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Downloading the Game

A very typical answer for a very typical question: NO, TTDX is not available comercially as Micropose decided not to republish it some time ago (not a very clever decision, I would say). So, the only legal way of buying your copy can be checking eBay pages or some other auction site.... In the meanwhile, you can still get a free download in some websites, although I guess legal prosecution will close them down sooner or later....

Ok, no more delays... you can find a very good download of both DOS and windows versions at the TTDX download site.

Harder to find as it is not so appreciated ... but I found a place where you could download it ... let me search for it...

The Patch
The TTDX patch fixes some bugs and improves the game, allowing more vehicles and enabling new features. New 1.8 version even fixes windows 2000 compatibility! Josef Drexler deserves praise and eternal acknowledgement for this!

You can find it here.

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