Hello everyone. its me again. anyway. this story is way

shorter than my other ones. I hope you still like it. If not, oh

well, I've tortured another helpless mind.

The girls had just graduated; Ami of course was the

valedictorian for their class. They all looked so mature and grown

up in their caps and gowns. It was an extra special day for Minako

and Usagi, who never thought they would make it. The past year

the arcade was going through renovations and Mamoru was in America

studying. This left both girls with plenty of time for their study sessions.

There had been no more battles; therefore they had no

reason to transform. They still did however for their training.

After the battle with Galaxia, Usagi couldn't transform. Galaxia

had destroyed her transformational broach. She couldn't bring herself

to be around the other senshi when they trained. It depressed her.

This was her alone time, since Luna was helping train the other

senshi; she had a lot of time to think lately. She was so bored

that it was killing her. She had no excitement in her life anymore.

That night Rei was hosting a graduation party for her

friends. Her grandfather had planned a whole fireworks display

with Yuuchiro. Everything was perfect. The girls laughed and reminisced

as they talked and looked through their yearbooks.

Mamoru was outside helping Rei's grandfather set up

the fireworks while the girls talked. Usagi and Minako were moving

into their own apartment next week, which also happened to be Usagi's

birthday. Minako was going on and on about all of the furniture

she had picked out. She turned to ask Usagi what she thought of

it when she noticed her staring at one page of her yearbook. Minako

didn't notice what exactly she was staring at since that page had

been a collage of pictures of their class over the years.

Minako crossed behind Usagi, seemingly without her noticing,

and peaked over her shoulder. Her eyes scanned the page to find

what her friend was so intensely staring at, then she stopped.

It was a picture of softball players cheering at the end of the

game. More specifically it was Usagi and Seiya. Minako's face

dropped as she realized what Usagi was looking at.

Mamoru stuck his head in the door and announced that

the show was about to begin. Usagi snapped back to attention and

all of the girls quickly got up and flooded the doorway. The worried

thought that went through Minako's head then vanished as she saw how happy Usagi appeared.

The show was put on all by Grandpa as Yuuchiro held

Rei in his arms. They had been secretly dating ever since his pure

heart had been stolen, but after the battle with Galaxia, and Rei

thinking that she was never going to see him again, she changed her mind.

Everyone was staring up at the night sky. The lights

danced perfectly on the clear sky. @They look like small shooting

stars.@ Usagi thought to herself. She hadn't noticed that the

fireworks were over. Minako's body was still facing forward but

her eyes were turned towards Usagi next to her.

"Usako? Are you alright?" Mamoru asked her as he put

his hand on her shoulder. He was standing on the other side of her.

"I'm fine." Was all that she replied as she tore her

eyes away from the sky and looked at the solid ground beneath her feet. "I'm fine."

Minako being the only one on that side of her, was the

only one to notice the single tear that traced its way down her cheek to her chin.

"Usagi." She whispered but no one heard.

The week seemed to fly by. All of the girls were helping

Minako and Usagi get everything ready for their move. In three

days it would be Usagi's birthday. The excitement between the two

girls was unbearable to their friends. "I don't think that anyone

else would have been able to live with either of you." Rei said

folding her arms as Usagi and Minako both had stars in their eyes

while looking at a bright red sofa with black crushed velvet trim.

Ami and Makoto nodded their heads with agreement as

they thought to themselves. Tonight was 'girls night out'. Now

that three out of the five girls had boyfriends, they felt that

they needed to schedule one night a week that was just for the five

of them. However, they weren't going out that night. They all

decided that it would be a good idea to stay over for a slumber

party at Usagi and Minako's new apartment.

There were only two bedrooms in their apartment so all

of the girls decided to sleep in on the living room floor. They

had made pitchers of mudslides and margaritas and drank them as

they watched old romance movies and picked them apart.

"Look at that guy. no way in hell would she want to hook up with him!"

"What's wrong with her he's done everything for her

and she still hooks up with the dude with the sports car!"

(I guess you can assume whose big mouth most of these comments are coming from ^_^)

Then it came time for Usagi to pick a movie. She chose

Casablanca. "This is my all time favorite movie!" She cheered

as she put it in. "I don't know why but I seem to relate well with

the main actress. Not just because she's pretty!" She added.

The girls watched the movie. Usagi cried at the end

and so did Minako. "I would have stayed with Humphrey Bogart if

I were her. You can't just be with some one to benefit the world.

You should be with them because of love!" Rei said. She seemed very pissed at the ending.

"Would you rather sacrifice people all over the world

just to be selfish and be with your true love?" Usagi asked Rei.

Minako stopped crying and paid close attention to the conversation.

"Yes I would. A love like that doesn't come around

everyday. Plus she could have fought beside him without being with

him. But NO, she left her lover alone, to be with a broken heart

for the rest of his life." Rei seemed to be getting way into their discussion.

"Well I guess that's the difference between us then

Rei." Usagi simply stated and got up and walked to the balcony,

Minako followed. (Rei, Usagi and Minako were the only ones who

didn't pass out during the movie.)

"Rei passed out as soon as you left the room." Minako

joined Usagi on the balcony. Their apartment had been in a very

tall building and their balcony over looked most of the city. "Rei

was right you know." Minako said as she looked over the railing.

