A n i m a l W r i t e s © sm
The official ANIMAL RIGHTS ONLINE newsletter
Established 1997

Editor ~ JJswans@aol.com
Issue # 08/24/03

  Publisher ~ Susan Roghair - EnglandGal@aol.com
Journalists ~ Greg Lawson - ParkStRanger@aol.com
                  ~ Michelle Rivera - MichelleRivera1@aol.com
Dr. Steve Best - sbest1@elp.rr.com


1 ~ On Second Thought - PETA Counterpoint
2 ~
Open Letter To A Puppymill
3 ~
Job Opportunity
4 ~
Welcome To WorldFest
5 ~
Foolish Horse
6 ~
7 ~
The White Card Dog
8 ~ ACT Radio - Animal Concerns of Texas
9 ~ WE
10~ Memorable Quote

On Second Thought
PETA Counterpoint

By Kathy Guillermo

There is a popular view that employees and activists with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals do little but dress up in skimpy costumes and rant about cruelty to animals. The reason many people believe this is the same reason that PETA engages in this street theater campaigning: It's what the media likes to cover. If we have learned anything in 20 years of fighting to earn animals respect, it's that silence means continuation of suffering and misery.

Because we are determined to keep the abuse of animals in the news, we have had to think of clever ways to draw attention to the issues, even if it means wearing Las Vegas-style "feathers," as we did recently in the Fort Worth area to protest the dismal living and dying conditions of chickens used by Kentucky Fried Chicken. To be honest, marching through the streets wearing next to nothing isn't our idea of fun. But we have found that our efforts to reach the public through news coverage of more conventional events have not worked. Instead, we came up with costumes and props and celebrity campaigns that would attract the media so that the public could understand that, to the animals, these issues are a matter of life and death.

What you probably don't know about, because these activities are less "sexy" to the press, is the tremendous amount of work PETA does on behalf of animals every day. Last year alone, PETA received more than 10,000 reports of animal abuse. Our caseworkers worked with local authorities in communities across the country to rescue animals from deplorable conditions. We've ended pigeon poisonings, worked with district attorneys and sheriff's departments to ask that they charge offenders with cruelty, halted cruel medical training exercises on kittens, and more.

In our own community of Norfolk, Va., where PETA is headquartered, our mobile spay/neuter clinic has sterilized more than 5,000 dogs and cats at low or no cost. This has prevented the birth of approximately 72,000 unwanted puppies and kittens. We have distributed more than 650 doghouses with straw bedding, free of cost, to residents who will not allow their companion dogs inside.

Thanks to courageous whistleblowers, PETA has placed undercover investigators in facilities across the country, leading to exposure of abuse and criminal charges against the people who harm animals. For example, PETA's undercover investigation of the University of North Carolina (UNC) animal laboratories uncovered multiple violations of regulations -- cutting off the heads of live baby rats with scissors without anesthetics, leaving live animals in cages with dead ones, failure to euthanize wounded and sick animals, and leaving hemophiliac mice with their tails cut off to bleed to death overnight. Following our exposé, a supervisor resigned, scientists were disciplined, and employee training was strengthened. The U.S. National Institutes of Health's Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare has issued a new directive on euthanasia to all research institutions nationwide.

Even when issues fall out of the news, PETA has learned that we must never give up. It took many, many months of pressure from PETA before U.S. and Puerto Rican officials seized six thin, sick, depressed, and filthy polar bears from the traveling tropical Suarez Bros. Circus. PETA had rallied support from polar bear experts, the U.S. Congress, government officials in Germany and Canada, and celebrities including Ewan McGregor. Video footage showed the bears panting constantly while being hit, whipped, and forced to perform frightening tricks in sweltering temperatures. A seventh bear had been seized earlier, after PETA alerted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to fraudulent documentation of her origin.

As for our street-theater-style campaigns, they work too. Following more than 100 PETA protests at Safeway stores, the grocery chain became the first in U.S. history to improve conditions for factory-farmed animals. The $34 billion-a-year company pledged to increase space for laying chickens, to stop starving hens in order to force increased egg-laying, and to conduct unannounced inspections of slaughterhouses and suppliers. We also persuaded Albertson's and Kroger to pledge to follow Safeway's lead. McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's responded to our campaign to make similar improvements.

Not everyone agrees with our belief that animals do not belong to us to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment. But whatever your view on animal rights, PETA urges you to learn about what happens to animals in these industries so that your choices are fully informed. PETA will keep protesting, educating, and investigating to make sure that the animals have a voice.


Open Letter To A Puppy Mill

To Whom It May Concern,

I received one of your dogs into my rescue today. Thank you for allowing him to come to me, even though I'm not the one who picked him up at your facility. I have no idea why you "culled" him, but I am so very grateful to have him. Thank you. We are keeping the name you gave him, although he doesn't seem to know it.

