Turkish Van Cat

Weight: 10-13 lbs.

Color - All Vans have a glistening chalk-white body with colored markings confined to the head and tail. Common colors are solid and white, particolor and white, and tabby and white. Other colors that do not show evidence of hybridization are also allowed.

Eyes - Amber, blue and odd-eyed. Eye color may fade with age

Appearance - The Turkish Van is a large, active and iintelligent breed. Their coat has a very unique cashmere-like texture. This unusual coat texture is due to the fact that the cats are waterproof, which brings us to another interesting feature of this breed - they love water and in their native region they have been termed "the Swimming Cats." The breed is known for its unique, distinctive pattern...the term "van" has been adopted by a variety of breeds to describe white cats with colored head and tail markings. The Turkish Van is a solidly built, semi-longhaired cat with great breadth to the chest. The strength and power of the cat is evidenced in its substantial body and legs.

Personality - Vans are large and agile cats of substanntial strength and equal intelligence. They are a very rewarding companion in the right home. Their unique coat does not lend itself to matting, so they require little grooming.

Breed Fact - The cat known in the United States as the Turkish Van is a rare and ancient breed that developed in central and southwest Asia, which today encompasses the countries of Iran, Iraq, southwest Soviet Union and Far Eastern Turkey. They are considered regional treasures in their homeland.


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