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Got Dandelions? Get the Weed Hound!
The Easy, Organic Way to Remove Lawn Weeds

         Do you have dandelions in your lawn? Do you feel the urge to break into tears when one of those yellow-headed monsters sticks its contemptible head through your beautiful grass? Does your back ache from bending over innumerable times in a futile attempt to rid your yard of this tenacious invader?
         If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then you are in luck. After a long and tedious search, I have found the perfect way to rid your lawn of dandelions. What, you ask, is this miracle solution? The name is Weed Hound.
The Weed Hound
         The Weed Hound is a contraption designed to rid your lawn of dandelions and other pesky weeds. The mechanism behind it is simple and effective. The Weed Hound has several prongs that form a circle. You push these prongs into the soil around the base of the weed. You then pull on a rod that moves the ends of these prongs together, effectively locking the weed root in its grasp. You pull the Weed Hound out of the soil, and the hated dandelion comes out with it (root included). It works perfectly every time.
         There are some primary advantages that the Weed Hound provides. First, a person using the Weed Hound does not need to bend over to pull the weed. Second, the Weed Hound removes a very small amount of soil (and actually aerates the lawn); there won't be giant plugs missing from your turf. Third, the weed hound is very effective and easy to use. It does an excellent job of snagging the weed and its entire root system, and it leaves the adjacent grass undisturbed. Lastly, the Weed Hound has a lifetime guarantee.
How does it work?
Click here to buy Weed Hound! ($19.95)

         I may sound like some product pitchman, saying whatever is necessary to get you to buy this product. I, however, am not being paid or compensated in any way for writing this article. I simply want to provide consumers with an effective, affordable, and easy alternative to chemicals. The Weed Hound is the perfect organic alternative to these dangerous chemicals. I have employed it in my lawn, and it has made dandelion removal a painless task. Please, if you have dandelions, don't use chemicals. Use the Weed Hound or some other mechanical weed removal product.
         For ordering information, visit Hound Dog Industries. The Weed Hound only costs $19.95.

Tips for Using WeedHound
First, find the base of the weed.
Then position the prongs over the base.
You'll get the weed every time!

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