The first and foremost thing to remember, is that YOU are
MASTER, and she is Slave.  Yours is to command, hers is to BE
commanded.  Your wishes, needs and desires are hers to fulfill.
Any wish, any time, in any way YOU desire.

     She is as any piece of property.  A pet, to be cared for,
cherished, and appreciated, but a pet who MUST be taught that she
is to obey, at all times, just like any other pet.
     She is owned, and you are the one who owns her.  Her sole
function is to make sure that YOU are happy, her wishes or
desires are not to be considered, unless YOU want to consider
them.  She should not expect any type of concessions on your part
to make her happy, unless it is what YOU wish to do.  Your
control of her should be absolute and complete, in all things.
You control her diet, her habits, how she styles her hair, the
clothing (if any) that she is allowed to wear, whether she is
allowed to stand, or is required to kneel before asking your
permission to speak.  Such things only touch the tip of the
iceberg, as it were, in regards to the control you exercise over
     I am not, by any means, an expert on this subject, but
during the course of my Mastery, I have had a total of 5 slaves
under my control, in varying degrees of discipline, for various
reasons, so I feel moderately qualified to state a few basic
thoughts regarding this subject.
     Totality is the key to correct mastery of a slave.  However,
if this is not the form of mastery you choose to exercise, then
it can be moderated to encompass whatever the perameters of your
desires may be.  I speak here of TOTAL mastery, and base my
comments on that concept.  During my own experiences, I have had
3 TOTAL slaves, 1 who wore the collar just for the regulation of
her diet, and one who wore it specifically for the training
involved.  Of the last 2 slaves, neither one of them was under
slave discipline for use sexually, but for the slave undergoing
TOTAL slavery, this a also a part of her expected duties.  Being
pleasing in ALL things, MUST include being pleasing in ANY type
of sexual situation you desire to put her into.  This should be
limited only by YOUR desires and wishes, and she should be
expected to perform in ANY manner or style you wish.
     Generally, depending on the patience of the Master, a slave
may be instructed in the correct method of performance once,
without fear of discipline.  Subsequently, she would be expected
to perform in the same manner, each time she is commanded to
perform.  If she shows any difference in her performance, it
should be by improving her technique, but not by altering it or
performing in an inferior manner, unless YOU command her to alter

     She should KNOW that your wishes are paramount, and that any
alteration of her behavior (in ANY manner), will result in her
being punished.
     Just as you would punish a pet dog who disobeyed, or left an
unwelcome present on the carpet, so to, should a slave be
punished for improper behavior or disobedience.  She MUST know at
all times that YOU control every aspect of her existence, and
that she will be punished if she does not perform in a
satisfactory manner.  This punishment may take any form you wish.
You can punish your slave by using the whip, withholding food,
making her kneel without moving for a specified period of time,
or any other form of punishment you feel is adequate for her
edification.  I should also mention however, that while she is
subject to punishment at your whim, and must be taught to
understand this, it is seldom, if ever, used without reason or
cause.  There is a fine line between discipline and abuse, and a
slave, like any other animal, should not be abused or treated in
a harmful manner. 
     Power over a slave can be an intoxicating experience, but
caution must also be used to insure that a Master does not overdo
it.  It is very easy, for instance, during the act of whipping a
slave, to get carried away, and whip her more or longer the she
might deserve for whatever her infraction was.  Restraint must be
held uppermost in the mind of the Master at all times.
     This is not to say however, that a slave should always be
treated harshly.  They are also to be treasured, and appreciated.
While, at various times, my slaves may be required to lay at my
feet, or serve as a foot stool for me to rest my feet on, my
favorite position in which to place my slave; is kneeling naked
on the floor, beside my chair, as I read or watch TV, and close
enough that I may caress or stroke her hair.  I do this with the
same affection that I would show to a favored dog.  Although it
is not required that a Master show affection for his slave, I
feel that it is an honest part of our relationship, and as such,
need not be supressed.  I enjoy the feel of my slaves, their
skin, their hair, their curves, etc., and I see nothing wrong
with exercising my rights as Master, by touching them when, and
in whatever manner I wish, whether it be firmly, or with
     I should also mention, that there are no hard and fast rules
for the behavior of slaves.  Whatever pleases the Master, is what
is important.
     In several households that I have visited, the slave, when
her Master enters the room, is required to kneel, and remain
kneeling until she is given permission to stand and resume
whatever task she was performing.

