Tour of Bowen to Stanton and Back

House above Bowen

Tour starts here. George, Mattie, Edsel & Montford lived here c 1936-38. A nice comfortable home. Beautiful oak floors. This home was destroyed by fire in November, 2001

Old Reed Family Homestead

Heading (West) North on Ky Rt. 15, we come the the Old Reed Homestead on the right (E). This home was built by James Jesse Reed c 1904 and remains in the family today. The photographer is standing about where the barn stood, looking over the garden.

Valley looking East from Old Homestead.

The Red River Valley is fertile farming land, but subject to inundation.

Valley Jan 2001 looking NW

The Reeds farmed much of the land in this view.

Valley in August Flood

This can ruin a farmer's crop and livelihood for a year.

Entering Bowen headed West

We've traveled a mile and enterng Bowen headed West, The Store operated by Leonard Morton & Herman Reed is visible on the right.

Entering Bowen, view across Valley

Road between Barn and fence is the old L&N railroad bed. North Fork Road is visible where fence intersects left edge of photo.

N. Fork Bridge over Red River 1907-1974

This view is looking South. Bowen is visible in background. A fine swimming hole is just to left of bridge. The author's first swim was in this pool.

Driveway to Birthplace Home

This driveway serves home where author was born 2 Jan 1932. The pavement and garage are new.

Downtown Bowen heading West

Continuing, a vew of Downtown Bowen. Author's birthplace is off photo left. Leonard Morton's store off on right. Rt. turn to N. Fork Rd. just ahead past road sign.

Birthplace of Author behind Trees

Looking hard left up the hill is birthplace house.

Church East side

Church is next door to birthplace house. Church much improved from late 1930's.

L-R: Church, Residence, Post Office from North Fork Hill

View from N. Fork Rd. from bottom of hill. Old RR bed just behind photographer.

New Church Entrance and Birthplace

A closer view of old birthplace home and new Church Entry Vestibule.

Bowen Church of Christ

View from bottom of hill. Store shown next frame stood on stilts in lot at lower right.

Reed Brothers General Merchandise c 1928-c 1938

George, Sherman & J J Reed operated this store throughout the depression. A gathering place, people would throw firecrackers from store porch into the Highway to explode. A small stone from an explosion gave the author a scar visible today. Leonard Morton ran the store until his death in 1988.

North Fork Hill

The intersection of N. Fork Road and Route 15 was a real challenge in a clutch equipped car or truck. Scary if someone was behind you, or you were the one behind. Lilly Knox family lived to the right of the Church in the 30's. Probably a different building.

Bowen Church of Christ

A beautiful shot. The Church was originally one large room. The front door simply opened to a steep stair and the walk up to reach the stair was unimproved for many years. The author remembers kerosene lamps on the walls at regular intervals.

Entering Stanton from Bowen

Seven miles from our start, we are entering Stanton. The old Morehead home is on right; grocery store, Billings Drug Store, Stanton College Dorm, and Abner's Motel on left.

Stanton College Dormitory

Part of a 3 major building complex including a classroom bldg and gymnasium. School was built and operated by the Presbyterian Church, pioneers of education in Eastern Kentucky. The school and bldgs. were top quality.

Main Street and Kentucky Route 15

Stanton's major intersection, looking N on Main Street, across Rt. 15. The green building was built as Hoke Smith's Garage just after WW II. The site was formerly Bill Mountz's restaurant. At left stood the "Corner Restaurant", once the social center. Also good food.

Kentucky Edison Company

Headed N on Main, at Railroad Street stands original home of Kentucky Edison Co., that first brought electricity to Powell Co. Later home of Power Line Const. Co. Engineer Harrison Peet, Bill & John D Harrison, Teacher & engineer George Brewer & Thomas Derickson worked here.

Louisville & Nashville RR Station

N. entrance to Station, tracks were other side. Original RR was Lexington & Eastern (L&E). Author rode in Steam Engine fr. Stanton to Bowen in 1937. Cousin Kenneth Garrett arranged the trip with his friend, the engineer. Try that today. Unforgettable.

Original Powell County Bank and Hardwick & Comapny

Built c 1905, these buildings were the center of Stanton, the Post Office 100 ft away, the Stanton Hotel across the street, Courthouse 3 blks away. The RR, Rte. 15, and Mountain Parkway moving South doomed these businesses at this location. But it took 75 years.

L-R: Lodge Hall, Office Bldg., Ishmael Dennis Store, Old PC Bank

The vacant lot was the site of the Hanks Hotel for many years. The Lodge Hall & Office Bldg. date from c 1950. Drs. Johnson and Scrivener lived nearby until the mid-fifties. Guy Crowe operated a business across from store. Raybolds lived next (S) to bank.

Stanton City Hall

View on Maple Street looking East. City Hall dates from 1950's.

New (c 1975) Powell County Court House

This building replaced one built 1896 at the SW corner of Court & Washington Sts. Old Jail was located across Court St. on right, James & Rhett Arthur's store on left. This area has vastly changed, with the new Library & Education Dept. buildings.

Cotton's Restaurant

George Billings built this building in mid-1930's. George, Jr., Ruth, Bernard, and mother Celia lived above. During WW II this was the only bright spot in Stanton. The food was excellent. Greyound station until early 50's.

New Stanton Post Office

Built on site of Old Powell County High School, 1938-c 1985. Top of new Bank visible above.

George & Mattie Reed home 1938-1995

House was conventiently located near High School & Rte. 15. Furnace road was busy, serving many people and terminated at Irvine in Estill Co.

Entering Bowen going E

Turning back East at Cotton's, we are now entering Bowen's West side. Mrs. King had a home on the left many years ago.

West side of Old Reed Home and Store

View of Reed-Morton home and Store building. Molly built a small apartment under the store c 1950 and lived out her long life there.

Downtown Bowen

Downtown heading East (south). No businesses remain in the community.

End of an Era

Self-Explanatory. Hope you enjoyed the tour.