
Here We go
Here is the basic Bio thingy, plus Contact info...
name: Christine
music: I'd Listen to anything that had real singing in at least half the song, no Rap or deathmetal unless it had some singing in it... Screaming isn't talent... or cussing and ryming.. sorry..
bands:Placebo, KoRn, Alice Cooper, Zeromancer, SugarCult, Blink 182, Rancid, Adema, AeroSmith, Good Charlotte, Jack Off Jill, Ect.
TV:Invader Zim, Spongebob, CSI, Simpsons, Monster Garage, Nascar, and Jerry Springer; when I feel like watching stupid people...
Hair Color: Black, fading to brown
Eye color:Brown, glasses.
Biggest problem Letting stupid people piss me off

Oddest thing to happen: The Jerry Springer show left a message on our anwsering machine, then called after we didn't return the call...(i'm white trash... yay
Well, that's all you all need to know for now. Qustions? E-mail me. I'm allways bored, give me somthing to do... lol
I'm a lesbian first lady. Woo
Which Famous Homosexual Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Take the quiz: "Do you need to go to college?"

No way, you got it man!
You are about business!You have natural skills and really don't need any long, drawn out schooling. You may find learning seemingly useless things like history, proper English usage, and bio boring. You may need to go to short courses or a 2-year program that specializes in your skills. You may like fixing or creating things. Your time is valuable so maybe a language course in Spanish at your local community college might be beneficial, but if you know it already, You got your shit together, and if you don't, you could.

Take the quiz: "What's your ideal occupation?"

Writer, you express your feelings with words.
Just like me, you feel you cannot put your emotions to any better use then on paper. You usually write down in a journal, poetry, or a story of some sort.

Take the quiz: "Which drug is best for you?"

You would do geed with a nice joint now and then

Take the quiz: "what kind of girlfriend are you? (girls only)"

you are absolutely perfect. your boyfriend means the world to you, and your determined to keep him forever. your doing a great job, keep it up :)

Take the quiz: "What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"

Your Scary
Your probably goth (good for you). But this also makes most of the things you say creepy to others. Your probably trying to be mean but your slighty twisted so you end up scaring people. But who cares they still go away which is what you wanted. Try creeping people out by saying....

The Cheshire Cat! You're a sly cat who grins on the
outside, but schemes on the inside. Even your
best friends don't realize that you may
actually be their worst enemy!

What kind of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Existing Situation
Needs, and insists on having, a close and understanding relationship, or at least some method of satisfying a compulsion to feel identified

Your Stress Sources
Has lost the resilience and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties. Feels overtaxed and getting nowhere, but continues to stand her ground and still pursues her objectives with a fierce intensity. This subjects her to intolerable pressure from which she wants to escape, but she cannot bring herself to make the necessary decision. As a result she remains firmly involved in the problem and can neither view it objectively nor get rid of it--he cannot leave it alone and feels she will only be at peace when she has reached her objective.

Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels cut off and unhappy because of the difficulty in achieving the essential degree of cooperation and harmony which she desires. Wants to broaden her fields of activity and insists that her hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that she may be prevented from doing what she wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore her confidence.

Your Desired Objective
Seeks freedom from problems and a secure state of physical ease in which to relax and recover.

Your Actual Problem
The fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants increases her need for security and freedom from conflict. Is therefore seeking stability and an environment in which she can relax.

Your Actual Problem #2
The tensions induced by trying to cope with conditions which are really beyond her capabilities, or reserves of strength, have led to considerable anxiety and a sense of personal (but unadmitted) inadequacy. She attempts to escape from this into a stable and secure environment in which she can relax and recover, free from any further demands on him.

Philosophical Drunk
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Take the quiz: "Which form of Satanism suits you?"

Modern Satanism
Anton LaVey is the High Priest of The Church Of Satan and publisher of the Satanic Bible. The reason many represent this religion proudly is because Modern (LaVey) Satanism is very free and boundless. There is no god to worship. There is no need to attend church. You are your own god. LaVey's Modern Satanism is based on self gratification, mostly. Or masturbation of the soul, as I once read. Also, constant self improvements that are brought about by a rational thought process. The Satanic Bible is a great read if you are interested.

Take the quiz: "How goth are you?"

Good goth! Take me to the dark side!
Take me to the dark side, welcome to my world!

Take the quiz: "What is your ideal job?"

