While in this rather indelicate state our good  XO thought 'twould be great
To change Night to Day, and vice. versa  At the time no one argued--
But everyone felt worse with hunger  in bed and tiredness at table--
Already the subject of a "Bool Sheet" fable.

Then as on our way we sped gradually the living returned from the dead.
LT Hussey again began to look human as the  red veins in his eyeballs sank back
     into the albumen.

Hanson and Seay,  like Goodwin and McKay, tried on board repairs which would
give gray hairs to even shipyard personnel.
While Waddall, the Syndicate head, cut off the SED guard and said,
"&*@##@, it's cold up there"!"
The difficult was done with a great deal of joy by all hands in all Departments,
While with a shrug and "let's try again" they said, "The impossible takes
a little longer."

The Chief of the boat with a lump in throat would  plot loran and a sounding;
When  the SRD-7 bearings also worked out he gave forth a cheer most resounding.

The many and varied jokes of the day began to evolve around the horrible way
The mountain-climbing depth controlling team could only oscillate about ordered
depth and scream.
As a result, our flexible ear-drums throughout the ship were warped, stove in,
sprung. and smashed.
While "Broach", "Flame-out", "Sinker", and "Leaper" did zip with gay abandon
for most of the trip.

Still, various things made life worthwhile--Boadigheimer's  baking , the tournaments--
Plus the give and take with the ready smile.
That is the hall mark of the submarine man, the guy who never says "maybe",
     but always "i can";
Who fixes things when they go wrong keeping to an unheard song.

It's the will to do that counts the most; Growler's crew has it, and that's no boast.
Couple that will with experience and training and the best of shipmates no
     crying or complaining;
(well, maybe a gripe at a thing or two, but who in; hells perfect? I'm not. Are you?)
And tend this spirit with love of duty--for a thing done, well is a thing of beauty--
With love of navy, of loved ones, and Country,
A deep devotion to our Flag and to the cause of freedem, under God,
     with mutual respect and no effrontery.
Put all this together and stir it well and Growler can go from here to hell--
And come back healthy, with mission done, to take an earned rest in the Pearl Harbor sun
As all of you saw, while reading this poem, my verses could stand improvement,
However, when Growler is once again home,

Author (possibly Powers) not certain.