Light Family - Redwood Rainbow Campout Council Notes (and Personal Thoughts) Saturday, 29 March 2003
From D’Whytefeather

Sitting here pretty much alone for this event, I would at least like to thank the three people that showed up. I had a feeling things were not coming together when I was not hearing a word from anybody during the previous week or two. I was also wondering if anyone got lost since there were at least five vehicles that went right by the camp site during Saturday morning, and did not stop. However it was a beautiful sunny day on both Friday and Saturday, with the temperature being just right.

For the little bit of discussion we did have there were these thoughts, and then I’ll follow with my own.

It was pointed out that with the current gas prices, and people being as busy as they are, it would probably be better to NOT have a weekend campout and council so far out in the woods, but rather closer to home. This was further defined to include something within reasonable distance from main highway corridors and phone distance, such as a local beach, BLM land, or close in forest. There was openness to possibly going to a county park or close-in forest service campground, as long as it was in the off-season, and the number of people networked and plugged-in to make it happen was still low.

The issue of payments and permits came up, and raised some tension with one person arguing that slackers want something for nothing but are not there to get things started, - and the Redwood Rainbow region was full of slackers just looking for a free party. That was countered with saying that as long as this was not a real full-scale gathering, but rather a planning council campout voluntarily paying for a modest campground, - that at least included pit toilets, - was acceptable and has been done in the past, - by splitting the cost. I pointed out that it is always good to start a council with a prayer, affirmation, or some sort of spiritual opening. We then took a moment to OM and be still. One brother took a pocket sized book of verses and read a Psalm he has been reading lately, and focused upon world peace and healing.

It was agreed that we need to start looking into what types of workshops people would like to do, and perhaps equally start asking what people’s talents are for teaching and sharing. Perhaps some sort of information base could be put together originally like “The Rainbow Guide” was supposed to do. It was mentioned that many of the workshops in recent years have focused on political issues, or grassroots political efforts for dealing with things. However, when asked if there were things that were non-political workshops, circles and exercises, some of the immediate things that came up were: Yoga, massage, herbal walks, possibly appropriate technology demos, and of course drum circles. I asked people to think of even more ideas. I briefly mentioned the “evening peace prayer” for example, perhaps in local camp areas if one circle gets too big (like say at a national). This is where there is an evening closing, perhaps as early as sunset. It is totally unlike a council circle in that it is aimed at peace, healing, and sharing; but like a circle goes around from person to person, perhaps not even needing a feather, because each person is invited to share a prayer, affirmation, a song, a warm thank you, sharing of a blissful experience, etc. When the circle has gone around several times, and it appears everyone has shared there might be a few chants or group songs, and finally standing for a group affirmation that everyone can say together such as “Let there Be Peace on Earth…” and/or the Serenity Prayer, etc.

The point was raised - “if you see something you would like to have happen - BE THERE - and volunteer to MAKE it happen. Perhaps one is shy, then take the motivation to “Share” and remember that perhaps that is YOUR OFFERING that no one else could make or would even have known about, had it not been for YOU. (Hmmm, I could see it was time for a break, but I know I would like to do “diad”, “triad”, “small group” interpersonal communication workshops, and wondered if anyone else was familiar with these. I felt I was certainly no expert, but had done them before, and would like to partner with anyone familiar with such things as Guided Fantasy, Interpersonal Communication skills and topics. Heck, the more I thought about it, THIS type of workshop event in the past really helped bring people MORE together and build friendships and community, plus opening up sharing. Plus at the end there was a chance to reflect upon every person in the circle one-to-one in sharing before departing. After all, isn’t that what we need more of today as more people have become sheltered and distanced from one another?) Another thought entered my mind too, from somewhere out of the past, and that is to consider having “Themes” for different days of a Gathering, especially one going for a week. Workshops and reference material might be made available in advance for planning such Theme Days. I know even universities have collaborated on doing theme events for a quarter or session, such as a “Shakespeare Quarter” being multi-departmental. Teach-ins have done multi-departmental events. In this case, there might be a theme for the day such as on the 4th of July “Freedom”: What does it mean; how is it achieved?; what is the positive and shadow side of Freedom? Etc. I’m wondering what themes people might be interested in: Serenity; Prosperity; Ecology; Wholeness? Who knows, but could be interesting to take an online poll and get feedback. Certainly this is some fuel for discussion in our local community gathering circles and groups.

