Here's what you've been saying about me... (boy are my ears burning!)

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     Subject: Your website
     From: Helene Studer (10/19/97)

     Hi Scott, just poked around your 'Tulum' site - great stuff! I've just
     returned from there for the second time (the first was 25 yrs ago!) and
     loved it as much as the first time.
     If you'd like a link to my page, one of my pages is on 'Archaeology' where
     I've written an article about my visit to Egypt, and also an article about
     my experience as a volunteer 'digger' on a site in Belize (Maya). Just
     thought I'd try....
     Keep up the good work!

     Subject: Tulum SITE
     From: D. M. Urquidi (9/27/97)

     At 8:11 PM -0700 9/27/97, Bill The Cat wrote:
     >D. M. Urquidi wrote:
     >> Do you know of a small room at the ruins that has a sitting rock in the
     >> center with peep holes around the top. . . . .fairly dark and difficult
     >> to enter (one must stoop.)
     >> Socorro told me about it, but I would like to know if it is real.
     >> Dolores
     >I didn't see it myself, and it wasn't mentioned to us. That doesn't mean
     >it doesn't exist though, lots of buildings were ignored in the tour, and
     >I'm sure I missed seeing a lot of it, just wandering around as I did.

     Don't sweat it. She has told me things from before that I cannot trace either.
     She has taken me through sites and we have found "different from the tour"
     things. . . but that does not mean that it is correct.

     Your Web site is interesting even without it. I need down to earth sites
     like yours. (I have two of geocities so far).


                                  D. M. Urquidi
                                     dmu Ink
                                 P. O. Box 49485
                            Austin, Texas 78765-9485

     Subject: my website
     From: Beryl Gorbman (08/14/97)

     Maya-related site:

     Defunct tours, nice photos

     Thanks for your Tulum site.

     Beryl Gorbman
     Intelligent Life, Inc.

     Subject: Your great page at RainForest/Vines/4273
     From: "Gary Kelley" (08/14/97)

             I think this site is fantastic.  Thank-you for the E-mail ...
     may I link you on my page which is just beginning to get put together?
     I am looking for good sites to link up with mine which is devoted to all
     Native American interests.  My main interest is in the fields of myths,
     religion, and healing.
             I am not of native descent but have always been interested in
     all things about the various Native societies.  I am presently getting
     my Masters in Southwest American History at the University of Central
     Oklahoma and hope to get a second on at OU in Native American culture. 
             Please look at my page and perhaps you can give me some ideas
     for it.  My son who works on creating homepages is helping me somewhat
     whenever he has the time between classes in Dallas.

     Mary Kelley

     From: Derek Parent (06/10/97)

     I've enjoyed browsing and reading through your Tulum pages. Great work!

     I too have traveled through the Yucatan and have learned much from the
     natives. If only I had more time, I would put up a web page on Edzna,
     the massive ruins near the city of Campeche.

     You may browse through some of my photos on Guatemala's Lake Atitlan at:
     One of the most spectacular crater (calderas) lakes in the world.

     Also, may browse my Mosquito Coast, Honduras website at:

     Derek A Parent

These links have been installed!

     From: DEAN F SCOTT (06/08/97)

        Wow!! Nice job, Scott! Tulum was the first Mayan site that I
     visited. That was back in the late '80's and has lead to a life-
     impacting interest in archeaology. I'm currently involved in digs
     ranging from the Maya of Southern Belize to Native Americans of New
        My wife, a high school social studies teacher, would like to use
     your web site (if you don't mind) as a resource for the "ancient
     americas" part of her lecture in '97-98. Your photos are certainly
     better than ours and the text is concise and informative.
        If you develope interests in Southern Belize (Toledo District) and
     need info, let me know.

     Dean Scott

     From: ShozGirl@[domain snipped] (06/05/97)

     I wanted to thank you for the wonderful tour of Tulum. I have been there 3
     times and find the most beautiful place. After visiting it and other mayan
     cities, I have become very interested in the Pre Columbian culture and hv
     read many books on the subject. Do you hv any other sites? thanks again, very
     well done! Shozgirl

     From: Joyce Kelly (06/02/97)


     What great shots of Tulum.  You are to be congratulated on a fine web site.


     Joyce Kelly

     Author of "An Archaeological Guide to Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula," University
     of Oklahoma Press, 1993

     From: Robert St. James (06/01/97)

     Cool site. Pretty girl. Nice idea to organize it as a tour.
     The pictures are excellent and the text well-written and
     informative. You might experiment with the table tag to
     make the text easier to read:

         [HTML code snipped]

     This would give you normal text on a white background, but only
     in the middle of the page. It's just an idea.

     Thanks for posting the link! Makes me want to visit Tulum.

     Robert St. James
     (Poet, Guitarist, Scorpio)
     (pictures, the nameless river, realaudio)

Consider the background problem solved. (7/31/97)

     From: GlenR (05/30/97)

     I enjoyed you tour very much, do you know of any other web sites on
     Meso-American sites? Just one note the text was hard to read with the
     textured background.  Thanks

Again, background problem solved. Thanks for the input!(7/31/97)
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