Toy Suggestions

For the Climber and Crawler:
Paper bags
Cardboard boxes
Untreated wicker baskets
Cat lodges or condos
Toys with ramps and lookouts
Jungle gym toys
Cardboard tunnels
For the Digger:
Paper bags
Cardboard boxes
Untreated wicker baskets (filled with paper, junk mail,
magazines, straw, hay etc.)
Old phone books
Old (clean) couch pillows (remove if ripped)
Carpet squares
Old towels (without holes)
Sea grass mats
Straw brooms
For the thrower, buncher, scooter,
and puller:
Cardboard rolls from toilet paper or paper towels
Cat toys
Parrot toys
Baby toys (not teething)
Bird's or children's mobiles
Large rubber balls
Empty oatmeal cartons
Small tins
Clean, empty soda cans
Plastic slinkies
Dried out pine cones
Hand towels (without holes)
Hard plastic caps from soda bottles, laundry detergents, and
softner bottles--Take no bottle caps from anything
poisonous, no matter how much you scrub them

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