Zebbug Phase Tomb - Xaghra, Gozo 

Zebbug Phase Tomb - Xaghra
In the sixties, Mr. Joe Attard Tabone managed to relocate the Stone Circle depicted by the Brochtdorff
paintings. Excavations during the years 1987 - 1993 confirmed Tabone's suggestions, and succeeded in bringing to light a unique prehistoric funerary complex on the island of Gozo.

During 1998, a tomb belonging to the Zebbug phase came to light and was excavated scientifically. The
bones found in the chambers have been described as belonging to an "unnaturally healthy" community. On site analysis of the bones, led to the conclusion that the death were probably buried by inhumation. The bones found, together with remains of pottery and stone implements, also revealed that when the funerary chambers were full, they were cleared and new burials placed again on the bottom of the chamber.

These burial remains at Gozo have also been described as one of the earliest communal burial places in the Mediterranean.

The site was open to the public on two occasions. The above photograph, taken during one of these
visits, shows the shaft leading to the two burial chambers which know their origins to about 6000 years
ago( three openings are visible because the roof of the western tomb is collapsed).

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