"You shouldn't be with him if you don't love him."

"Minako, let it go it's just a movie.", but Usagi knew

that she wasn't talking about the movie. Minako picked her head

up to look at Usagi. She was staring t the night sky. Her face

seemed to glow in the moonlight.

"Do you regret letting him go?" She asked still staring at Usagi.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I watched you staring at

his picture, I know what you were thinking when you cried at the

fireworks, and you are the main character in Casablanca. Those

aren't the only things, but they are the ones that I could just

quickly pull off the top of my head."

"I just miss him so much. What do you think they are

doing right now? Do you think they forgot about us already?" Usagi stared at the stars.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"What difference would it have made if I told you or

not? My destiny is already mapped out. I have no choice in that." Her voice seemed sad.

"Do you still love Mamoru?"

"No,. I haven't loved him that way for a long time now.

I can tell by the way he acts that he feels the same way about

me. But we both know that we have to be together. This is the way things have to be."

"Usagi, I'm sorry. We should go inside and go to bed."

Minako looked at Usagi with sympathetic eyes.

"No, you go in, I'm just going to sit out here for a

little while longer." She didn't look away from the sky to watch her friend leave.

Minako couldn't believe that even though she had seen

Usagi everyday for the past couple of years that she never noticed

this sadness in her heart. She never had any idea that she had

these feelings for Seiya. She didn't think that anyone else noticed

them either. Her heart ached knowing that there was nothing that

she could do for her friend. She decided to speak with Setsuna that next day.

"I've known about this for quite a while now. Mamoru

came to me with the problem last year. He said that he hated to

watch her suffer. It hadn't been quite so bad for him, he didn't

have some one else that he was in love with." Pluto said not once looking Venus in the face.

The two were standing at the time gate. "There must

be something that we can do! We can't let them go on like this." Venus cried.

"There is nothing holding them to destiny but themselves.

I knew that this was going to happen. That is why I tried to keep

Usagi away from the Starlights even though I knew they were our

allies. The only reason that the prince and princess stay together is because."

"Because of Chibi-Usa!" Venus' gloved hand went to her mouth.

"Yes, they both lover her too much to sacrifice her.

I don't think they realize however that no matter what they do,

she's not going to turn out the way that they know her now." Pluto pointed out.

"Why is that? She'll still look the same won't she?"

Venus was thoroughly confused.

"No, she won't. She won't look or act the same. Chibi-Usa,

the one that we know, was born about a year after the Prince and

Princess were married. Since they keep putting off the engagement

she will now not be born until later. Since the future that you

guys saw before was one that the prince and princess still loved one another."

"So either way, Chibi-Usa, the one that we know, won't

be born?" Venus questioned. "Why haven't you told them this?"

"It is not my place to. I'm not allowed."

"That's bullshit!. I'll tell her myself." And with that Venus left.

She had teleported herself to the time gate from a secluded

area in the woods near the park. When she exited the woods she

walked through the park on her way home to Usagi. As she was walking

she noticed three familiar ponytails in front of her. @Oh god,

I have to find out what Usagi thinks about what Pluto said before

she can see Seiya! What is he doing back? I have to stop them

from finding her.@ Minako ran to catch up to them, but as she was

running she noticed Mamoru walking in the opposite direction. He

seemed to have noticed the three walking towards him.

"Hey!" Mamoru waved at them when he noticed who it

was. The group stopped. "What are you guys doing back?" He asked while shaking their hands.

"We came back for a visit. How's everything going?" Seiya asked.

"Everything is fine around here. The girls just graduated

last week. You guys have great timing, today is Usagi's birthday!"

Mamoru chimed. "Minako is throwing her a surprise party at their

apartment tonight. You guys should definitely come, that will make it a surprise and a half."

"That's great, we'll be able to see everyone and catch

up." Yaten smiled. Minako was walking up to the group. She stopped

when she saw Yaten smile and almost forgot what she was doing.

@I have to make it look normal.@ "Yaten!" Minako screamed

as she jumped on her unsuspecting victim.

"Get off!" Yaten threw her off.

"What are you doing back? You just couldn't stay away

from the GREAT MINAKO, huh Yaten?!" Minako joked.

"Actually." Yaten was about to insult her when he found Taiki's hand over his mouth.

"We're here for a visit Miss Aino." Taiki answered for him.

"I invited them to Usagi's party tonight. Is that alright?" Mamoru looked at her.

"Yeah, that's fine. So you had better not let her see

you until tonight then!" Minako warned. @Great, this is the perfect

reason to keep Seiya away from her until I can tell her.@

"Mamoru, I need to talk to you about tonight." Minako

said trying politely to pull him aside. "See you guys tonight!"

"Later." They answered and headed off.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about? I already

know that I have to get her out of the apartment by 7:00." Mamoru was confused.

"Mamoru, do you still love Usagi the way you used to?"

The question seemed to come out of no where.

"What kind of question is that?" He was taken back. "Of course I still love her."

"So, if you love her the way you used to, why did you

go to Pluto?" She had backed him into a corner.

"I see you already know what's going on. Did Usagi

tell you?" Mamoru now looked a little depressed as they both sat down on the bench in the park.

"She didn't come directly out and tell me. I figured

it out for the most part and she just confirmed it. Then I took

it upon myself to go and see Pluto. That's when she told me about

you." Minako's eyes never left his face.