Your ideal job is to be a contract killer. The most illegal of all careers, you'll need to be a strong willed person for this one. It'll get you rich, but you'll be constantly on the run.

Take the quiz: "//WHat seXuaL pOsItIon ARe You((((PICTURES))))"

(((OH HELL YEAH...LiKe adAM aNd eVE...NEvEr gEts OLd aNd iTs veRy SatIsfYiNg)))

Take the quiz: "Find your IQ (pictures)"

Above Average IQ 111 to 124
Your IQ 111 to 124. This significantly higher than the US Average of 98. You have a tendency to either have very good grades or be a slacker due to a mental condition. Smart people usually have emotional problems. You also may be interested in art, anime, and anything dealing with creation. You may have ADHD if you do not do well in school. It's not your fault, you're in a good position and have more power over people than you think.

You are AVERAGE.

You'd ve had your share of kink, but you don't take it too far. You're in a comfortable place.

How Pure Are You?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Take the quiz: "What piercing should you get?"

You like to be different, not like the so-called average person. You've had it tough and your're some what rebelious.

Take the quiz: "What Colour Is Ur Love Life??"

serious scarlet
caution: contents r hot! deep red is the hue of a serious thing, which is what ur always looking for (even if u dont have a special guy at this very moment). wen u get involved, u open up ur heart and world for this person. thats an amazing quality, it leads to mature relationships. red looks great on u!

Take the quiz: "Are you a vampire?"

Yep. u r a bloodsucker (yeah, join the club)
You are dark, broody, and completly disconnected from the outside world. You live in your own world with people like you.

Take the quiz: "Auto Identity"

Adventure Machine
You want to go outdoors, and live a little. You need a car that can trek the mountains, and survey the desert.

Take the quiz: "How good are your Survival skills...?"

You know a lot
You know alot when it comes to survival skills... you would know what to do when the time came.. good job :)

Take the quiz: "What is your ideal job?"

Your ideal job is to be a contract killer. The most illegal of all careers, you'll need to be a strong willed person for this one. It'll get you rich, but you'll be constantly on the run.

Take the quiz: "what anime character are you?"

you distrust everybody

Take the quiz: "Insane asylum test"


Take the quiz: "How much of a social outkast r u????"

totally an outkast!!!!!
u r an outkast...u have barley ne friends if not none!u could change if ur not happy with this image...just try to hangout with a better croud...u have a pretty boring personality and r very dry when it comes to being funny!

Jimi? Jimi? Is that you?
Jimi? Jimi? Is that you?
Take So, you think you KNOW Rock N Roll today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy! You have led me through the Purple Haze, right to my very own Foxy Lady! Rock On!

I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You may not be the life of the party, but people generally find you a fun-loving font of interesting stories, jokes, and wit. With just a little more work, you could easily become the most interesting person you know!

I'm an Art Student!
I'm an Art Student!
Take Which High School Stereotype Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Serious. Quiet. Introspective. An observer. You are and Art Student. People like and admire you, but you don't need them. You stand outside of cliques. You are seen to be cloaked in mysteriousness. You probably do well in most of your classes and are liked by your teachers. But that doesn't really matter. Creativity matters. Art matters. Everyone who knows you assumes you will go far in life. In reality you will probably become a tellemarketer.

You're an old fashioned redneck. Also known as a
hillbilly. Hey, stay away from her, that's
your sister!!! Just kidding :o

What kind of Redneck are you? (now with actual answers!)
brought to you by Quizilla

you are very country and a little redneck... the
best you could be

what kind of redneck r u?
brought to you by Quizilla

you r country and shoul dbe proud and always stay
just how you r

the quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Billy Idol.

Which music god are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You do not like pop music. At all. In fact, you
don't like anyone or anything.

Do you like pop music?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lucy from "You're a good man Charlie

What Musical Charector should you be?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are "Something I Can Never Have". You
Are Sad, Depressed, And Withdrawn, And You Also
Want Things You Cant Have. Wow.

Which NIN Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are

You are a beautiful person, in a wistful kind of way. If you could, you would spend all your time daydreaming and writing poetry. You are a tragic beauty.

You are sensitive and caring, and you don't take insults well. You don't smile much, but when you do, you really mean it.

People like to be around you because you are a calming influence. You have an appreciation for all things beautiful, and you probably have some potted plants. You also most likely own a cat.