One thing about planning for a Gathering is that it is diverse and not representative or put together by anyone single group, community, family, or organization. You will often see one camp or kitchen here and there at a Gathering that a number of the participants represent some other community the rest of the year (e.g. Religious group, 12-step group, or perhaps even a strong local circle of friends that regularly gather together). So networking is IMPORTANT! Planning in advance is important! Likewise getting people together from various distant locations requires advance coordination and on-going constant communication.

Okay, so what about the names Light Family versus Rainbow Family Gatherings, and doing fundraisers, planning elements etc? Well the conclusion for now seems to be don’t totally separate “Light Family” ideas from Rainbow, but rather use the name and concept for handling those items that need their own discussion and planning, and may be of more interest to some folks than others. (i.e. Spirituality, Environment & Ecology, Natural Healing Arts, Appropriate Technology, …, etc.). As for FUND RAISING - This IS an important subject, which I mentioned briefly and informally a couple weeks ago when in Chico. With the current economy and attempting to do a FREE (“All Ways Free”) EVENT of this nature there are many real expenses that must be covered. While passing around “The Magic Hat” may be one way. There are many expenses that must be covered long in ADVANCE. So one of the things Light Family can do is local fun(d)-raising events. Take note: These can include the use and rental of local Grange or other such private halls. Just a few of the events that can take place include: Gourmet Organic Pancake Breakfasts, and Free-Form Dances. Ideas need to be widely solicited and examined.


It was clear that not only do we need to start thinking about workshop ideas in advance, we also need to focus on taking inventory of all the things that are NEEDED to make a gathering happen and be successful. I realized with all that we are thankful for with each event it would be a good idea to start making an itinerary and list of both supplies as well as series of events. Starting small is a good place to start realizing what needs to be put together. Is there a central kitchen? What food supplies will be needed and for how many for how long? Who has all the cooking supplies, such as large pots and pans, utensils, etc? What about sanitation and first aid? Is there toilet paper, picks and shovels for pits? Do you have garbage bags for not only your own trash, but that which you found when you arrived? Is it possible to separate and recycle any of the garbage? Are there supplies and tools (hatchets, rope, etc.) for making counters, lean-tos, and so forth. Are you remembering to bring info material, such as guides, pencils, recycled pads of note paper, color pencils, pens and markers, sign making material? Are you remembering to bring your folding chairs, cushions, etc? Are there enough tarps, not only for rain, but to sit upon for a circle as well? Make a list. And what about signage and directions? Were there enough flyers made and distributed far enough in advance? On approach to the site, do you have signs, or balloons, or other info to show the way, especially in remote forest areas? Do you possibly have enough people to do a Howdy Folks, and help stay posted at key spots along a road that is confusing, or in the case of a large Gathering, has separate areas for parking, large vehicles, campers and vans, etc? Did you remember to bring two way radios, C.B.s, etc.? What channels will you be operating on, and who should know them? Are there any special channels to keep clear and open?

What is it the scouts look for - give as much details as possible. Is there plenty of clean water? Is the site large enough for the expected size of people and vehicles? Is there enough room for parking, and doing it without harming the environment? Are there sensitive spots, such as permeable soil that leads to aquifers (not an area for vehicles or sanitary waste)? Are there sensitive plant and wildlife habitats?

Could someone turn all of this into an outline, and make a checklist, or database from this information? I should probably make note to SHARE this information and get it out to people NOW to start thinking about it and NOW (that it is Spring) getting feedback and discussions going to further the planning along. Let’s figure out how to all stay in touch with one another too. This is one of the reasons the Redwood Rainbow Web Site and e-mail sites were set up. (There is one for both Yahoo and Excite, since the future of free e-mail sites are a little in transition.) Try: and the e-mail addresses:, and Let’s also invite everybody to get into the Guide NOW for the most up-to-date information BEFORE it goes to print for Summer. Let’s stay in touch with one another too, and have our own local telephone and e-mail rosters. We have the “RainbowSFBay” mail list, and there are a few others, but let’s help one another maintain, create or rebuild our local communications as well (e.g. Jefferson Rainbow, Redwood Rainbow, etc.) I would like to invite anyone to get in touch with me personally as well, although my current living situation limits my phone access, and my cell phone minutes are very limited with the plan I have. However, if you wish to try calling ask for me by name at 707-822-4118. You can e-mail me personally at, while that remains my ISP, or write: PO Box 672, Arcata, CA 95518-0672

Lovingly and Respectfully Submitted,
Dwight “D’Whytefeather”


Page # of Light Family-Redwood Rainbow Campout Council Notes 03/29/2003