     I personally do not, under normal circumstances, require
this of my slaves, but it is a good example of what a slave may
be required to do. I do however, when being served any kind of
beverage, require that my slaves kiss the cup or glass in which
the beverage is being served, to show their servitude to me.
There are also a number of other behaviors which can be required
of a slave. Kneeling with head down when offering food or drink
to the Master, kneeling with the head to the floor in submission,
kissing the Master's feet or legs under specific circumstances,
or upon command, being dressed (or undressed) in a specific
manner when a Master comes home, being required to state
graphically what a slave would like done to her while engaged in
sex, or to lay on her back, on the floor, before the Master, and
brazenly opening her legs to him to show her sexual arousal, and
to beg him to relieve her tensions, are all examples of the
behavior that may be required of a slave.  Again, this depends on
the wishes of the Master.  He can require ANY type of behavior he
wishes from his slave.

     On the subject of collars; this too is up to the discretion
of the Master.  I prefer steel collars that have a locking
mechanism for my slaves, so that they may not be removed until I
remove them, but I know several Masters who use ordinary leather
dog collars for their slaves, and a few masters who do not use
collars at all.  Some Masters may use chains in such a manner
that they will act as a collar for the slave as well.
     The most common type of chain collar, is part of a Sirik.
This is a length of chain about 5 1/2 feet long, which runs down
the front of the slave. It has a short length of chain at one
end, that is used as a collar, has another short length of chain
at approximately it's center, that can be used to confine the
wrists of the slave, and also a short length of chain at it's
other end that can be used to confine the ankles of the slave.
This length of this chain may vary greatly, so that the slave may
be required (with a short length of chain) to take very small
steps when walking (or have her ankles crossed and chained so
that she can't walk at all) or a longer length of chain which
will allow for an almost normal stride when she walks.
     The chain may also be shortened during sex, by having the
center chain, near the ankles, secured to a portion of the center
chain near the neck, effectively keeping the slaves legs and
ankles confined in the air, and she being unable to lower her
legs or cover herself in any way.
     I prefer, at the termination of each chain length (neck,
wrists and ankles) to secure the chains on the slave with small
padlocks, again so that they can't be removed until I unlock the
padlocks and remove them.

     This adds a psycological aspect to the wearing of the chains
(and/or collar) in that the slave KNOWS that the chains will
remain on her until her Master wishes them to be removed, and
that she is totally at his mercy and can't remove them herself.
     Women, (despite modern society's teachings) want their man
to be strong with them, and show them that they are indeed Male,
and thus of the Dominant portion of the species. 
     In the entire animal kingdom, the male is the Dominant one,
and the female is the submissive one, and this is also true with
people. Even if they won't admit it, all women wish to fulfill
their role in nature by being submissive to the male. The
Master/Slave relationship helps to fulfill this inbred,
instinctive role. The level of the relationship is subject to
agreement before hand between both parties, but once agreed upon,
goes a long way toward fulfilling the basic instincts of both the
male and female. This is one of the best reasons for exploring
the Master/slave relationship.
     There are an infinite variety of specific circumstances
which I could discuss here, regarding various attitudes,
behaviors, ways in which a slave may perform, feelings etc., but
suffice this narrative to show a basic overall guide to making
the Master/slave relationship work, or to getting such a
relationship started.  One should think VERY carefully about all
aspects of this modality before undertaking it, but if done
properly, it can enhance and fulfill a relationship between a man
and woman like no other..