You like Sundays and hot tea. You will spend your entire life yearning for quiet beauty, which is a rarity in this world, so you read a lot.

Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."

Take the Which Led Zeppelin Song Are You? Quiz


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are a Square!
You are a total dork. The pocket protecter and thick-lensed glasses give it away. Try watching some popular TV.. Get yourself some fashion sense already! On the plus side, no wait hang on, there is no plus side! Nerdsville, population YOU!
Cool quizzes at

How to make a Rei_zim
1 part friendliness
5 parts brilliance
1 part beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail

You Are A Mage
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust What Tenchi Muyo Girl Are You?

You are an evil girl
You are an evil girl. Or at least you seem that
way. You like wearing dark clothes. Either you
are literally evil (world domination!) or you
just seem that way. Oh, and you seem eccentric
too. (please rate)

what kind of girl are you?(Anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

-Hurt- I hope you know this is my FAVORITE nine inch nails
song. Many people have left your life.. and it
seems that every time you are hurt even more.
Sometimes you consider killing everyone that's
ever hurt you, but deep down you know that you
care too much to do that. You are always there
waiting for them to come back into your life,
and would give them everything you have if they
did.. but you know you're just going to
disappoint them.

What Nine Inch Nails song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Goth!
Oh Woe is you! Your LJ is full of angsty poetry and every breath is PAINFUL for you. Remember, when you are playing with razor blades, it's down, not across! Make it count! (kidding!)
More Quizzes at

Take the quiz: "Which member of KoRn are you?"

Johnathon Davis
You are Johnathon Davis, you are the lead singer.

Take the quiz: "What kind of music do you really like? "

Rob Zombie
Rock on!!Rob Zombie kicked ass in the band White Zombie in the early 90's and still rules today!

Charlie McGhee-from Firestarter-You're a young girl that has pyrokinetic powers because of government experiments on your parents.  People are always chasing you, and because you're different, they
Charlie McGhee-from Firestarter-You're a young girl
that has pyrokinetic powers because of
government experiments on your parents. People
are always chasing you, and because you're
different, they never really care who you are,
only what you can do.

Which Stephen King character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Gerald's Game
Gerald's Game

Which Stephen King Book Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Strong to the finish.
You are Popeye Lennon. You are incredibly confused
about who you are, and you are desperately
trying to become something. Don't worry, you'll
figure it out someday.

What ARE you? (random, sheltered results, but good pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Angst!

Which Stereotypical CLAMP emotion are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Yuri fangirl.

Are you a yaoi fangirl?
brought to you by Quizilla

Cutting. Your depression can be found lingering on
the edge of a razor. An easilly hidden little
habbit that's often used as a subsitution for
crying. The blood is surprisingly hypnotic...

How do you deal with your depression?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "what r u going to look like when u die *pics*"

you look fucken sick
OMG you look so fucken sick when you die but you are still kool as fuck so yeah

Guess what? I'm Kakei!

I’m the homeless moody bishie who shares an apartment with the jerk (who saved my life) above the drugstore where I work. When I’m not being groped by my boss’s boyfriend, I take on supernatural side jobs by aid of my acute psychometric abilities for extra cash.

Find out with GD bishie you are | by Aelice

You are a loner. You prefer to be alone, away from
big crowds and away from the labeling scene.
Quiet, peaceful havens are your favorite places
to be. Reading, writing, and being at peace
with yourself is what you enjoy most.

What social type are you? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You aren't a rock!! Good for you!! You are a NORMAL person! You
understand what people are trying to tell you
and are much less out of it all the time.

Are you a rock??
brought to you by Quizilla

You, unfortunately, are the RECORDER. You are the
long forgotten instrument of years past. But
hey, life isn't all grey skies.. maybe you
could just coat yourself in metallic paint and
call yourself a flute! Join a classical group!

What rock-band instrument are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


What Stone Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which of my favorite songs are you?

Weird Side- Eyedea

"Stupid Mother Fuc*er thought peace was a gang sign" You're crazy... in a totally awesome way. You don't care what others think about your idiosyncrasies. You say fu*k it. You are who you are.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

You are totaly and utterly in love and you couldent
stand to be without this person. If your not
already dating them START!

*Are You in Love?*
brought to you by Quizilla

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Take What raver are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Take the quiz: "which anime charecter are you. . ."

You are a fantacy lover, and you tend to be just a little on the vilent side. You want to go to another world and often find yourself day dreaming.