"I'm not mad at her for loving some one else, and it's

not his fault either." Mamoru thought for a second. "So what did you have to say about this?"

Minako explained about how they watched Casablanca last

night and the discussion that went on between Rei and Usagi and

then she explained to him what Pluto had told her.

"That's good and bad news. That's great that Usagi

and I now don't have to stay together for Chibi-Usa's sake, but

it's horrible that I'll never see her again. Have you told Usagi

this yet?" His face was expressionless.

"No, I was just on my way there when I ran into you

and the Lights." Minako grinned when she remembered that they had come back.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to tell her when we go

out to dinner tonight. That will make the fact that Seiya is back

that much more of a surprise for her." Mamoru laughed. "They don't

know what great timing they have!"

"So I'll see you tonight? I have to go get everything

ready for the party." She started to walk away. "By the way, I

think its great that you and Seiya can be civil around each other."

"What do you think they'll say when we tell them that

we're staying forever?" Taiki asked his companions.

"Well hopefully they'll be happy. You didn't seem to

piss Mamoru off earlier when we saw him, so I think that there's

a good chance we can all hang out together." Yaten exclaimed

"He did seem pretty cool about the whole situation,

and I'm sure by now Usagi has told him everything that happened."

Seiya said it as if he had just realized it.

"I don't think you should resume your endless flirting

with her now that we are back. She may be the whole reason that

you came back but that isn't true for the rest of us. We don't

want to start trouble with the Earth senshi as soon as we get here!" Taiki lectured Seiya.

"Alright, but hey that's my charm! How am I supposed

to sway her away from him when I can't flirt with her?" Seiya scratched his head.

"That's the point retard!" Yaten yelled. "You're not

supposed to try and woo her away from her boyfriend. Leave them alone!"

"Maybe I'll go after your girlfriend then!" Yaten was

playing dumb; he knew what Seiya was taking about.

"Yaten!" Seiya screamed as he pretended that he was

Minako and ran and jumped on Taiki.

"Oh you're talking about her, go ahead and have her."

He didn't really mean that but he wasn't going to let Seiya get to him.

Taiki and Seiya laughed at him. "Hey, I came here from

millions of miles away, I'm not just going to give up my Odango

without a fight! Shut up!" Yaten had opened his mouth to speak

but was cut off by Seiya. "Nothing you can say will stop me. I'm

going to find out how she feels about me. If she wants nothing

to do with me, then I'll stay away from her. BUT if I see that

I may have a chance I'm going for it!" Seiya had fire and determination

in his eyes. "Well it's just about 7:00, we should get there early

to help set up, Odango should be out by the time we get there."

"So, where is Mamoru taking you to dinner birthday girl?"

Minako asked while Usagi was getting ready.

"I don't know, its some new place." Usagi stepped out

of her room, Minako's jaw dropped. "So how do I look?"

"You look gorgeous! You could have any man out there."

A horn beeped outside as they saw Mamoru pull up. When he came

to the door he had a dozed pink roses.

"You look beautiful Usako." He put his arm out to her.

"Shall we my lady?" Usagi smiled as she took Mamoru's arm.

Shortly after the couple left Ami, Rei, Makoto, Haruka,

Michiru, Hotaru, Setsuna, Seiya, Taiki, Yaten, Yuuchiro and Makoto's

boyfriend Pilu showed up. They were all thrilled to see the Lights

again. (Remember Haruka liked and respected Seiya at the end fo

the StarS Season.) They all set up for the party. The girls apartment

was pretty large, but seemed small with the crowd of people in it.

"Do you guys have some place to stay?" Minako asked Yaten.

"No, not yet. We were actually goin to stay in the

hotel down the street." He informed her. The whole time he was

thinking, @Please let us stay here, please let us stay here.@

"Well we can't let important guests like you stay in

a hotel, you can stay here with Usagi and I!" She offered up.

"What will your boyfriend and Mamoru think with three

guys staying over night in your apartment?" Yaten was very proud

of himself for sneaking in that question about her boyfriend.

"Silly, I don't have a boyfriend and believe me, Mamoru

won't care." Yaten was pretty much doing cart wheels on the inside

but remained cool on the outside.

"Well if you insist!" he said. Taiki and Seiya over heard this.

"If you insist on what?" Taiki questioned.

"Minako said that we could stay here tonight." Yaten explained.

"No, I said you can stay here until you find a place

of your own. So that means as long as you'd like." She corrected.

Seiya didn't say anything at first and just smiled.

"Thank you very much." Taiki said while elbowing Seiya.

"Um, yeah, thank you Minako." He tried not to be rude.

Usagi and Mamoru were sitting at dinner. Mamoru wasn't

quite sure how to say what he wanted to. They had finished dinner

and were enjoying their tea. "So what did Minako get you for your

birthday?" The night had gone well and they had talked all through dinner.

"She says that I'm not allowed to get it until I get home, what ever that means."

"Usako, I have something that I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure what is it."

"It's Chibi-Usa." Usagi almost spit her tea across the table.

"What, what about her?"

"I heard news from Pluto. The Chibi-Usa that we know

is never going to exist. We waited too long to get engaged."

Usagi started to cry. "But I don't understand. We

did everything. We stayed together and what do we get.nothing." She was balling by now.

