Big Brother is

Watching You

A Walk into Stale Cold Reality

Once, a longtime ago,
 a couple was in love;
Nothing had seemed grander,
 even the stars above;
Think of how you told me,
 that you really did care;
How you claimed to love me,
 and now give me despair;
All those times we said love,
 I thought you meant it too;
Nothing hurt me more than,
 to know it wasn't for you;
That is what you told me,
 when you whispered good by;
Love is worthless to you,
 as long as you get high;
I still dream of a change,
 that I know will not be;
As long as it lingers,
 I will never be free;
Free from all the sorrow,
 and free from all this pain;
Accept that you are gone,
 then I'll live life again;
I rejoice you are gone,
 and almost believe it;
Do what makes you happy,
 forget you ever commit;

This poem © Copyright 2001 Cooper Stephenson