Far AwayFriends  


Shadow passed away today. She was 13 years old and had a very good life with my sister and mom. We are all very saddened at her death. I will leave her small paragraph here as it was written many years ago.

Rocket's cousin Shadow lives in Massachusetts. She is half Brittany Spaniel and half questionable neighborhood dog. She was abandoned by her mother at birth and raised by my sister and mom. As a puppy Rocket liked Shadow but she wasn't too thrilled about him. He loved to chase her and play with her toys while she tried to keep away from him as much as possible. These days when visiting they just lay around ignoring each other.
Shadow on the sofa that now is in Rocket's house!


Aren't we the cutest things!?

Maddie is an adorable tiny little beagle who can run under Rocket's belly. They are only a couple months apart in age and when visiting they share everything including toys and beds. They are great friends and it's fun to watch them chase each other around, wrestle and play tug o' war. This picture of Rocket and Maddie was taken in September 1999 at Maddie's house in Delaware. Maddie now has a little brother named Murphy Lee and they are living overseas with their family.


Rocket met Lucky, a little white puppy with tiny black spots on her ears, up at the farm. She was found her under a bridge in Kentucky, sick and covered with ticks. She was a very bouncy puppy but prefers to be an only dog. She lives near Ann Arbor, MI. He is the lucky dog that took over when Amos, a sweet Golden Retriever passed on a year earlier.


The following dogs were Rocket's neigbors when we lived in Virginia.


Smokey lives in the house across the field from our old house. He's not as fond of the water as Rocket but is very good at retrieving. Both pups had a great love of wrestling and constantly vied for position of top dog. But take your eyes off them and they would be racing across the fields in search of deer. Smokey is a full-blooded Weimaraner, a very short-hair sporting dog and weighing about 80 pounds. Smokey was 2 years old when they met and had two very nice humans himself, as well as a cat with an attitude named Brando who has since moved to a more cat-friendly home.

In October of 2001 Smokey's Mom, my good friend, died in a car accident when she hit a deer while driving to work. I miss my friend very much.

Smokey, a Weimaraner of Distinction, August 18, 1998

This is a picture of Smokey and Rocket enjoying a relaxing drink after a bout of wrestling.

August 18, 1998


Molly is the one showing all the teeth. August 1998 Rocket's sister Molly is about 4 inches shorter than Rocket and looks just like their mom. She lived next door on the south side of our house across a small but heavily wooded stream with her pals Kelly (now departed), and two yellow cats.
Rocket and Molly both enjoyed the kiddie wading pool until Molly punctured it. Molly has since been adopted by a family where she gets to sleep in bed with the daughter. Rocket's on the left, Molly on the right


Samson, a full-blooded German Shepherd Dog lived with five humans and another mixed breed dog named Scarlett. Scarlett seemed to be Rocket's girlfriend but as she was getting on in years he did not wrestle with her like he did with his younger cohorts. Scarlett passed away in Dec of 1999.
Samson was Rocket's first friend when Rocket came to live with us at the tender age of 9 weeks. Samson at the time was older and bigger being. Shortly after their first meeting Samson let Rocket bowl him over and pin him by the throat to the ground. Rocket now lets Luna do the same thing to him. Samson pinned - around January 1998

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