Buisness Profile

Buisness Profile


ECONOMY: About half of the Pakistani labour force works in agriculture with wheat, rice, sugar-cane and cotton as the main products. Poor weather and underdevelopment have hindered significant growth in this sector in recent years and the Government is attempting to stimulate other parts of the economy. Fish and leather are significant export earners. Oil production began during the 1980s, but remains on a small scale by world standards. Pakistan has reserves of graphite and limestone, as well as gypsum, silica and some coal. Reserves of graphite, copper and manganese are also present. Established manufacturing industries include textiles, food processing and building materials. Pakistan's lack of prosperity entitles the country to considerable foreign aid which has been more forthcoming since Pakistan managed to improve its rate of repayment - with the exception of the United States which drastically cut its aid provision at the beginning of the 1990s due to Pakistan's refusal to curtail its nuclear programme. Despite this, Pakistan has recently made a great deal of economic progress: trade barriers and exchange controls have been largely removed and foreign investment has risen sharply. However, despite the revenues of a major privatisation programme in the early 1990s, the Pakistani exchequer still has a large external debt which is the main drain on the economy. The IMF has been supporting the Pakistani economy since 1992, but the two parties are now in dispute owing to the government's failure to meet a series of IMF-assigned fiscal targets. Japan is the country's largest trading partner, providing 16% of the country's imports and buying 10% of its exports. The USA, Saudi Arabia, Germany and the UK are the other principal trading partners.

Business: Ties should be worn for important business appointments. English is commonly used. Appointments should be made, remembering that businesses are usually closed Friday and Muslim holidays. Visiting cards should be used. Government office hours: 0900-1700 Sunday to Thursday.

Commercial information: The following organisation can offer advice: Overseas Investors' Chamber of Commerce and Industry, PO Box 4833, Talpur Road, Karachi. Tel: (21) 241 0814. Fax: (21) 242 7315. Telex: 2870.


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