How to Pick up and Lift a Rabbit

NEVER pick up a rabbit by its ears or the scruff of its neck!

Rabbits can be lifted easily in many different ways. It is best, for both human and rabbit, to know how to do it safely and comfortably. Remember, when handling a rabbit, cover up bare skin, and clip Bunny's claws!

While most rabbits don't like to be picked up and carried around, you should know how to do it so that in the event of danger (or other times when you may need to pick up your rabbit) you will be prepared.

Starting Out

When you first start lifting and handling your rabbit, have a daily "exercise". Pick up your rabbit, and set her down. Then give her a treat. This ensures that the period will not be stressful for her.

Big Bunnies

Never think that because your rabbit is big, he can't be lifted. Larger rabbits should be lifted using the "shoulder-rump" method. Before lifting your rabbit, visualise how you will have him positioned. Slide him around on the floor so that he matches this image. Stand behind your rabit. Put one hand under his rump and one hand under his chest and lift. Be confident! Don't let your rabbit get into kicking position; because of rabbits' fragile skeletons, a kick can result in a broken back (while the hind legs are suspended).

Bitty Bunnies

Unlike larger rabbits, small rabbits usually feel more secure being picked up from the front. To do this, put one hand under Bunny's forelegs and the other hand under her rump, and bring Bunny towards you.


It is far easier to lift a rabbit from a cage door on the top of the cage than one which opens on the side. To do this, follow the same directions as for lifting off of the floor. If you are lifting from a side-opening door, first, reach in and stroke him. Then, turn your rabbit so that his tail faces the door you are bringing him through. Use one hand to support his chest to prevent forward movement, and use the other hand to maneuver Bunny's rear towards you. When putting Bunny back in his cage, remember, "Rear first". This way, Bunny won't feel like he's "flying through space", and he won't leap from your arms.

Setting Bunny Down

If your rabbit starts to kick with anticiapation when setting him down, squat. This way, chances of injury will be reduced.

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