Poor Taiki… It’s not his fault he had to play a role

next to the brightest star of them all ***SEIYA*** Anywhoo… I figured

that it was mean to neglect the poor big forehead so this is my tribute to a lonely heart.

[:::that’s all in the past:::]

Taiki sat and watched the sunset. The battle with Galaxia

was over and the Starlights were to be heading home with Kakyuu

in a bit. The group waited on top of the building for the Earth

senshi to arrive. Yaten was talking to Kakyuu, telling her how

much he couldn’t wait to get to get home and back to everyone he

knew before. Seiya was leaning against the railing far away from

the others, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was on his mind.

What a beautiful sunset Earth had, he was certainly going

to miss that. He began to get lost in his thoughts as he thought

back to what the Kinmoku sunsets looked like. Taiki remembered

what a different person he used to be. "Am I really still that

person from so long ago? I was so naïve." He thought out loud,

his voice being lost in the breeze.

@----Flash Back----@

Healer, Fighter and Maker were sitting on a bench in

the royal gardens waiting for their princess to arrive. "Where

did she say she wanted to go?" Fighter scratched her head.

"To the ocean, we’ve only told you a million times!" Healer snapped back.

"Sorry get off my case already will ya!?" Fighter stood up.

Maker laughed at the two. She laughed often, she was

full of life and hope. "You too are impossible."

Fighter and Healer turned to look at Maker, as they do

they notice Kakyuu coming out of her quarters. The three bow to

her. "Are you ready to go?" She asks as she motions for them to

stand up. The three begin to walk.

Kakyuu slows down her pace so that she can drop back

and walk next to Fighter. Healer and Maker follow behind. They

are far enough back where as they do not hear what the two ahead

of them are discussing. Healer looks at Maker’s face and sees her

pained expression. "Why don’t you tell her?" She suggests.

"What!" Maker exclaims. "I have no idea what you’re

talking about." She straightens her face out.

"Yes you do. You are going to become bitter inside if

you don’t do something about it." Healer casually watched to two

figures in front of her. Maker laughed. "What are you laughing

at fool?" Healer turned her attention to the hyena next to her.

"Bitter? You of all people are telling some one not

to be bitter. At least I would have a reason to be bitter, you

on the other hand are just mad at the world." She had stopped her

laughing to scold her friend. "Besides, it could never be. I’m happy just to see her happy."

"Fighter has no idea what her intentions are. She is

so stupid when it comes to things like this. One day she will fall

in love and that will be the end of her." Healer comments. "She

has to grow up, although I don’t think that will ever happen."

"Why does the princess spend all of her time with her?

She’s going to hurt her when the princess finds out that Fighter

doesn’t love her." Maker became sad.

In a matter of a few short days Galaxia had come and

taken over their planet. Their Princess escaped to Earth followed closely by the Starlights.

As they began their lives on Earth, slowly but surely

a small part of Taiki died off little by little. Since they had

lost their princess, Taiki would loose himself in books and lectures.

They were the only things that could keep his mind off of her.

He became distant to the other two lights and kept to himself mostly.

Knowledge was his power. He figured if he could fill his mind

with knowledge and new thoughts that all of those thoughts of his

love for Kakyuu would be pushed out.

He had given up. He gave up on his hopes and his dreams.

What good were they to him anyway. All they did was bring him

pain and suffering. To get up every morning was the hardest thing. Until he met her.

Ami Mizuno. He had never met another person like her.

He saw how intelligent she was and how much she devoted herself

to her studies. Was she trying to hide from some hidden emotion

too? What was it that she was trying to forget? Taiki had become

intrigued with this girl. He strived harder to become on equal

ground with her. He succeeded.

After he met her he discovered that she was not like

him. She was not running away from something, she was running towards

it. True, knowledge was her power too, but it was her power to

protect and love her friends and important people. How strong she

was. She still had her hopes and dreams. Was that what attracted

him to her? Was it her brightness?

Taiki began to feel a feeling deep inside him that he

had been trying to suppress for so long. The feeling was familiar,

but yet he could not welcome it. He knew that feeling all too well

and was now afraid of it. He was afraid of its consequences. He

remembered the pain that he felt last time he gave into this feeling

and he wouldn’t let it happen again.

The days went by, Taiki suppressed his urge to tell Ami

about his feelings, he kept his cool visad up and never once let

on to anyone what he was thinking about. Then she did it. She

sacrificed herself for him. They all did. Then he thought that

it was too late. He had lost another, lost another important love.

Why was this happening? Why couldn’t he just be happy.

He saw what pain this love had caused Seiya. He knew that Seiya

was going to have a broken heart forever and he didn’t want to end

up like him, but it was inevitable.

After the battle when everyone was restored to him he

felt a new light. He had a second chance. He was not doomed to

be pained. He was going to make the most out of everyday with all

of the love he could manage to feel.

@---- End Flash Back ----@

The Earth senshi had arrived with Mamoru. They had been

late because Usagi fell asleep. Taiki pondered the thought of telling

Ami everything and thanking her for how much she had helped him.

Before he knew it Seiya was telling Usagi that he would never forget

her. Usagi’s response was what stopped him from doing so. He thought

that it was funny that Seiya had never given up and that Usagi still

didn’t get it. He thought it best not to tell Ami. What good could possibly come of it?

Before they took off into the now night sky Maker gave

Ami a smile. Ami caught this and smiled back seeming to say that she understood.