D e x i e
alias Dexter
Hi, my name is Dex.  I'm a big brut of a ferret. I was living in a wonderful shelter and was taken for a visit to a new home. The Daddy here said, maybe Dexie would like to spend a couple of days visiting. Visiting?  With those 3 lovely girls that lived here (Mika, Mischief & Silveretta)?  Was he ever mistaken! That was over 9 months ago, and I made myself right at home.  Maybe some of you remember me from my root canal stories  I had an abcess tooth that made an ugly thingie under my chin that wouldn't heal.  The first visit we made was to a dentist. Can you believe that?  X-rays, anesthesia and root canal.  I never did have trouble eating as you can see, but after that I enjoyed it even more.  No comments, please.
My coloring has changed a couple of times.  First I became very golden and now you can see by my face that a lot of me is white.  Especially my feet.  Maybe that's why Mom and Dad sometimes call me "Boots"  now. Whatever!  Just don't call me late for dinner, I always say.
I'm quite the lover boy as you can see.  I love to give kisses, and sometimes get carried away and do a little nibbling.  This is my favorite "lover", never fights back, HA HA

There will be more great photos of me, me, me.......if Mom ever gets them out of the camera.