What Flavour Are You? I taste of Death.I taste of Death.

Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you. What Flavour Are You?

Come get your fortune read!
Created by ptocheia

I am Plague. Got Me?
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

Angst, and bitter resentment drive me to create works that not a single idot will ever come close to grasping. Ah, the raw and unforgiving statements that bleed from my soul are so misunderstood.

[url=]How Would I Kill You?[/url] My Results: [url=][img][/img][/url] Shotgun ah! you were a worthy opponent, but I had to kill you, and quick...

Which drunk are you?

You're college girl drunk

Spring break, brings back all those no-memories doesn't it? *Disclaimer : All characters depicted here are fictionnal and any resemblance to a real life situation is the fruit of hasard.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Take the quiz: "What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.

whats your fetish

You prefer mostly males, but some females catch your interest. You tend to be submissive. This will impact the interpretation of your various sexual interests. You enjoy watching people, and learning about them -- sometimes just asking a lot of questions, other times you get a little more sneaky. You don't always want to spread around what you see ... you just like to see it. Clothing is an important part of your sexual fantasies. Materials like latex, vinyl, and leather probably excite you a great deal. Possibly left over from your childhood experiences is your interest in spanking. You enjoy the feeling of being slapped, and the burning feeling afterwards. Spanking is not child's play to you. It holds a deep place in your fantasies. You enjoy the feeling of being restrained during sex play ... being completely immobile and helpless is a turn on in a big way. You probably have quite a collection of bondage gear ready to use right now. You enjoy the sensations of various toys on your body. Your interest in sensations can be light or it can get bloody hard -- literally. But you enjoy it all the same. You become aroused when you reveal information about yourself, or perform a sex act in a public or semi-public setting. You enjoy the feeling of being drowsy, or pretending to be asleep. The idea of being hypnotized or drugged secretly appeals to you at some level. The concept of hypnosis or drugging is a turn-on you may be ashamed to admit. The fridge isn't safe when you're around. Fruits and veggies -- provided they are the proper shape and size -- are your tools of sexual fun. Big vats of liquidy food make you quite excited. Your mouth is a sacred area that houses a variety of sensations and desires for you. You enjoy having things in your mouth, and you enjoy teasing your tongue with a variety of different stimulation. Strangers fascinate and interest you, and many of your fantasies either involve strangers or are in their presence. You secretly have a desire to have a sexual encounter with someone you don't know, and with whom you don't consent to have sex. The concept of unwilling partners turns you on. You tend to enjoy sexual activities in groups, such as threesomes or orgies. You enjoy playing with gags. Specifically, being forced to wear one. You like sucking on fingers ... whether they are your own or those of your partner. What else can be said? You enjoy getting yourself off. Don't we all? You enjoy your sexual partner regulating your breathing. You are turned on when you can not control this most basic human function.

I may have been raised white trash, but I have escaped to find the other side. Even now my white trash traits sneak out, like drinking beer from the bottle at a restaurant.

I scored a 17% on the "You popular?" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 100% on the "How In Love Are You??" Quizie! What about you?

I scored a 48% on the "r u punk?" Quizie! What about you?

You're a Velvety-Mopey-Goth! You're wardrobe isn't
condusive to heat, water, or the natural range
of human movement. People may think you're
cheesy, but you know it's just because their
infantile minds can't fully comprehend the
insurmountable anguish of your existence.

What kind of Goth would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have no eyebrows!
You have no eyebrows!

What kind of Goth Eyebrows do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're like a total tomboy! LOL. Preppy speaking here. There are lots of types, the ones that like to get dirty & play guys, the ones that aren't girly, and the ones that all the girls are scared of. You've got to determine which one you are. You're probably a mix of all 3 but made up of certain ones. Take my quiz, it should be out in a couple days to find out which one. You have 6 points for 20 Questions.You are for 70 % pure! The average of surfers were 52 % pure.

I am...

Cotton-Eyed Joe

Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe?

What Corny Song Are You?!
@ Radiant

Do You Listen? by Lauren

I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck �em.

I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

I AM 57% EMO!
57% EMO
Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the quiz: "Would I let ya?"

hell yea
i'd do you seven days a week in 6 different postions

Take the quiz: "Worlds fastest sex test"

Black color preferences point to Black sex. These people are the misfits of the sex world and seek out each other in kinship. They tend to prefer perverted sex and are usually masochistic or sadistic in nature. They are moody people and often perform at their peak when under stress or during unhappy times. Police psychiatrists claim that many sex offenders prefer the color Black. And it is no coincidence that the uniform of monsters and teenaged gangs is Black attire.

