Welcome To Escribir:To Write!

Best veiwed at maximum screen size.. or whatever..

Greetings, and welcome to my odd little world.. If you're here for the first time, Welcome! My name is Martina, and this is my page of poetry, song lyrics, short stories, and random crap that I type up late at night when certain people go to work and leave me here all by my lonesome.. Now, I'm not gonna mention any names or anything.. but.. well.. Damn, Lasha leaves me here alone a lot. I think he secretly hates me..

Just a note, some of these works.. a lot of these, rather.. aren't even mine. Some are poems and songs from people that I like.. So don't get my wrong, I'm not taking credit for other people's work. All works are somewhat clearly marked with the author's initials or name, depending on how they want to be recognized.

Please forgive any spelling errors on this page, at it's pretty darned early and I'm not all here at the moment.

Featured Poets

Martina Cirone



Contact Martina
Contact Tristan
Contact Crescentia

Colt Burkett

Jezebel Heradite

Johnny Taylor
Contact Colt
Contact Jezebel
Contact Johnny
To be a "Featured Poet", you need to contribute 3 or more *original* works to Escribir:To Write, along with your name so that all due credit may be bestowed upon you. I'm the exception to this rule, and I can have only one poem up if I please because I made this damn page, and no one can do anything about it. =)
Good luck, and have fun!


Song Lyrics

Other Features

Bleeding Hearts
Two Moonlight Lovers
Two Hearts and One Soul
The Cold Within
Forget Me
But Wish I Might
Within Without
The Rose (L.M.)

Dante's Prayer (L.M.)

The Mystic's Dream (L.M.)

Night Ride Across the Caucasus (L.M.)

Unchained Melody (R.Bros.)

omfg, I'll think of something to put back up in this section soon.. Really.. honest..

Stories 'n Stuff

Changes (L.D.)
A Tall Tale (R.D.S.)

This is mah banner.. yey. -:-cheers and applause-:- If you like, save it to your computer and put it on your page!..Linking here, of course. (If you need help on how to do this, just email me and I'll send you the code) It'd be a great help to me..really! kkthxdai =).

Last updated: 5.5.2004

The page of "Escribir:To Write" is the original work of Martina Cirone Alucard. She does *not* claim ownership of all works displayed therein. Permission to use these works has been granted to Martina by their author, or he or she by whom the work was submitted.
To submit an original work of literature to Martina, click here.