"Every cloud has its silver lining though." Mamoru

slid next to her. "We are free now. We can live our lives the

way that we want to. I know that you feel the same way that I do

about our relationship. I do love you Usako, just not the way I

used to. I know that you consider me that same kind of friend,

and I also know that there is some one else in your heart."

Usagi stopped crying by now and was staring at Mamoru. "But Chibi-Usa."

"No buts, this is what we both wanted. Our freedom.

You may still have a daughter in the future and maybe she'll be

just like Chibi-Usa, but we can't bring the other one back. Please

take this as a good thing." Mamoru smiled and took her hand. "Happy

Birthday. My present to you is the greatest one that I could think

to give you." He paused for a second. "Your freedom."

"Thank you Mamoru, that is the best present that I could

ask for. We can live our own lives." Usagi's smile lit up the entire restaurant.

"Well I don't know, Minako's present may be better than

mine." He had a devilish grin.

"What is it? You can tell me, I promise I'll act surprised."

"No way! I'm coming in with you, I want to see the

look on your face when you see it."

"Oh I can't wait lets go now!" They got up and left the restaurant.

All of the lights ere out in Usagi's apartment, Mamoru

had called there when he told Usagi that he was going to the bathroom.

"Damn, I don't think Minako's home. I wanted my present now."

"Well let's go I and wait for her. Usagi put her key

in the lock to open the door. When the door opened the lights flew

on and people jumped out from ever crevice of the room. (except the Lights)

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled in unison.

"Minna!" Usagi screamed. Everyone said hello to Usagi and Mamoru.

"Usagi you have to open my present first." Minako squealed.

"Yeah, Mamoru told me that it was the best present that

I could get!" Usagi was way too excited.

"Nothing like building it up!" The Lights were out

on the balcony. "Did you hear that! Mamoru said that we were the

best present." Seiya was shocked.

"I'm sure he was just saying that because he knew that

we would hear." Taiki pointed out.

The sliding door to the balcony opened and they saw

Usagi come aroung the corner. She looked so beautiful that Seiya

couldn't even say Happy Birthday to her. He just stood there.

All of those years of being away from her he had forgotten just

how truly beautiful she was. As her face lit up with a smile he

thought that his heart was melting.

"Seiya, you guys are back!" Usagi screeched. She was

so excited that she sounded like one of their fans. Seiya was still

frozen, Taiki and Yaten walked up to her and gave her a hug and

a flower. Each said Happy B-day again. Minako motioned for them

to come with her inside, which left Usagi and Seiya alone on the

balcony. Now that it was just the two of them Seiya flashed her one of his sexy smiles.

"Happy Birthday Odango." The words had barely left

his lips before Usagi was in his arms. She had run and thrown herself into his embrace.

"This is the best birthday ever. I missed you so much."

She didn't even look up at him, she just kept her arms tightly

locked around his waist. Tears were flooding up in her eyes.

"I missed you too Odango. More than you know." He

was so happy just being able to be the one standing there holding her.

Mamoru was inside explaining to everyone what happened

at dinner that night. Everyone was shocked except Minako.

"She is the whole reason that we came back." Taiki

stated. "We're not just here to visit. We were hoping that you

guys would be kind enough to let us call Earth our home."

"Yeah, we finished rebuilding our planet and retraining

the senshi, the Princess told us to come here and help protect the

princess that saved us and the rest of the universe." Yaten seemed

to have a better disposition when he wasn't busy with a mission.

"Well actually that's not entirely true. Our Princess

watched Fighter wasting away to nothing from her depression. Ever

since we left Earth and she left her heart here, she hasn't been

the same. Our Princess couldn't stand it so she sent us away so

that she could be happy. And here we are." Taiki said.

"And just in time too." Minako smiled as she hugged Yaten.

"Will you get off of me!" he said while flipping his

hair. "We told you guys that we were just coming back before for

a visit in case Seiya couldn't take it. We knew that he would become

depressed again if we came here and he found Usagi in the arms of

another man, or even married, or worse with his child."

"Odango, as much as I want to stay out here with you,

we should probably go back inside before your boyfriend gets mad

at me." Seiya said while smelling her hair.

Usagi didn't loosen her grip. "I'm not ready to let

you go yet. I still can't believe you're here." She smiled and looked up at his face.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you

say that." He smiled down at her. "Well Minako invited us to stay

here with you guys unitl we found a place of our own. Is that alright with you?"

Usagi took her hands off of Seiya to jump up and down. "That's great."

"Let's go inside now."

"There's the Birthday girl! Hey, we thought you were

going to stay out there all night!" Haruka winked at her. Makoto

brought out her cake with the help of Pilu. They all sang Happy

Birthday to her and she blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?" Hotaru asked her.

Usagi put her finger to her lips and said, "Shhh, it's a secret."

The night went on and Usagi opened her presents. Everyone

caught up on each other. After all of the guests left it was time

to arrange the sleeping quarters. There were only two couches and the two girls' rooms.

"Yaten, you can sleep with me." Minako teased.

Taiki and Usagi laughed at the face he made then Taiki

and Yaten called the two couches.

"Fine, I'll sleep in Minako's room with her, and Seiya

you can have my room." Usagi smiled.

"Are you sure Odango. I don't want to put you out." Seiya didn't want to be rude.

