King’s Quest I: Quest for the Crown (enhanced SCI version)

Initial boxart Renewed boxart
King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown title screen King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown starting screen

Game credits

Executive Producer Ken Williams
Game Designer Roberta Williams
Producer Josh Mandel
Art Designer William D. Skirvin
Background Artists Jeff Crowe
Cindy Walker
Jennifer Shontz
Animators Jeff Crowe
Cheri Loyd
Programmed by Jerry Shaw
Gary Kamigawachi
Randy MacNeill
Raoul Said
Chad Bye
Oliver Brelsford
Mark Wilden
Jeff Stephenson
Robert E. Heitman
Pablo Ghenis
John Hartin
Dan Foy
Larry Scott
John Rettig
Corinna Abdul
Corey Cole
Mark Hood
Eric Hart
Music and Sound Effects Ken Allen
Quality Assurance Chris Carr and the rest of the gang
Special Thanks Ellen Guon

Release date: 1990

Available on the following platforms:


The background story and goal of the game. 

Plot summary

A short summary of the plot within the game.

Do not read this if you haven't completed the game and want to discover it for yourself!)


A description of how to finish the game and getting the full score.

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Development history

Read the interesting story of how this game was made.


A description of how to play the game.

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My personal thoughts about King's Quest: Quest for the Crown.


Ten pictures from King's Quest: Quest for the Crown.

Fun stuff

Game trivia, fun things to try out in the game and easter eggs to discover.

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Free King's Quest I stuff to download.

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