This is how Chamois (pronounced 'Shammy') looked the day she was adopted from the Norfolk S.P.C.A. She resembled a hampster more than a dog, but we loved her anyway.

Chamois quickly settled into the family and found all sorts of interesting things to investigate.

Chamois loves to greet her daddy
first thing in the morning....before coffee..

Chamois has a rough adolesence. Her ears grew faster than the rest of her and she began to resemble a bat.

Chamois is very social and has friends of all kinds. She does wonder though....they all don't smell like dogs....

Hmmm... It STILL doesn't smell like a dog! What is it?

Recent Chamois Pictures
Spring 2001

Nipper and Chamois' Home Page

Nipper's Picture Page

Nipper and Chamois At Play