Take the quiz: "What Part of America should you be from?"

Smooth and comfy is so you! You love family and values! The midwest is slow and settling yet bustling, this is great

Take the quiz: "Bush or Kerry, who do you like better?"

who cares about politics?
dude, no one cares...

Take the quiz: "When your old wat will i be"

An old lady or man who owns a snake

Take the quiz: "Your Psych-Ward diagnosis"

Antisocial Personality Disorder
Diagnosis: AntiSocial Personality Disorder, marked by the following: Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, Irritability and aggressiveness, Reckless, Consistent irresponsibility, Lack or remorse, Indifference.

I AM 68% GOTH!
68% GOTH
Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. There is a good chance I am bi. Freakiness pumps through my viens, but I can still laugh at myself.

I AM 38% GEEK!
38% GEEK
You probably work in computers, or a history deptartment at a college. You never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But you have friends, and this is a good thing.

The intelligent punk. Tuff and Smart. I may be able to maintain a train of thought long enough... What the fuck was I talking about?


What's YOUR sexual fetish?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "What do you love about making love?"

You are a lover of love. You love to love and be loved. You are perhaps a hopeless romantic but those are rare nowadays. Think of it as a gift. Whether you are saving yourself for that special someone or you have already found him or her. You are part of an almost extinct species of human. The kind that believe in true love... Because love is truly beautiful!

Take the quiz: "are you really a virgin?"

hell no
your not hiding it, you know what your doing and proud. Keep on gettin that ass and you'l be a porn star in no time....

Take the quiz: "What kind of guys do you attract?(gay guys & straight girls!!)"

will kill any guy that looks at you funny or checks you out

Take the quiz: "Which famous piece of literature are you?"

Romeo & Juliet
Your quiz results prove that you blow things waaaaaay out of proportion

Take the quiz: "Could you last in a scary movie??"

Hell Yeah, You defeat all evil
You are armed with enough knowledge to make it thru and live to tell the tale.

Take the quiz: "Whitch stephen king character are you?"

danny from the shining
you are scared of the things you dont understand, but when you have to, you can really show them all whos the boss! and yeah, your father is crazy...

Take the quiz: "which jhonen vasquez character are you?"

you're Nny! you're a maniac who goes around killing people! you're awesome!

Take the quiz: "Which Sexy Bitch are you?"

Steven Roberts
You are a funny guy who enjoys racing. You like to compete and make people compete against you. You have a hard time going places because you always wanna be the center of attention.

Take the quiz: "What Boby Part R U?(Girls Only!!)Real Pics!!"

Sexy........Stop Thinking about your cup size......Pervert!

Glamour Goth
Glamour Goth

What Kind of Goth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

sex appeal

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

You wanna kill Avril
Avril Lavigne, she's a disgrace to your kind.

What annoying Celebrity would you most likely wanna kill?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have been involved in a shameful online RPG,
and your soul will never be clean. You've
soiled the memory of a dead author and
neglected yourself and other human beings for
months at a time; there is no way to make up
for this. The Lord has turned His eyes from you

Keep back, you utter trash!

Take the quiz: "What that 70s show character are you?"

You are Hyde. A criminal , and you dont care what anyone thinks of you

Take the quiz: "What is your true love?"

You love darkness. You hate everything about everything. LUCKY YOU!

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 3%
Kissing Skill Level - 65%
Cudding Skill Level - 55%
Sex Skill Level - 86%
Why They Love You You know exactly what they want.
Why They Hate You You bite.
This QuickKwiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 874610 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Take the quiz: "How do you fuck?"

You kinky fucker you!
Well... you sick fuck you... You got some kinky shit in your head. You are good at what you try to be good at... If you are into it and not too drunk the fucking will be great...

Take the quiz: "Method of Suicide"

You seek out danger and flirt with death. Your method of suicide is a Death Wish.

Take the quiz: "Do you belong in a cult"


Take the quiz: "Are u straight bi or lesbian (chix only!)"

your a total probably knew that u liked gurls but werent sure if u liked guys
Hmm... I have a boy friend... oh well

Take the quiz: "Which drug is best for you?"

when you cant stop your fidelin just take a ritalin

Take the quiz: "which Nascar driver are u???"

