Science of Identity Foundation

Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa
Jagad Guru Chris Butler

Jagad Guru Chris Butler

Some quotes from Jagad Guru Chris Butler:

Sense gratification does not satisfy. This is further evidence that you are not the body. No matter how much sense pleasure you have, you are still never satisfied within.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

So sensory experiences determine the content of your mind, and you are the viewer of that content. It’s just like going to a movie. You are the viewer of the content of the movie. You, the self, are in the “theater” of the body, watching the movie that is appearing on your mind. You’re like a person in a theater viewing a film that is appearing on the screen. Your eyes, ears, and other organs of perception are like cameras, recorders, and so on. Your mind is like the film or tape that the information is recorded on. You, the self, are like the moviegoer who perceives all the information (forms, colors, sounds, feelings, and so on).

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation

If the passing away of the body meant the end of your existence, then you, the self who existed along with the “childhood” body, should have ceased existing when that “childhood” body ceased to exist; and you, the self who existed along with the “adolescent” body, should have ceased existing when your “adolescent” body ceased to exist. The fact that you continued to exist, even though your body (bodies) did not, proves that your existence does not depend upon the continuing existence of a body.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation


Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Silent Witness Meditation

Relax, and sit or lie in a quiet place. Don’t attempt to control the thinking process by trying to think certain thoughts and not think others. Instead, let your mind think about whatever it may. Now watch your mind and become aware of how you are actually aloof from the thinking process. Say to yourself, “I am the silent witness. I make no effort to think, but thoughts come automatically. I am watching thoughts flow through my mind, but I am aloof from them. I am the silent witness to my mind’s activities.” In this way, you’ll be able to experience that you are separate from the mind.

You can also watch the passing emotions, feelings, desires, fears, and so on as they rise to the surface of the mind and then pass away. The stream of mindstuff thus flows along, and you are the viewer of it. Just as a person sits by an ever-moving stream, so you, the self, sit by the stream of mindstuff. Just as a stream may be very clear or very polluted, so the stream of mindstuff may be very clear or very polluted. In either case, you are the witness of that stream—not the stream itself.

You may not be content to watch the stream of mindstuff flow freely, but instead may try to control it, redirect it, or stop it completely. But the very fact that you can try to redirect or control your mind, combined with the fact that it is so difficult to succeed in the endeavor, further shows that you, the self, are not the mind or stream of mindstuff.

Jagad Guru Chris Butler - Science of Identity Foundation


Some quotes from Science of Identity Foundation book by Tusta Krishna das:

On a larger scale, we can understand that behind the creation of the universe there exists a will. Due to the existence of this will, the universe has been created, and is being controlled and maintained in an organized and harmonious fashion. The laws of nature are not accidental; they are the result of will. Just as a person in a particular country may have the will to introduce and establish a new law, similarly, the Supreme Will is responsible for the laws of nature.

Tusta Krishna das - Science of Identity Foundation

Let me tell you a story from the life of Sir Isaac Newton. Among Newton's acquaintances and fellow scientists was an atheist, with whom he would sometimes debate. One morning this man paid Sir Isaac Newton a visit. When he entered Newton's study, he noted a remarkably well-made replica of the universe sitting on his desk. The model was complete with rotating planets, and Newton's associate was quite impressed by its detail and authentic nature.
"This is wonderful!" he exclaimed. "Who made it?"
'Nobody' replied Newton. His friend repeated the question and again Sir Isaac replied, "Nobody made it. It just appeared this morning by itself."
"Stop kidding me. Obviously someone made this. Someone possessed of great intelligence! I'd like to meet the person who made this."
"Where is your logic!' Newton exclaimed. 'You and your atheistic colleagues try to tell me that there
is no Supreme Being. You say that the vast and wonderfully intricate universe, of which this tiny model is but a replica, has created itself, whereas you adamantly deny the same possibility with this model! You say an intelligent person must have created this model, but you deny the Supreme Person behind the universe!"

Tusta Krishna das - Science of Identity Foundation

To say "God is love" and to deny His personality is a gross contradiction. Love is actually an intimate feeling which one person feels for another. Love is not just a vague impersonal force which floats around bestowing itself on people.

Tusta Krishna das - Science of Identity Foundation

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