He shrinks from my attempts to pet him, and he skitters away at my approach. Of course he's not leash trained or housebroken, and he auto-cringes at loud noises and sudden movement. (do you bang on the cages to attempt to quiet the din of dogs barking at your facility, or just use an air horn?)

He is wearing a diaper so I can keep him indoors while he is "rehabbing" in a normal home environment. He will not take a treat from my hand. He seems bewildered by good quality dog food, and refuses to eat it yet. (I wonder what he ate before?)

His new toys and chewies are ignored. He runs in circles, "chasing his tail", which I suspect is the only exercise this young dog got. Even with that, his muscles are atrophied, simply from the lack of opportunity to use them.

His feet are splayed, and he has callouses between his toes from clinging to the wire he was housed on. He's wary of the grass here....has he ever seen grass?

You may be pleased to know my vet gave him a clean bill of health.

Too bad he can't see the emotional devastation of a dog raised as a "cash crop" farm animal. The deprivation he has suffered is heinous.

The good news is he will recover, and someday be the dog and companion he was almost deprived of becoming. What I am sorry to be unable to tell you is exactly when that will occur.

I hope his puppies all got better homes than he had, and it is my most fervent wish that awareness affects you someday, like it does me.

A Rescue

Job Opportunity
Friends of Animals' New York City Office

Position: Correspondent -- full time in NYC FoA Office

Location: Friends of Animals, 1841 Broadway, NYC

Abilities needed:

Writing press releases, letters, articles for distribution, and research. A progressive approach and commitment to animal rights ideology. Vegans are encouraged to apply. Journalism background helpful.

Salary: DoE, good benefits.

Fax resume to 203-656-0267
Priscilla Feral, President
Friends of Animals
777 Post Road
Darien, Connecticut 06820
phone: 203-656-1522 fax: 203-656-0267
e-mail: feral@friendsofanimals.org
Web site: http://www.friendsofanimals.org

Welcome to WorldFest!
Los Angeles - September 28, 2003

WorldFest 2003 is the sixth event produced by Towards Freedom, a nonprofit organization celebrating the very best of nature and humanity. WorldFest grew out of a desire to bring a compassionate lifestyle to the broadest possible audience.

WorldFest is based on the idea that how we each live our lives makes a difference. We have created WorldFest to gather the best examples of nonprofit organizations, empowering speakers, earth-friendly and animal-friendly products, holistic health services, and delicious healthy food.

Every year WorldFest has been a fantastic success, with national and international media interest. We have had sensational celebrity participation by stars like Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, and James Cromwell. Each celebration brings thousands of attendees, with numbers growing every year.

WorldFest is fun for the whole family. Bring your kids to enjoy the eco-activities, bring your friends and enjoy the entertainment, and bring your furry buddies to mingle with other furry friends. We promise everyone will leave inspired!

WorldFest Overview

Foolish Horse
A Tribute To All The Research Horses In Laboratories
From Teresa Greatorex - btida@earthlink.net

For only so long as you produce for me, fulfill my desires, serve my ambitions, fund my lifestyle, and win my favor, I will provide for you.

Understand this, Foolish Horse, I am from the lineage of Cain. I have no concern for your needs. If I can murder my own brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, wives, husbands and children, what makes you think that I would have any regard for you?

Oh, Foolish Horse, you are but a tool for me, and nothing more. A do not acknowledge your feelings, your goodness, or your spirit. You are but a disposable thing for me to use. Know this, I will throw you away on a whim, and never think twice about it, for I have also murdered my conscience.

I will take all you are willing to give and still ask for more. When you are old or blind, lame or diseased, then will I release you to the slaughterhouse. Your years of service mean nothing to me.

Take care, Foolish Horse not to anger me in any way for I will beat you, or withhold your feed and water. When you are injured, I will ignore your wounds. I control your life, you do as I say or you shall suffer for it. I can conceive a hundred ways to cause you pain, not only physically, but also emotionally. I can raise your stress levels to the point of insanity if I so choose. You are at my mercy, never forget that.

I have nothing to fear from the law, as your well being is of very little concern to anyone. The few who do care, can do little to help you. They express their disgust at my kind, but do nothing to change your circumstances. I shall remain victorious, and continue my cruel research, so long as they are unwilling to step forth to assist you.

There is no help for you, Foolish Horse, as humans are content in their lifestyles, you would be an interruption to them. They are willing to pay lip service to your plight, and nothing more. You mustn't forget the almighty dollar, that is a major contributor to your misery, and lastly indifference. These are the ingredients that allow your plight to continue.

Our association started the day I left Eden, and will continue for all time. Remember, I wear many hats, and I can be any man or woman, I can be rich or poor, I can be well educated and hold a position of power, or I can be ignorant and lowly. You see, Foolish Horse, it is not who I am, but rather what I am, and so long as abuse is tolerated by anyone, then you shall suffer, and I shall succeed.