Dale Earnhardt Sr.
You are the best nascar driver that ever live

Take the quiz: "how much do u hate school??"

u hate school! u want to blow it up! ROCK ON, DUDE!

Take the quiz: "What is YOUR terror alert color?"

Wake up and smell the bomb smoke. Yeah, your color is blue. You just caught a whiff of the fact that this world isn't blue skies and party balloons. Your terror alert color is Blue(GUARDED).

Take the quiz: "which high school stereyo tipe r u??"

ur lik me. a goth. u love to wear black and stand out of the crowd. people may call u evil but u dont hear them. u lik bands lik slipnot and marilyn manson. U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take the quiz: "whats your inner drug?"

hey man your just like me....ya man we should party sometime

Take the quiz: "What NASCAR driver are YOU???"

Dale Earnhardt Jr.
You are pretty much the COOLEST person known to man, and you have great taste in just about everything. If you won this by accident, such as people named Bill, then you should leave this page right now because you dont deserve to even read this.

Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Chevy Fits You"

Chevelle, Nova, Old Camaro, And Old Corvette
Old School

Take the quiz: "When will you comit suicide?"

You can't wait till you die!
Oh wow, your kinda like me! You can't wait until that wonderful day when you die! It will probably be very soon because your probably suicidal. Maybe you should get help.....

Take the quiz: "Do you need anger management?.." need anger management..i think..'re just like me..get mad when people get in your way..think about killing people when they piss you to beat the shit out of people..

Take the quiz: "Are You Really Suicidal or Do You Do It For Attention?"

Really Suicidal...I Feel Ur Pain!
You really suicidal.. I know how you feel.... Maybe we should talk sometime!

Take the quiz: "are you depressed"

dancing with dead
you are slightly depressed and you may cut or burn to forget some one or something, and thats a shame because there are some people out there who realy love you

Take the quiz: "What kind of cutter am i?"

Insane cutter
I cut all threw the day i use anything and i cut everywhere

Take the quiz: "Were you born to the right race???"

Sweet ur Asian. If ur white u need 3 go back to being u. If ur another race then cool 4 u. Now careful w/ da kung fu. Here's da definiton; using scandalous or sensational material, often greatly exaggerating or distorting the truth,

Take the quiz: "Are you an independent thinker?"

A Free Thinking Rebel
Congratulations. You are a free thinker and a rebel. You blaze the hardest trails. Not only do you dare to think your own thoughts in the face of pressure, but you will stand up for them and fight the crowd.

Take the quiz: "would I fuck you hard soft or not at all (girls only)"

i would fuck you long and hard. afterwords we would thank eachother for a fun filled night and never ever see eachother again

Why Will You Go To Hell?
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wtf... you know nothing!
I bitch and complain about shit and people comment
to disagree.

Why do people read your Livejournal?
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Smooth and dark, you are potent and bitchy yet seductive and irresistible
Congratulations! You're a black velvet!

What Drink Are You?
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?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
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What Movie Genre Are You?

Weird Independant Artsy Film

ex. Mulholland Drive

Personality Test Results

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What type of PUNKER are you???

Punk Rocker!!!

Bad Religion(pictured), Pennywise, Mike V and The Rats, etc:You're somewhat of a punker. You kind of have the opposite effect of a poser. You don't really tend to have the look of a punker, but you play the music. One of my favorite kinds of punk!

Personality Test Results

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Choose the right car for the real you!

Feel the love in a Corvette!

It�s exciting, flashy, fast and fun. Perfect prop for the party girl or boy.

Personality Test Results

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What Pink Floyd Song Are You?

Have A Cigar

You are successful and destined for great things. You rely heavily on teamwork. Keep up the good work.

Personality Test Results

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What type of metal are you?


You are Cryptopsy! You're one of the most well rounded death metal bands around! You have everything anyone could want in a death metal band: speed, technicality, heaviness, and brutality. Lightning fast guitars, drums, and bass, amazing death metal growls are what you're known for!

Personality Test Results

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Which Drug Addict Are You?

The Enhancement Smoker

You're straight out of the movie Half Baked. You think smoking certain herbs makes everything from movies to music even to sex just that much better.

Personality Test Results

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Are you cut out to be a quizilla quiz-maker?


