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Here Are some pictures of my Chihuahuas

I love this brave, loving little breed of dogs. I have been associated with Chihuahuas for about 10 years now, and am still in love will them. They are extremely intelligent, loving, and protective to a fault. I honestly don't believe they realize they are so small.

To see a Chihuahua that is Bad to the Bone. Click to view a short .avi file of this Chihuahua on a bad day.

Click here

Here are some pictures of my little stud dog.


Smokey Mountain Kennels "Pongo" /Beside Printer

Pongo Standing
Between Canon Printer & CD Case


Smokey Mountain Kennels "Pongo" /  Sitting on Shoulder

Pongo Sitting on the shoulder

Tinker Bell

Smokey Mountain Kennels "Pongo" & "Tinker Bell"

Tinker & Pongo
No, their just playing !!



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