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Welcome to Everpets Central. This site is to provide "information exchange", by state, to organizations across the country that specialize in


Please realize that because Everpets Central has no first-hand knowledge of these organizations, personal referrals or recommendations cannot be made. Again, this site is simply to facilitate in the rescue and adoption of animals by "spreading the wealth" of information that is available.

Also note that this is a new site and which is constantly being updated so please send us e-mail if any links are out-dated or if you have a site you would like added.

Thank you,

Everpets Central Staff

The last update occured to this site occurred on

September 27, 2000

Choose your state from the table below to locate links to Animal Rescue and Adoption Organizations in your area.

Alabama  Indiana Nebraska South Carolina
Alaska Iowa Nevada South Dakota
Arizona Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
Arkansas Kentucky New Jersey Texas
California Louisiana New Mexico Utah
Colorado Maine New York Vermont
Connecticut Maryland North Carolina Virginia
Delaware Massachusetts North Dakota Washington
Florida Michigan Ohio Washington D.C
Georgia Minnesota Oklahoma West Virginia
Hawaii Mississippi Oregon Wisconsin
Idaho Missouri Pennsylvania Wyoming
Illinois Montana Rhode Island

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