

Proportional On/Off Temperature Controller
Proportional On/Off Temperature Controller based on micro-controller was designed for Industrial ovens with accurate temperature regulation to maintain temp within +/-1degC. This was successfully tested in M/S a1 Electronics, Bangalore, India.

Facial Expression Quantification and Analysis
This project done using VC++ & OpenGL aims to create a realistic audio-visual facial animation for any given photo image based on any text input given. Face analysis is useful for applications such as eye tracking and facial expression recognition. Facial synthesis is useful for animating cartoon and even real faces. Facial analysis and synthesis in tandem will be useful for model-based coding applications such as video email; video-teleconferencing &interactive animation of cartoon characters using facial motions. This was successfully tested and implemented in NTU, Singapore.

Inventory Control Software
This project, done using VB aims to provide full-blown comprehensive software for inventory management. This minimizes data redundancy and provides user-friendly interface. This was implemented and tested successfully in M/S Aptech Ltd., Chennai, India.

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