**Please remember these horses in your prayers, along with all the creatures of God who live in laboratories, for you are all they have.

Adrian Bruno of Castaway Treasures
10905 West Mars Road
Tucson, AZ 85743
PH# 520.682.7630

From: holzmsteffiperf@webtv.net

Please go to our website PetEmergencyLaw.com and sign our petition and publicize our effort. This is a national campaign for better animal laws and emergency health services by Vets.

Animals die because emergency hospitals are to far and America has no laws that commands veterinairians to service emergency cases on a rotating basis. Please read my story and you will all understand. My 5-year-old Cavalier King Charles had to suffocate because the vet, only 5 minutes from our house and 2 minutes from his clinic, refused an emergency housecall.

I have spent so far $50.000 on lawyers fees to fight this injustice and get better laws for our animals. One of my lawyers is the famous Steven Wise, Harvard, Boston.

Thank you for your help,
Esther Rose Holzman (Mrs)

 The White Card Dog
Anonymous author

The white card over the door said he was a 2-year-old German Shepherd, but the four-legged creature occupying the cramped cage was neither noble, fearless, majestic, nor proud. He was a layer of skin draped over a skeletal frame. He hadn't even the strength to lift his head. The offer of a meat tidbit was ignored, the will to continue existence in a human world had vanished.

Although he had been placed in a row of cages marked "for adoption," officials hadn't bothered with inoculations. A dog that no longer wanted anybody, was insensitive to the flies that feasted upon his dirty body, could hardly be expected to appeal to visitors seeking dogs to adopt. He no longer cared. He had no desire to be anyone's friend. He wasn't waiting to be claimed by anyone except death. And it seemed as if death wasn't in much of a hurry either.

I couldn't help wondering how this dog came into this world. Was he the result of someone who owned a female and felt she was "entitled" to have at least one litter? Was he the by-product of a family educational object lesson? "We felt the kids should see the miracle of birth."

Was he once someone's cute Christmas puppy that was discarded along with the tinsel and tree? Or was he a training aid, acquired to teach a child "responsibility"? Perhaps he was once a status symbol, his usefulness outmoded by changing fads.

Is he nature's result of a dog allowed to run the streets because of the mistaken philosophy that "dogs should be free and not confined"?

The person who felt his female was entitled to have at least one litter should be advised that at least one of the dogs he felt she was entitled to have, has laid down on the floor of a cement cage to die - unwanting and unwanted. The parents who gave their children the benefit of seeing the miracle of birth didn't complete the lesson. Their children didn't get to see the miracle of death and how it is slowly putting an end to this creature they caused to be brought into this world.

The parents who hoped a new puppy would teach responsibility to their child should know that the living, breathing being that they gave to their child has almost breathed his last. Yes, they should have waited until their child demonstrated his ability to assume responsibility before placing a life in his hands.

And to the limp body on that cold cement floor - what can I say to you, old fellow? What excuses can I offer for the suffering you have endured? How can I justify your existence? But it really doesn't matter to you anymore, does it? You don't even feel the ticks sucking the last vestiges of life from your veins. We don't deserve to be your best friend, do we boy?

ACT Radio - Animal Concerns of Texas
By Greg Lawson - ParkStRanger@aol.com

Be sure to listen to ACT Radio tonight at 9:30pm EST (7:30pm, mountain time) with cohosts and Animal Rights Online journalists Greg Lawson and Steve Best, and biologist Dr. Elizabeth Walsh. KTEP can be heard over the web with Real Radio, which is a free download.

Tonight we have our second conversation Dr. Michael Greger, and expert on vegan nutrition. We discuss the impact of free trade agreements on animals.

El Paso NPR - KTEP 88.5 : National Public Radio for the Southwest

Instructions for downloading Real Radio here...
ACT Radio

By WantNoMeat@aol.com

We can't accept any bloodsports
whether local forests or private resorts
We'll shut down the rodeos
and all the other brutal shows

We'll stop the awful snap
and ban the leghold trap
We'll unlock every lab door
atrocities can't go on anymore

We'll empty stands and close the tracks
no more tired, numbered backs
We will tear down the fighting rings
healing wounds mercy brings

We will make others hear each cry
then soon the slaughterhouse blood will dry
We will ease the burdens of the beast
overworking and whipping ceased

Long overdue this war we've waged
to the free all those oppressed and caged
We will never stop until we've won
and all the abusers are on the run

Memorable Quote

"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
~ Russell

Susan Roghair - EnglandGal@aol.com
Animal Rights Online
P O Box 7053
Tampa, Fl 33673-7053

(Permission Granted To Quote/Forward/Reprint/Repost This Newsletter In
Whole Or In Part with credit given to EnglandGal@aol.com)

* Please forward this to a friend who you think
might be interested in subscribing to our newsletter.

* ARO gratefully accepts and considers articles for publication
from subscribers on veg*anism and animal issues.
Send submissions to JJswans@aol.com

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