"No it's fine. Minako has a big bed, plus some one

has to keep an eye on her for poor Yaten's sake." She giggled.

Minako got pillows and blankets out for the couches.

She was already in her pajamas. Usagi and Seiya were in the kitchen

making tea. She was asking him questions about his planet and Kakyuu.

Everyone sat around the living room talking for about an hour then

decided to turn in for the night.

Usagi went to her room to make sure that there were

clean sheets on the bed. She was making the bed when Seiya walked

in. "Need some help?" he offered. "Thank you for letting us stay

here. I feel bad taking your bed from you though." He said as he put the pillow cases on.

"Don't feel bad, I'm fine. Plus if I didn't want you

to I wouldn't have offered it to you." She gave him a big smile.

He loved it when she smiled. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Well, Taiki and Yaten wanted to go to see our old manager

to see if we still had a job, but if you had something else in mind,

I'll stay and hang out with you." He hoped that she would say to stay here.

"No, I didn't really have anything important planned,

but the Summer Festival starts tomorrow night and I would like to go to that." (hint hint)

"Well then I will be back in time to take you there."

They had finished making the bed and Seiya laughed at her comforter.

Usagi playfully punched him in the arm and said good night.

"Looks like Seiya's wish finally came true. So I guess

we'll be staying here for a long time." Taiki said to Yaten while laying on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm glad." Yaten smiled and they fell alseep.

"So Usagi, did you like my present?" Minako poked her friend.

"Yeah right, like a third of it wasn't completely selfish!

Did Mamoru tell you what happened tonight?"

"He told everyone while you were out on the balcony

with ::SEIYA::" Usagi blushed and said good night.

The girls woke up to Taiki reading the paper, Seiya

taking a shower and Yaten cooking breakfast. "What! I never knew

you could cook! Now you have to stay here forever!" Minako was

shocked. Yaten just smiled contently as to the fact that her knew

he had just taken her completely off guard.

"You never know what I'm going to do next. Sit down and have some breakfast."

Seiya was soon out of the shower and the five of them

sat down for breakfast. "So what time are you guys going to be

back for the festival?" Usagi asked.

"We should be done around 3:00." Taiki said. It was

already 10:00, the girls had slept in. "What did you have planned for this morning?"

"Well we were going shopping to get something to wear

tonight and maybe see a movie." Minako said while shoving food

into her mouth. She had to admit Yaten was a good cook, almost as good as Makoto.

The group went their separate ways for the day. Usagi

and Minako met up with Ami, Rei and Makoto to go to the mall. Makoto

was the only one of the five to have a car. They teased Usagi with

questions like "What's going on with you and Seiya now?" or "When's

the wedding?" Usagi just blushed. None of the girls had told her

what Taiki and Yaten told them last night.

"You guys go ahead, I'm not really in the mood to watch

a movie right now." Usagi motioned and headed home.

"So, how happy are you now!" Yaten nugged Seiya in

the side. They were waiting in the manager's office.

"You mean to be staying with Usagi and Minako?" Seiya was confused.

"No, I mean now that Usagi is single!" Yaten put his

hand to his forehead in disbelief.

"WHAT! She is! When did this happen? How did you

know?" Shock was all over his face.

"Mamoru told us last night. Usagi didn't mention it?

Did you ask her?" Taiki asked calmly.

"No. That's great. I'm outta here! I've got to go

and find her!" Seiya was out the door before the words left his mouth.

Usagi was home and just getting out of the shower when

the phone rang. She was busy getting dressed so she turned on the

speaker phone in the living room as she got dressed in her room.

As soon as she walked in her room Seiya came in the front door.

"Hello, Usako?" Mamoru's voice was at the other end

of the phone. Seiya stayed quiet. He came in and sat on the couch.

"Hi Mamoru!" Usagi was talking from her room. "What's up?"

"I was just calling to see how you liked your birthday."

"It was the best. Are you going to the festival tonight?

Everyone is meeting here in like an hour and half."

"Yeah. Motoki and I will meet you guys at the festival.

Are you alone right now? I know you have me on speaker phone."

"Yeah, I'm alone." She hadn't heard Seiya come in.

"So what's the verdict? Does he still love you?" Now

Seiya was confused. @Who was he talking about?@

"I don't know." Usagi's voice dropped. "I hope so.

I love him more than anything else in the world. I think I would just die if he didn't."

"I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Ja ne."

"Bye Mamoru." Mamoru hung up the phone. Seiya's heart

dropped when he heard that Usagi already loved some one.

Usagi was dressed now with a towel on her head. She

came out of her room to hang up the phone, that's when she noticed Seiya.

"Hi, welcome back. You got here early. What happened?"

She had hoped that he hadn't heard the conversation.

"No, nothing happened, I just felt like leaving. So

I hear that you and Mamoru broke up?" He said bluntly.

"Yeah, we did. Hey do you want to hear a long story?"

Usagi sat down on the couch as she took the towel off of her head.

"Sure." Seiya said while sitting down next to her.

She handed him her hair brush and he began to brush her hair.

She told him everything that had happened to her since she had become

a sailor senshi up until when she met him. "And after that I met

you and you know the rest, but." Then she told him how Mamoru and

her fell out of love and how their future daughter was now not going

to be born. She convienently left out her feelings for him.

