The North African Campaign



13th September - Italian forces invade Egypt. Stopped by the British at Sidi Barrani.

9th December - British counter-offensive begins. Tobruk is captured. Italian troops retreat.


7th February - Allies experience a series of victories (130,000 Italians captured in a two month offensive).

12th February - Gen. Erwin Rommel arrives in Tripoli (Libya) as a commander of the Deutsches Afrika Korps (DAK).

30th March - Rommel`s offensive starts and Tobruk is beseiged.

14th June - Operation Battleaxe fails to relieve fortress Tobruk.

18th November - Operation Crusader succeeds in relieving Tobruk. Rommel retreats to Ghazala Line.


21st January - Rommel begins his second African offensive.

7th February - Allies lose Benghazi but manage to halt German advance at the Ghazala Line.

26th May - Rommels DAK and Italian Army outflank Ghazala Line.

21st June - Tobruk garrison surrenders to Axis forces.

2 July - DAK reaches and then is pushed back from El- Alamein.

13th August - Eighth Army comes under Montgomery's control.

30th August - Rommel's units attack at Allam Halfa but are repulsed and his armoured capability is considerably weakened.

September to October - The Eighth Army receives a shipment of 300 Sherman tanks.

23rd October - Second Battle of El-Alamein begins. Little gains are made.

1st November - Operation Supercharge begins (another Allied attack).

4th November - Allied tanks break through Axis lines. Rommel retreats towards Central Libya.

8th November - Operation Torch begins (Allied landings on the North African Coast).


23rd January - Allied troops capture Tripoli.

7th May - Tunis falls to the Allies.

13th May - All Axis forces in North Africa surrender.The end of the North African Campaign.