About Me

I received my bachelor of science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in biology with an emphasis in zoology, as well as a major in sociology and a minor in psychology.
I am an Animal Keeper at the Zoo. I finally found a job that I love! It is very hard work and very much worth it.
My husband works for Dish Network, and plays guitar, keyboards, theremin, etc. when he can get away from work.
We recently moved 1500 miles across the U.S. It was crazy chaos, but we are finally getting settled and loving it.
We have eight cats that live with us, five of them ours: Hairmonster (sleek & black), Sasha (newest member of the household, black & white little grrl), Figaro (large black & white), Tripod (three-legged & tiger-striped), and Kiko (long-haired white & gray).
I have always loved animals, especially frogs & cats. I love being outside surrounded by nature and wildlife.
I am very concerned about the state of our environment. We need to take some serious action toward cleaning it up and preserving the remaining wilderness areas and the animals that live in them.

If you'd like to know more about me, perhaps these will give you a clue...
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