you are missing. I think to know what is missing creates a desperate longing in my soul that I have no resource to control. My only way to let it escape my body is to write and tell you of all my feelings. I hope that this is not too much for you..I hope you will not send me away to tell me that you will no longer accept the love that I want to give to you. I wonder often if we will ever bring this Love together or if the climax of the Love story is unfolding before our eyes. I wonder if the daily events that happen to me are key events in the unfolding of our life's love story. My heart hurts often when I feel very alone but it at these times when I sit down and try to articulate my thoughts in effort to better understand my soul. I know that this is no ordinary love affair however if I should turn away and run before my heart gets entrenched deeper and deeper as each and every day goes by. Do you think that I will be the one to go the distance? Do you think I could be the one that you would go out on a limb for? Do you think that we will prioritize this love in effort to keep it growing together instead of thinking of distance and therefore creating separation? Perhaps I am a dreamer and perhaps I am not listening but, I have heard the sound of your voice and I know that your heart speaks more loudly. Or is this the highest truth that I am feeling in my heart? I can't go anywhere that I am not wanted and so I will sit and wait for you to acknowledge me and your desire for me to come to you.


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