We have all crossed over Rainbow Bridge and are playing happily together. This is our chance to show the world who we were and how great we were. This may take a while to load, soooo please be patient
EEEK Gads! CATS!!! And on a ferret site. Japsar, our lilac Siamese and Orfano our Italian gato, had more frequent flier miles than most people. Jaspar, born in Maryland, traveled with us to Italy, then Virginia, next to Japan, and finally Puerto Rico. At 16 1/2 Jaspar crossed over the Bridge. Orfano, lived to be 19. Must be that Italian blood. He, too, traveled the world with us. Orfano was our first ferret sitter. Actually they sat on him.
Kirin, our Sheltie, was born in Japan. He welcomed all the ferrets by picking them up in his mouth. (Never hurt one, just let them know who was boss.) He would share his food with them, as long as they didn't eat too much. He went blind at about 14, so we never rearranged any furniture. At 16, Kirin went to greet Jaspar and Orfano. Boy,did they have fun chasing him around!
SLINKEY was our first ferret. We learned a lot from him. How to ferret-proof your house, why you need lots of collars with bells and how easy it is to become possessed by a ferret. Slinkey's life was short but full of love. He paved the way for the ferrets to come.
Here comes Dusty and Bandido ! Buddies forever! They did everything together. Sleep, drink, and go for walks! Soon after Bandido left us, Dusty went to meet him. They were with us for 8 years. We learned a lot more. Here's some cute shots of them.
Two personalities of Bandit. Can you believe it's the same ferret?
Bandit lived around the corner from us. His owners decided they didn't want him anymore and took him to the vet to put him to sleep. Lucky for us, the vet said no and told them to call us to see if we would take him. Would we?? What a silly question! Of course we would. He never got along with Dusty and Bandido, but that was ok, we have lots of rooms. They each had their separate times to roam free in the house. Bandito crossed over the Bridge quietly in his sleep at the ripe old age of 8.
SKIPPY has his own separate page, lots more pictures of him.
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