Gieyong's Custom Embroidery and Alterations

     Gie is still doing great at her shop.  Her business has now been open for a little over a year, and she gets more and more customers every week.  As a matter of fact, things could even be called hectic these days, with everyone stopping in to get their Christmas gifts personalized.
     The shop is a bit quieter now that the kids are in school, of course, but Mom still has company a good amount of the time.  Lucky often drives with her to work (when his soulful sad look as Mommy leaves home is effective) and hangs around the shop to sniff at customers' ankles.


     Jenny and James are both doing great in school.  Just the other night Jenny had her technology night... where she presented a PowerPoint slide show she'd made up in her computer class.  Of course, she knew more about computers than any of the other kids by far... this'll really get her far as she grows up.
      Jenny also finished her modeling class that she'd been attending after school on Mondays.  Don't worry... ain't NO way I'd be pushing her to be a model at her age (or ever!) but she's growing so fast  and is going to be so tall that we wanted to make sure she grew up tall, proud, and graceful, rather than hunched over and slouchy.  Worked, too, she carries herself really well.

     We're just glad we found the location; it's a great place for her shop, very near a major highway in town, and more and more people find the shop as time goes on.  We haven't even had to spend the big bucks on advertising... Gie does such great work that her customers speak for her!  (Had to get that plug in there... Hehehe).
     She's been doing so good that we finally broke down and got her the little car she's been wanting for so long.  It's a Ford Contour and is perfect for zipping back and forth to work without having to climb into the Aerostar for those little trips.  Saves a lot of gas, too!

James is also doing great in school.  Usually on math tests he beats the snot out of all the other kinds in the class... and reading... and... well, we'll just say that we're as proud of him as we are of Jenny.  He's quite the computer geek, also, so he'll probably follow in his old man's footsteps.  Truth be told, he'll probably be stomping all over my computer knowledge by the time he's 15... good, then I'll really be able to retire!!

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