name descreption size hebrew only
html1.htm HTML help file, I d/l it somewhere here in geocities, and it help me alot. It's a good page to start if you want to learn HTML 25KB no
html2.htm HTML help file - Part 2. Includes how to make tables, forms and img maps 21KB no
colors.htm Gives you all the colors for netscape 15KB no
tom1.txt A short story I wrote back then 4KB yes A cool screen player - Of a sheep of course! 115KB no
gor1.txt Some of my thoughts about the internet, these were writen in the summer of 96. Some of this was published in "Ma'ariv" during that time. 3KB yes
gor2.txt Some of my thoughts about the internet - Part II 2KB yes
gor3.txt Some of my thoughts about the internet - Part III 2KB yes
gor4.txt Some of my thoughts about the internet - Part IV 2KB yes
gor5.txt Some of my thoughts about the internet - Part V 1KB yes
stupid.txt I talked with this guy on the irc, I promised him to u/l this log to my HP - well, here it is. 8KB yes
sheep.wav Hmmm...A wav of a sheep. 88KB no