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19 January 1862, Kentucky, War Between the States

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Pvt. Laurence Synnott

Co. D, "Wigfall Rifles," 15th Mississippi Infantry

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This image appears by the kind courtesy of James Synnott, Jr.

   Laurence Synnott enlisted in the Wigfall Rifles in August 1861.  This quarter-plate ambrotype image was probably taken shortly after his enlistment.  Pvt. Synnott is wearing a shell jacket with epaulettes and colored trim, possibly red, the branch color for infantry designated by the Mississippi military Board.  He is armed with a D-guard bowie knife, similar to that carried by Musician George Simpson of the 15th Mississippi.  His musket is an obsolete flintlock model, probably a US M1816.

   Pvt. Synnott fought in most of the battles of his regiment, including Fishing Creek, Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and the Atlanta Campaign.  During the latter campaign, on 27 May 1864, he was killed in action at New Hope Church.


Confederate Calendar, May 1999



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Note01.gif (1719 bytes)   Send comments and information to the page author.  I am always interested in hearing from others who have information to share on this battle and the soldiers who fought it.

Email1.gif (1209 bytes)   Send your comments to Geoff Walden at gwalden (at) windstream.net.

All contents copyright © 1998-2007, Geoffrey R. Walden; all rights reserved.  Except where noted, all text and photos are property of the page author, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission.  I gratefully acknowledge the permissions of the owners of other photos and articles used on the Battle of Mill Springs / Fishing Creek Homepage.
I especially wish to thank Laura Cook of the Orphan Brigade Homepage for her advice and clipart.

Last updated on:  04 September 2002

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