You're really smart... you belong on YT... or maybe you should program your own.

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What is your career destiny?

Programmer/Computer Geek Extraordinaire

No one IRL understands you. You and your nerdy friends talk about PC gaming and at work you write code. You may never get a date but the Unix network you have in your mom's basement is top of the line!!

Personality Test Results

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Are you really a robot?

Robotic Arm

You have a little bit of robot in you, but nothing serious. The rest of you is human, so stop drinking oil, ya freaking idiot.

Personality Test Results

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You are Cigarettes. Easy to get, nasty to smoke,
addictive as hell and you kill 400,000 people a
year. Congratulations.

What Drug Are You?
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(((Pop ups are making me crazy))

Vampire Hunter D. You are somewhat pessimistic
although you have your reasons. You carry the
burdens of life on your shoulders. You are not
allowed to love or you have given up on love..
Pain is your only companion so you have decided
to try to make others happy and somehow find
happiness in their joy.

Which relationship are you in/ wish to be in? (Anime pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Tony Stewart. Congrats, you're the champ, but you have serious anger issues. Nevertheless, you're talent speaks more than your angry glare.
Tony Stewart

Which NASCAR Driver Are You?
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I'm moving my quizes i took to here

Guess what you and your boy friend are mostly
Kenshin and Miss Karu. You have lots of
feelings for him. you hid your feeling when
everybody knows you like him. He probly has no
problem saying what he feels. Well at least you
have a good man.(keep him)

which anime couple are you and your boy friend like?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Devi...very cool. You are probably the
sanest insane person out there. You are doomed
to never find another soul you can connect
with. Luckily enough, the only thing you really
care about is painting. If you don't go mad. GO YOU! Famous quote "Wet Jimmy's Gourmet Assmeats! Do
this be pickup or delivery?"

What "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac" Character Do You Most Resemble?
brought to you by Quizilla

Syaoran & Sakura ~Ah, the sweetness of youth. These two are really
adorable and their relationship is as good as

What Anime Couple Can You Most Relate To?
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You Are Sailor Uranus!

Which Sailor Scout Are You?
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If I was an Invader Zim Character, I'd be:
Click to see what Invader Zim Character you could be!
Take the Invader Zim personality test


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Quiz Me
Chris spins tunes as
DJ Corrupt Freak

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

You Are Mark Martin. Everyone likes you and you're a hell of a driver, even without a championship. Plus having Viagra as a sponsor means you have some guts!
Mark Martin

Which NASCAR Driver Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a reliable and stable person. You don't
give a crap about looks or being popular. You
are there for people and almost as safe as a
person as this Volvo 960. Good for you and for
you being such a great person.

What kind of car are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are A Teen Driver!

Which Kind of Driver Are You?
by Don's Windshield Replacement

How will you DIE?
Name / Username
You will die as a result of murder
At age 56
This quiz by Confused_Pete - Taken 32926 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Ultimate Highschool Quiz
Favorite color
Favorite type of music
Dorks are..
Sporks are..
Your classmates think you are.. a Goth
You will graduate at age 18. FALSE
Will you get laid in highschool? (8) - As I see it, yes. - (8)
What percentage of the student body hates you? - 84%
Largest amount of cash offered to you for sex $302.38
This quiz by imabigburrito13 - Taken 31966 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

How gay are you
Name / Username
You are bi sexual
This quiz by heyimjay - Taken 866 Times.
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Which Mysterious Death will be Yours?
Favorite Color
Usual Hangout
Favorite Food
You will die while watching television.
Who will find your body? Your closest relative.
You will be wearing spiked-heel pumps, fishnet thigh-highs, a vinyl skirt and a tight red corset. (not sure *I* want to know...)
And the Mysterious Cause... asphyxiation.
This QuickKwiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 4887 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology
(ok then....)

Your Personality
Favourite Colour
School Label
Current Mood
Do You Like Kitties?
You are this COOL... - 36%
You are this SMART... - 80%
You are this ADMIRED - 15%
You are this FUN to be around... - 62%
You are this EVIL... - 36%
This is the percentage of KITTIES in the world that love you... - 76%
This quiz by LiselleDeFontaine - Taken 4685 Times.
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I'm Obbsessed with quizes....

