Rei's Lair

character profiles

The White Tigers


Dubbed name: Lee
Age: 12/13
Nationality: Chinese
Bitbeast: Galeon

Attack: * * * *
Defense: * * *
Endurance: * * *
Lai was best friends with Rei when he was still part of their group; feeling angered and betrayed by his sudden departure, and becoming the mysterious but strict leader of the White Tigers. He always takes Beybattles very seriously and is very careful in perserving the White Tiger's code of honour and secrecy surrounding their technique. However, it seems Lai has never forgiven Rei for leaving him and battles with great intensity and speed, wanting to crush him solely for satisfying his personal vendetta. Lai's bitbeast is Galeon and relies on speed as the key to its success. Lai's Black Thunder (Dark Lightning) attack has strength that surpasses both Mao and Rei's primary attacks although his excessive anger seems, in the end, to have an adverse effect on his skills.


Dubbed name: Mariah
Age: 12-13
Nationality: Chinese
Bitbeast: Galux
Voice (English): Julie Lemieux

Attack: * * * *
Defense: * *
Endurance: * * * *
Mao was another of Rei's best friends from his childhood days with the White Tigers. Rei introduced Mao to Beyblading and from then on the learnt how to improve together. When Rei left the village and the team, Mao was as angry as the others but she came to realise over time that she really had feelings for him, missing Rei greatly. Mao tries to convince Rei to return to the White Tigers and even though she is ultimately unsuccessful, she is still willing to be his friend. Galux, Mao's bitbeast, is incredibly powerful having both high attack ability as well as endurance. Galux's Scratch Attack is particularly dangerous, and can slash even an experienced opponent's Beyblade within seconds.


Dubbed name: Gary
Age: 12-13
Nationality: Chinese
Bitbeast: Galzzly

Attack: * * * *
Defense: * * *
Endurance: *
Although his rather intimidating appearance, Gaou is really a dopey guy that loves to eat. However, in Beybattles he is not to be underestimated as his bond with his bitbeast Galzzly is so strong that when Gaou gets angry, his emotion is transferred directly into it. This means his Beyblade has enough power to actually jump across the stadium and perform devastating attacks.


Dubbed name: Kevin
Age: 12-13
Nationality: Chinese
Bitbeast: Galman
Voice (English): Lyon Smith

Kiki proves himself to be a very dishonourable and sneaky individual. During his childhood, Kiki idolised and looked up to Rei more than anyone else and felt betrayed the most after he left. Upon their reunion, Kiki tries a variety of tricks and traps on Rei in hope of getting rid of him. The other White Tigers feel ashamed by Kiki's actions and he is consequently kept out of the finals in the Asian Tournament. Kiki's tactics in Beybattles mirror his character, as does his bitbeast Galman. While his Beyblade is typically a defensive type, Galman's attacks involve creating illusions and tricking the opponent so they lose focus and become confused.