Seiya was taken back by her story. He had no idea that

her life had been that hard. Now he saw why she had been so loyal

to Mamoru. "I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything."

"I know, but still." It was about 3:00.

"Everyone should be here soon. I'm not trying to say

that you smell but you should take a shower and get ready." Usagi

started to get up. "Thank you for listening to me today." She

bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

Seiya put his hand up to where she had kissed him and

was about to say something but noticed that she was already gone.

Minako had put all of their suit cases in her closet since it was

the biggest. Seiya went in her room to get his clothes, when her

noticed Minako's diary sitting on her dresser. He continued to

get his things and tood a shower.

When he was done with his shower everyone was at the

apartment and ready. (He takes long showers! ^_^) "Bout time

you got out here! We weren't going to wait all night!" Yaten complained.

The group began to walk down the street, already they

had broken off into little cliques. Haruka and Michiru were alone

talking ahead, then it was Mamoru, Setsuna, Hotaru and Motoki having

a separate discussion. Behind them was Rei, Yuuchiro, Makoto and

Pilu (Makoto's boyfriend). Yuuchiro and Pilu had grown quite close,

the four of them always hung out together and the two guys would

sometimes hang out together when the girls weren't around. Ami

and Taiki were alone. Taiki was telling her about how much he missed

being able to read the Earth's poetry. And trailing as the caboose

for the group was Yaten, Minako, Seiya and Usagi. The four of them

were talking about new movies that were out.

When they got to the festival the group stayed together

for a little while but then decided that it was too hard to keep

a group that size together so they broke off into their little cliques.

The night went on, they played games, went shopping and went on

rides. Minako and Usagi really wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel,

Yaten hesitated at first because he was afraid of heights, but her

couldn't let anyone else know that.

"Alright, how many in your group miss?" The operator asked Usagi.

"Four!" They all boarded into one cart The cart was

circular with an umbrella shaped top. They went higher and higher

as more people got on. "Wow, you can see the whole festival and

city from up here!" Usagi was impressed.

"Oh Yaten isn't it so romantic?" Minako batted her

eyes as she inched towards him.

"No- I don't think looking at Seiya is romantic at all."

Yaten said closing his eyes. He was sitting directly across from Seiya.

"Hey Odango." Seiya pulled Usagi closer to him. "The

festival isn't the only thing you can see from up here." He pointed

to a cart that was three carts behind them. "Those two look familiar?"

"Ahhhh- Ami!" Usagi yelped. "And Taiki."

"What? Where?" Minako flew across the cart to see

what they saw. She had pushed Usagi almost on top of Seiya. Yaten

saw this and joined her to finish of the job. Usagi's face was

a breath away from Seiya's. Seiya sensing that she may be uncomfortable

moved Yaten off of them. Usagi was some what disappointed. She

had hoped that he would have tried to steal a kiss from her, but she wouldn't show it.

"What were you guys looking at?" Yaten was straining to see.

"Ami and Taiki! Look they're making out!" Minako pointed

them out to him. "I never knew she had it in her!" she was excited.

"I wonder what else he does when we're not around!" Yaten looked at Seiya.

"Ami's going to be so embarrassed about this when I

bring it up." Minako had a mischievous grin on her face.

Usagi who had sat back down and stopped watching said,

"No, let's not embarrass them. Obviously if they want us to know

they'll tell us. Let's let them enjoy themselves." She was looking

sternly at Minako. "And that goes for you also!" She turned her head to Yaten.

The festival was pretty much over. The four couldn't

find any one else so they headed home. Yaten and Minako were tired

and wanted to go to bed, but Usagi was wired so Seiya offered to

stay up with her and watch a movie. "Yaten, why don't you go sleep

in Usagi's room so that we don't disturb your beauty sleep with

our movie." Seiya suggested. "What do you want to watch Odango?"

"Casablanca! That's my all time favorite movie." Usagi replied.

They sat down to watch the movie within minutes she

was asleep on the couch next to him. She began to slide as her

muscles relaxed. Pretty soon her head was resting on his shoulder.

This was the first that he noticed that she was asleep. He put

his arm around her and stared down at her sleeping face, as he fell asleep himself.

They were woken at 4:30 by Taiki coming in. They pretended

that they didn't notice him trying to tip toe around. He placed

himself on the other couch and was out in a few seconds. Seiya

giggled. Neither him or Usagi realized the other one was awake,

they didn't want to have to move. But Usagi felt Seiya's giggle

and knew that he was awake and was happy that he didn't try to wake her up to move her.

Usagi was the first one to wake up, she went and sat

down in the kitchen while making tea. Yaten was up next and joined

Usagi in the kitchen. Minako flew up and ran out of the apartment.

She was late for an audition. Taiki was still on the couch when

Seiya woke up. He was disappointed to find that Usagi wasn't still in his arms.

He joined Yaten and Usagi in the kitchen they were enjoying

their tea and talking about where they were going that day. Yaten

had to get his hair cut and was going shopping with Minako and asked

Usagi if she wanted to come with them. This is where Seiya came

in. Before she answered she asked Seiya what he was doing today.

He said that he was going hiking. Usagi said that she would rather

go with Seiya. She excused herself to go and take a shower.

