
I was on a roll a few days ago. The results:

Dodger, a Dead of the Day,
Quoted Edna St. Vincent Millay
To the state song of Texas,
But her problem does vex us,
For Dickenson she was trying to say!

Lochley's the new cap of B5,
And once she was Sheridan's wife.
Just one season she gets,
But don't place any bets,
For she may be spun off from B5.

The Drahk are a fun little race.
They phase in and out of our space.
A war will be fought,
But lose? We will not!
We will kick them right OUT of our space!
The humans think spoo's nasty stuff,
But Centari? They do the stuff love.
It's a white chunky food;
Beyond that, you'd conclude,
That no one knows what it's made of.

Ivanova's left our fair station,
Just a season before cancellation.
She got a promotion,
Through a great big commotion.
(But 'twas really a contract's cessation!)

Corwin, Lieutenant, named Dave!
Of you, so many fans rave!
You're been there forever,
Always ready and clever,
Still they treat you like some lowly slave!
Joe, give the poor man a promotion!
Josh Cox's long years of devotion,
Deserve recognition.
He needs a good mission.
Put his career into motion!

The Drazi are hairless and blue,
And quite frequently haven't a clue.
They follow Droshala,
(Our equivant's Allah)
And poke Mister Allen; plants, too.

Joe Straczynski created the show,
As all truly devoted fans know.
He's called the Great Maker,
He's a mover and shaker,
We all owe our thanks to ol' Joe!

We are GreyStar and Corwin and Anne!
Lord of Sporks, Col. Stickler, Blind Man!
Zoisty, JP,
G'kar Junior! And we
Post humor whenever we can!

I hope you like 'em!
GreyStar the poet

Here's my try:

There was a Psi Cop named Bester
Of Lyta he wants to test her
But she chose to stay
With Byron to play
And he can't even arrest her

/jeff (pilant)


Delen said Garabaldi told her this one. How would you complete it? There's an obvious dirty one and a non-dirty one. There once was a man from Nantucket Who kept all his cash in a bucket, But his daughter named Nan Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket. ============================== How Many Years to Babylon 5? (TNT post)

How many years to Babylon 5? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by Another Poet on April 25, 1998 at 17:54:25: How Many Years to Babylon? Garibaldi--- How many years to Babylon 5? After the war there is just ten. Can I get there at the speed of light? Yes, and back again. Franklin-- How many years to Proxima 3? Too many years of hate. Can I get a rescue there in time? No. It's much too late. Sheridan-- How many years to Za'ha'dum? Can I avoid this war? A thousand years, a million tears, and You will live no more. Sinclair-- How many years to Babylon 4? It's buried in the past. Can I get there at the speed of light? Yes, but you can't come back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by ellie on April 26, 1998 at 00:11:32: In Reply to: How many years to Babylon 5 posted by Nameless Poet on April 25, 1998 at 22:10:29: How Many Years to Babylon? cont'd : G'kar-- How many years to Centauri Prime? How much blood must be spilled to exact revenge? When there is no more reason for it, How can I repair the damage? Ivanova-- How many years to Babylon 5? How much pain for me to lose all hope? When all is said and done, Will the effort be worth the cost? Delenn-- How many years to peace? How much must my soul must be changed to create it? Time changes everything, Can love really conquer all? *DragonGuild B5 Raven