What school stereotype are you?
Favourite Color
You are an outcast
This fun quiz by becuz_we_can - Taken 2267 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

Your Evil Bio
Evil Name Tony
Evil Gender ?
Evil Age 61
Evil Occupation Dictator
Evil Hobby Internet Quizzes
Evil Ambition Kill Britney Spears
This quiz by teslis - Taken 1366 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Your Evil Bio
Evil Name Tony
Evil Gender ?
Evil Age 61
Evil Occupation Dictator
Evil Hobby Internet Quizzes
Evil Ambition Kill Britney Spears
This quiz by teslis - Taken 1366 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

When Doves Cry
"When Doves Cry" (by Prince) How could you just leave me standing,

Cosmic Identity and Fate
Date of Birth
Opinion about Bush?
Opinion of the Iraq War?
Your number of previous lives is... 2430
In one of your previous lives, you were a great ruler. In fact, Emperor Justinian (527-565) of the (eastern) Roman Empire
Your eternal Guardian Deity is... Kubaba
Your chances of experiencing real love... - 60%
You will die... gloriously
Your chances of getting into Heaven... - 27%
This Quiz by Calgacus - Taken 1963 Times.
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hxc band name
Name / Username
band name: purity with blood
This cool quiz by indiexgeeky - Taken 2264 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

You Are "Something I Can Never Have". You
Are Sad, Depressed, And Withdrawn, And You Also
Want Things You Cant Have. Wow.

Which NIN Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Here To Stay

When you get old...
Full Name
You will have had 1 spoiled brat
You will Live alone in a huge house with lots of cats
You'll live to be 67
You'll have A suitcase full of old clothes
This quiz by pinkmood - Taken 1217 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

anal blood loss

You'll Die From Too Much Anal Blood Loss!

Ouch... well, it won't hurt for you. At least, not much.
You sort of zone out when you're on the receiving end of pain.
Make things fun, usually, but you have trouble setting your limits.
And if you aren't careful - your butt will be black, blue, and red!

How Will You Die Having Sex?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Sexual Record You're Most Likely to Break:
Most Orgasms for a Woman
Yup, you're super orgasmic, and you never have to fake it But can you have over 134 orgasms in one hour? If so, you'll be the most orgasmic woman of all time
What Sexual Record Will You Break? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Your song is Devour.

Which Disturbed Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

you're insane

Are you insane or sane?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quiz Me
Christine Cox was
an Adventurous Dictator
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

Quiz Me
Phill is my
adorable loveling

Get your sweetheart's pet name @ Quiz Me

Discover your Zodiac Personality
Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.

Hiss and SuchWhat anime cliche are you? The Second time around.

Take the quiz: "Which deviant fetish should you indulge in? (sexy pictures)"

Latex Fetish
Smooth and rubbery! You should try some latex sheets or a nice rubber outfit. Tight-fitting and sexy - latex makes for great everyday clothes or for in the bedroom only.

Take the quiz: "What Is Your Kink?"

You live to serve! You're most excited when someone else takes the reins and controls the situation. You're happy to do whatever will make your partner happy, even if it isn't your favorite thing to do. In the bedroom, you aim to please. Your motto is, Yes Sir/Ma'am!

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at

You're the Female Cenobite known as Terri.You too like pinnhead came to earth to bring down souls to torture, and also like pinhead you're a pretty rocking dresser! You also have a nasty smoking habit! What Horror Movie Villian am I?

What Job Field Should You be Working In?

You are Health Services!

Jobs like Nurse, Medical Assistant/Aide, Tharapists, Doctors, Surgeons

Personality Test Results

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How to make a Christine R. C.
1 part intelligence
3 parts brilliance
5 parts leadership
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of wisdom and enjoy!


Personality cocktail




Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz

Take the quiz: "What do your anime breasts look like, eh?"

Nicely Medium
You're nicely medium... You're not embarassingly small or painfully big. Don't change yourself, unless you're a masochist. Then it's okay, I guess.

Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a Conspiracy Theorist!
Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching.
More Quizzes at

What type of person are you?

You are an individual

You like to do your own thing, don't care what people think, and don't mind if someone is different. You don't set trends, but you don't care. Lots of people label you as different, but really, you are just expressive and have your own style in everything you do. Rock on!

Personality Test Results

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Which Veggie Tales character are you?
this quiz was made by Karen

What color underwear are you wearing?


Oh, so sexy

Click Here to Take This Quiz
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Which prescription drug is best for you?


You are a depressed, morbid child...take Zoloft and rid yourself of these problems.

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