Russian Blue Cat

Weight: 6-8 lbs.

Color - Even bright blue throughout. Lighter shaades of blue preferred. Guard hairs distinctly silver-tipped giving the cat a silvery sheen or lustrous appearance.

Eyes - Russian Blues have vivid green eyes.

Appearance - The Russian Blue is a gentle, affectionaate cat easily distinguished from other breeds. One of the most outstanding features of the Russian Blue is a short, dense coat of an even, bright blue color with each hair dipped in silver. In lovely contrast to the blue coat, the Russian Blue has large, rounded, wide-set eyes that are a vivid green. The head is sometimes described as cobra-like which aptly describes the broad, medium wedge and flat profiles. The large, pointed ears are wide at the base and set rakishly toward the side of the head. The body of the Russian Blue is fine-boned, long, and firmly muscled. The clean lines and graceful carriage of the Russian Blue give it a regal appearance all its own.

Personality - Those attracted by the physical beauty oof the Russian Blue find the disposition of these unassuming cats equally appealing. Russian Blues are quiet, clean cats that are playful and loving companions. Despite their shy nature, Russians are devoted and quite affectionate towards their loved ones. They are very intelligent and have been reported to open doors and teach their owners to fetch. Sensitive to the mood of the house, Russians will "clown" to quiet a crying baby or sit patting your face to chase away the blues. They get along well with children and other pets.

Interesting Breed Fact - Originally known as the Archangel Cat or Foreign Blue, it is believed that they were brought by sailors from the Archangel Isles to England and Northern Europe in the 1860's. Rumor also has the Russian Blue as a descendant of the Royal Cat of the Russian Czars and as a favored pet of Queen Victoria.



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