"You know," Seiya started "When I went into Minako's

room the other day to get my suit case I noticed a piece of paper

on her dresser with your name on it." He was lying, he had had

Usagi write a message on the paper pretending that she was Minako

and stating how much she loved Yaten.

"Mmmm, I wonder what she has to say about me?" He said as he got up.

"You'd better hurry before Usagi gets out of the shower

and catches you!" Seiya warned.

"Don't worry, she takes showers like you do." Yaten

called from her room. He began intesly reading the paper. "I don't believe it!"

"You shouldn't go through other people's things you

know!" Minako was in the doorway. She didn't know what he was

reading but it was in her room and therefore private. Usagi had

hid Minako's tap shoes so that she would have to come right back

when she realized that she had forgotten them.

He saw Usagi and Seiya laughing behind her. They had

set him up! "I'll get you two back, but first." He walked right

up to Minako he took the back of her head in his hand and kissed

her deeply. "You shouldn't sneak up on people when they are snooping." Then walked passed her.

Minako didn't say a word but just stood there still

standing at her room. Usagi and Seiya didn't expect him to do that

and that's why he did. He wasn't going to let them know that they had gotten him.

"Ummm. Minako are you alright?" Usagi questioned.

"She just got a kiss from me! That's all, do you want

one too?" Yaten joked with Usagi, he knew that would get Seiya.

"You should actually go get in the shower before I do."

"Alright I'm going." Usagi walked away.

"Are you ready to go to the mall now Minako?" Yaten

asked the frozen girl. She didn't answer so her took her hand and

lead her out the door. "Bye!" he said as they walked out the door.

Seiya laughed and then heard Usagi singing in the shower.

-I'll keep a part of you with me, and everywhere I am there you'll be.

-You've always been my light, my strenggth.

-And I want to thankyou now for all the ways, you were right there for me.


-In my dreams I see you soar above the sky.

Seiya thought that it was the most beautiful song that

he'd ever heard. Her voice was angelic. She came out and they left for the trails.

They had walked about a quarter of a mile when they

came to a ledge, they decided that this was a nice spot to stop

and enjoy the scenery. "Odango? Where did you get that song that you were singing from?"

Usagi hadn't realized that he had heard her singing. "I wrote it."

"Really, it's a very beautiful song. Will you sing

the whole thing for me sometime?"

"Sure, but not now."

"What made you write it?"

Usagi looked at him. She had written the song for him

when he left. She decided to joke with him. "I wrote it about

some on I love. We would hang out everyday and I would never let

on to him that I loved him." She was looking straight into his

eyes. "Then he left and I never thought that I'd see him again.

I thought that he had forgotten all about me. Then he came back.

I still loved him of course. I love him more than anything else.

I think I would die if he ever left again. Now that he's back

I don't think that he feels the same way. He never asks me out,

he never goes out of his way to make special time just for us."

Usagi's face saddened. "What do you think?"

Seiya was heart broken and mad that she loved some one

else. "I don't think that he loves you. I'm sorry, but the heart

wants what it wants." He took his eyes off of her and looked over

the ledge. "Do you want to get out of here? I don't really feel

like being here anymore." He was hurt and depressed and didn't

want to cry in front of her. The two left the trail and headed home.

Usagi got home and went ot her room. Taiki and Ami

were sitting in the living room reading, Seiya joined them. "What's

wrong?" Ami noticed the way the two had come in and the sad look on Seiya's face.

"Nothing, I just got too much sun." He lied. They

were happy and he didn't want to bring them down.

Usagi threw herself on her bed and put her face in her

pillow. He didn't love her she thought as she breathed deeply into

her pillow. It smelled of him. She cried harder and didn't think she could go on.

Minako burst through Usagi's door. "Minako Aino finally

has a boyfriend!" She yelled as she jumped on the bed with Usagi.

Usagi stopped crying and smiled at her friend. Seiya

stood in the doorway. Minako was too excited to notice that Usagi

had been crying but Seiya could see her tear streaked cheeks from

his position and it made his heart ache more. "We knew our plan

would work." She smile at Seiya.

"We should all go out to dinner tonight! Seiya you'll

take Usagi won't you? Seeing how for once she is the only one without

a boyfriend." Minako hugged Usagi and then noticed that Yaten had

shown up in the doorway with Seiya. "Yaten!" She ran to him and almost knocked him over.

"Don't cry." Seiya came over and sat on the bed with

Usagi. "We'll still have fun together right?"

Usagi smiled as she thought to herself. @I'd rather

be his friend then not have him at all.@ "Yes, we will! Of course." She hugged him tightly.

Everyone was dressed up and ready to go out. Hotaru

was the only one who didn't make it, she was too young. They were

all going out for dinner and dancing. Usagi and Seiya's depressed

mood seemed to be put on the back burners when they saw how happy

their friends were. They both figured that since their friends

were so happy that they didn't want to bring them down with their

problems so both of them kept it inside and never let on.

Seiya and Usagi were often left alone by themselves

now. Everyone else seemed to be too busy with their own lives to

be with them. Everyone thought that they were happy and hooking

up, no one knew about the misunderstanding.

"Here Seiya, I got you a present!" Usagi was excited as she handed him the package.

"Why did you get me something?" Seiya asked.

"Tomorrow's your birthday right?" It was July 29th,

Usagi planned on waiting until tomorrow but was too excited.