The B5 version of The Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posted by Vorlon Pet on April 24, 1998 at 15:12:41: Okay, if we're doing famous writers, how about Edgar Allen Poe? Its odd...but thats what you get when you watch two weeks worth of Babylon 5 episodes in one day just to catch up. Its a work in progress, but enjoy. Once upon a station silent, while Sheriden slept, and a war became much more violent, Over the watch of lovely Delenn, not aware of what was instore. While he nodded, lightly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As if someone abruptly dropping a snowglobe, dropping it upon the floor, "Oh its Anna," Delenn muttered, "standing there by Sheriden's door"- Only this, strangely enough and nothing more. Ah, distinctly he remembered it was past a bleak December, And each separate scrap of the Icarus still drifting to the planet's floor. Eagerly he wished the morrow - vainly he had kept his sorrow From Delenn he had hid his sorrow - though he did not admit before - For the now crazed and shadow loving Anna whom I had mentioned once before. Supposedly now back for sometime more. Now the sad, dark, uncertain travels to the homeworld Z'ha'dum Scared him- let him see fantastic terrors never seen before: That Morden and the others drank decaff, and other things not worth repeating " 'Who decides that the work day is from 9 to 5 instead of 11 to four- hey your coffee is getting cold, why are you slowly backing up to the door- prepare to die from caffine loss, and somthing more." Presently his soul grew stronger; Kosh was hesitating then no longer, "Jump," he said, "Jump now" that he did implore; The fact is this location will be frying, so down this cliff you should be flying. And gaining so much momentum you will slam into the planet's floor, That the shadows did grow nearer, - here he lept and fell for the floor- Then a "BOOM", and nothing more. Deep into a darkness finding, no long falling from the light so blinding, Doubting, falling a fall no mortal ever survived before: But the silence was now broken, and the survival gave no token, For why Lorien followed Sheridan around since before, And where Garabaldi's trust had gone forever more. Merely these questions, and something more... Thats it for now, if you people want more, let me know, please! Bye for now, Quoth Ivanova "Boom." Posted by Vorlon Pet on April 24, 1998 at 23:17:38: Okay...the public speaks, this is the second part...I would do more, but that would mean getting a sugar rush and singing along to Blue Oyster Cult music to get that far. Thank you for liking it so far. Well anyway, enjoy. Back into the war, returning, all the anger to the vorlons burning, Soon again all attention turned to Ulkesh as once before. "It is done," said he, "They are irrelevant." even though he followed Lyta to a fate that may dread he. Let me see, then, he demanded, though he stepped into the trap as the final score- Soon came Kosh quickly to defend, the Vorlon ship fled to wherest they send, ending the nightmare battle in a firey roar; - ' Tis these Vorlon's end, though there will come more! Closer the planet killers came asunder, when, as the younger races were dragged under, Came there to the silent Station of the calmer days of yore; Not the coldness did B5 show them; understanding the problems did they know then; But, with mien of honorable saviors, did they make the Whitestar soar - Searched the entire galaxy for the First One's to fight the Giants who stalked a playground's floor- Searched for that and nothing more. Came the battle that planned fall, Coriana 6 within a way became a nightmare for them all, By the summon brought forth by Lyta, the grave and icy lady was the first to be shown before, "We are here. Why do you oppose us?" said she, "Is not our goal the same as yours?" Ghastly grim and ancient reflections shown Delenn a sight she had feared to find and to explore - "You cannot do that," said her shadow, "You cannot try to end this war!" 'You've let them see, You've let them know.." quoth the shadow protesting more. Much they feared the first one's solution, to freeze and kill the ones with their revolution. Though now a choice between chaos and order had little meaning- little revelancy bore; For we cannot help agreeing that no living being Ever yet was blessed with seeing a vorlon and shadow now appear together upon the Whitestar's floor- Deity or demon upon the cold Whitestar's floor, Stood with such calm silence 'Forevermore' But the Vorlon, standing sadly besides his darker partner, spoke only That one phrase, "Who are you" as if his power in that one phrase he did outpour. Nothing farther would he utter - nor his partner did dare flutter- Till the shadow more than muttered "What do you want?" As they uttered long before- From the present they could not answer thee, as they once could of answered known in the past before. But now with the silence of "Nevermore." Startled by the stillness broken by the Vorlon's reply so aptly spoken, "You do not speak for the rest," had the vorlon not said before "They will not follow you if you are dead," now the shadow added to intone disaster Followed fast and followed faster did a shadow's missle now did towards the flagship bore - Till the others ships risked their life to protect the flagship to where those darkened missle bore. For their hope will die - Nevermore! Okay, thats all I can do for the moment, I hope everyone likes it. Just be paitent and the third part will show up sooner or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------- oThree cheers for Vorlon Poe .. er, Pet G'Kar 13:46:17 4/25/98 (0) Complete Waste of Time #2: "The Drakh are Back" or "Jeepers, Creepers, Where'd You Get Those Keepers" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B5 Raven Prt. 3 Posted by Vorlon Pet on May 01, 1998 at 18:35:52: Okay, It took me a few days, and I had to get help from my evil twin aka An'idiot. (And G'Kar Junior, sure, you have my permission to copy and have it posted somewhere else.) But its done, hope you like it, Well enjoy: But the First One's still beguiling their innocence into anger, Straight Lorien stepped in front of the Minbari and Vorlon and Shadow; Then, calmness slowly sinking, he took both of them to linking Sadness unto sadness, as by thinking from the ominous shadow of yore To have Lorien leave them, "Nevermore." This the pair engaged in guessing, but no action now expressing Towards the angry human whoes only rebuttle was "Get the hell out of our Galaxy - Now!" This and more they soon considered, with the First One's minds at ease On the thought of returning past the galaxies lining with the star light shining o'er, But whose dark galaxies lining with the star light shining o'ver, All shall not return, ah, nevermore! Then, methought, the air grew warmer, as if change from some unknown reformer Brought by Kosh whose words sought to change the past. "Waited" spoke Lorien,"such a time for someone to find me- and none shall return for they are all now with me. Sadly - sadly and kindly I give you the galaxy for the first of the last; Perhaps, perhaps you'll join us, when you become the last." And then he was gone 'Forevermore' "Peace!" they claimed, "without First Ones! - peace still, without Vorlon or Shadow! - Whether for our lives the best, or for our fall the worst that might be found to be instore, We can party now undaunted, on this honored station which the freedom now seems so enchanted - Away from the Earth which Clark has haunted - seems so worse, than it did before - Is there - is there hope left on Mars? - tell me - tell me, they begin to implore! Can the battle be gone "Nevermore." "Bester!" soon angered Lyta "Psi cop which places blame! - annoying still, if teep or mundane! By that Psi Corp that watches above us - by that Corp she doth hate more - " To now follow the souls for fear still laden if, within the view of Z'ha'dum, It shall prove that the Shadows no longer haunt their home as they did before - By the allies escape an exploding planet, those never seen since before - Though their home, exists now "Nevermore." Be that their gift of parting, for the freedom fighters! Could of been shrieked, with such upstarting - Watch thy backs for the storm is not yet calming, and wait for such a problem none may see before! Watch the Earth for unfriendly token for that lie of propaganda spoken! Leave this Station's calmness now just broken! - and just wait for the new war! For the new peace has lasted "Nevermore. And the Station, always remaining, still is remaining, still is remaining On the darkened space just above Epsilon 3; And the problems have been endured all the seeming of a saint's own dreaming, And the hope shining o'er them streaming through the galaxy for all to see; And those souls lost in that shining now are remembered free For Babylon Five shall fall - Nevermore!
    Its over now! The Station will now Fight! (Heh, TPotO reference) Anyway, I hope everyone liked it. And hopefully Edgar Allan Poe isn't spinning in his grave. Thank you.
Vorlon Pet

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