Uniforms at Pack 419
The uniform is a very important part of Scouting.  As a Scout, you are part of a very proud and important group of people.  Just as police officers, ball players, and those in the military wear a uniform to show they are a collective group, so do Scouts.

The awards you receive are designed to be displayed on very specific areas of your uniform, so other Scouts and Scouters can identify your Pack, accomplishments, and years of service at a glance.   Remember, we also wear the
WORLD CREST that shows our brotherhood with other Scouts from around the entire world. 

A boy in a Scout uniform stands out from all others in more ways that onePack 419 would like to see our Scouts in a presentable and respectible uniform.  We will allow any blue pants, in lieu of the official Scout uniform pants, but we strongly discourage blue jeans.
Uniform -
Cubby Blues, Orange Tiger neckercheif, and newly designed hat.  Blue socks, blue belt, blue pants, not blue jeans.

The "old" orange tee shirt is a GREAT idea for a "Class B" uniform, but for Class A....   go BLUE baby!

The Tiger Cubs "official" uniform has changed from the Tiger orange tee shirt, to the regular "cubby" Blues (see above picture).  We strongly recommend that you choose SHORT SLEEVE shirts when possible.

NOTE:  Sunny's Surplus staff may tell you that Tiger Cubs belong in the orange tee shirt.  If this happens, please let them know that the official uniform changed as of August 1, 2004.
A note about the cost of uniforms:
In addition to
not requiring the official blue uniform pants, we started a uniform trade in program in 2002.    The program exists to assist those who's funds are limited for what ever reason.   If you would like to see what uniform pieces are available, see any of the Den Leaders or the Cub Master.   We have a "ask no questions, always be discrete" policy about this.   Please feel comfortable enough to broach this with the leaders.

Also, if you have any extra uniform pieces, please consider donating them to our program.  Any uniformed leader can take them from you.   Thank you.
Wolf, Bear & Webelos
Uniform - Cubby Blue shirt (short sleeve recommended), Cub Belt, Cub socks, Blue Pants (not jeans) and the hat is optional.  The Pack will provide the appropriate neckerchief free of charge.

Webelos I and Webelos II boys have the option to upgrade to the Tan and Green uniform, but may remain in Blues if they choose.  See below.
Uniform -  Tan shirt (short sleeve recommended), green pants (long pants recommended), green socks, hat optional.

We also recommend
BLUE Cub Scout belt, NOT the green belt that would normally go with the tan uniform.

As Webelos Scouts, the boys are still encouraged to earn Belt Loop awards as they did in the Cub program.
Belt Loops will NOT fit on the green belt.

Two notes about the green uniform -
1.  This will be the same uniform that they can wear into the Boy Scout Troop when the time comes.
2.  Refer to the Uniform Inspection Sheet in your Pack Handbook for the proper placement of patches on the uniforms.
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* Hats are always optional!