"Yes it is. How did you know though? I didn't tell

anyone because I didn't want them to make a big deal about it."

"You told me. You told me last time you were here."

"Thank you. I'm impressed that you remembered."

"Come on, open it! I made it myself, so if you don't

like it don't pick on me too much."

Seiya opened the package and pulled out a cassette tape.

He knew what it was because she had already told him the title

of her song. I was a single of the song she sang in the shower.

The one that she made for her love.

"Thank you. I don't know what to say."

"I wrote the lyrics down for you too, I'm not a very

good singer so just incase you couldn't understand me. Maybe you

could sing it. You would bring life to the song, you have an amazing voice." Usagi complimented.

Seiya gave her a hug and Yaten and Minako walked in.

They smiled at what they saw. They had all been surprised that

Seiya and Usagi hadn't gotten together yet but felt that they shouldn't but in.

They both knew what Usagi had given him for his birthday,

since she had asked them before hand if they thought he would like it.

Seiya listened to the tape when ever he was alone on

his walkman for the rest of the day. He loved the song and wished

that she had written it for him. He fell asleep listening to it that night.

"So are you and Seiya doing something special for his

birthday?" Minako asked while her and Usagi were lying in bed.

"I made him a cake with Makoto's help, but that's it."

Usagi stared at the ceiling. She wished that she could do something

special with him. She hurt so badly seeing him everyday and loving

him the way that she did. Now she knew he felt the last time he was here.

"Why don't you finally confess your love to him. I'm

sure he'd love that! You two can go out for a romantic dinner or something."

Usagi had tears well up in her eyes and when she didn't

answer Minako looked over at her. "What's the Matter? It wasn't

that bad of an idea." Minako hugged her friend.

"I already did. I told him how much I loved him." Usagi sobbed.

"And. what happened?"

"He said that he didn't love me and that he was sorry

but the heart wants what it wants." Usagi sobbed uncontrolably.

"What?! No! I'm sorry Usagi, I really thought that he loved you.We all did."

Usagi fell alseep with Minako conforting her. The next

morning Minako woke up before Usagi. She woke Yaten up to go for

a little stroll with her so she could tell him what Usagi had told

her last night. Yaten was just as shocked as Minako had been.

When they got back they found Seiya on the balcony listening

to his walkman looking over the city. Minako went to get in the

shower since her and Yaten had plans to go to the movies. Yaten joined Seiya on the balcony.

"Happy Birthday." He said. Seiya took off his head phones.

"Thank you."

"Nothing yet. I think Usagi made me a cake." The two

didn't face each other but instead looked over the railing.

"So." Yaten started. "You finally got over her huh?"

"Got over who?"

"Usagi. you know your Odango."

"What are you talking about? I haven't gotten over

her, if anything I love her more!"

"Then why did you tell her that you didn't love her?"

Yaten was totally confused as he looked up at Seiya.

"I never told her that."

"She told Minako that she told you how much she loved

you and wanted to be with you and you told her that you didn't lover

her and that the heart wants what it wants." Yaten explained.

"What?!!? She was talking about me, and this whole

time I thought she loved some one else?!"

"You mean you didn't know? That song that you always

listen to. she wrote it for you the first time we left. Didn't

you read the paper she gave you with it?" Yaten pulled out the

lyrics sheet from the tape holder. "Look right here she wrote:

This song was written for my love, Seiya. My shooting star."

Seiya was shocked and then thought back on their conversation

that they had on the ledge in the woods. "How could I have been

so stupid!" He ran into the apartment fro the balcony, nearly knocking

Minako down. He ran into Minako's room where Usagi was still sleeping.

Her cheeks were still stained from the tears that she

had cried last night. She awoke when she heard the door shut behind

him. "Seiya?" She opened her eyes. "What time is it?" She looked

over and noticed that she had slept in. "Happy Birthday." She sat up.

Seiya threw himself at her and tackled her into a hug.

She wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, I should be the one to

give you a hug, its your birthday after all."

"Odango." She could tell that he was crying.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Usagi pulled

back and looked him in the eyes.

"I was such an idiot. I didn't know you were talking

about me. I love you so much. I'm so sorry for causing you pain

and for making you cry." Seiya was still crying and noticed that

Usagi had started with fresh tears of her own. Her hair was down

and flowing all around her, she looked like an angel even if it

was first thing in the morning.

"I'm sor." he was cut off by Usagi's lips pressed against

his. She had her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply and

very passionately. She had never kissed Mamoru like this and she

had never felt this wonderful electricity flowing through her body before.

Seiya wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened

the kiss. This was the moment that he had been waiting for his whole life.

They broke their kiss. "I love you too Seiya." He

pulled her back for another kiss. They were too involved with each

other to notice the door open. Minako and Yaten's head poked in

and smiled. They decided to leave them alone.

"I guess our work here is done." Minako giggled.

"Yeah, this is the best present that Seiya could have

asked for." Yaten smiled back at her and shut the door.

I obviously don't own Sailor Moon or any of the other

wonderful characters in this story. Pilu was so boring that I don't

want to even take credit for him. The song that Usagi say was the

Faith Hill song from the Pearl Harbor soundtrack. I think that this

song perfectly describes the way I would like Usagi to feel about

Seiya. give it a listen and let me know what you think ^_^