Once again this is not done in my usual style, but I

hope you like it anyway. A little OOCness but it is explained a

bit when you get into the story. This is by request of Amara.

everyone's support system it seems now a days! ^_^

. : the warning: .

The day was getting on and soon night would fall. Yaten

had invited Minako over to hang out with him. Now that they knew

who the girls really were, they really didn't have any friends on

Earth. Minako had warmed him up a few days earlier when she auditioned

for her idol debut. He hadn't noticed the warmth that she emitted

until then. He realized that he wanted to be closer to that warmth

and to continue to be her friend. He wasn't sure, however, about the others though.

The pair sat on the couch watching the lightning outside

and the rain beating the windows of his apartment. There was a

comfortable silence being shared between the two. Seiya and Taiki

were out, Yaten didn't know where they were nor did he care. "Minako?

Do you need me to get you something?" This tone was uncommonly

sweet for him. He wasn't the cold-hearted jerk that he had made

himself out to be. He did after all have emotions other than anger.

It just took Minako to bring them out of him.

Minako shook her head as she turned her attention back

to the world outside. She was so illuminating and inviting. She

was always filled with life and hope; he used to be this way. Now

that they'd lost their princess he felt lost also. He didn't know

what to do. Now that everything he knew was destroyed and gone,

he had felt alone in this world. The only things he had to hold

onto were his memories along with Taiki and Seiya. But she came.

She shed new light on his bleak disposition.

He moved himself closer to her side of the couch. Minako

must have sensed his movement and turned around to face him. A

bright smile lit up her face. He put his arm around her back and

pulled her towards him. Her head came to rest on his shoulder as

they both watched the storm together. "This is nice." Minako says in almost a whisper.

This brings a smile to his face; he was glad that he

could make her comfortable. He was also happy to see that she seemed

to feel the same way about him as he did about her. He bent his

head down a bit to kiss her softly on her head. "Minako, I don't

know if we can beat Galaxia, and even if we do we will probably

be leaving shortly after. I may never get to see you again." Minako's

face tilted up to look at Yaten's. She seemed to have a longing

in her eyes and tears were ready to flow.

Yaten held her tighter, not wanting to let her go now.

"We only have a short time left." She said as she lulled herself

into a snugger position against his chest.

Yaten picked her chin up with his two fingers, he had

brought her gaze up to meet his. His lips were a breath away from

hers. "Minako, I just wanted you to know-"

He was cut off by the phone ringing. Since the portable

phone was in Minako's lap it was hard to ignore. The ringing pierced

through the atmosphere and broke the mood. He let go of her delicate

face as she picked the phone up. "Moshi moshi." She answered.

"Minako?" The voice on the other end questioned right before the line went dead.

"Who was it?" Yaten asked in an apparent huff. He was

not happy about the sudden interruption.

"I don't know." Minako put the phone down on the coffee

table. "It was a guy, maybe it was Seiya or Taiki." She suggested

as she sat back on the couch. "Wait a minute, they'll probably call back."

"Seiya or Taiki wouldn't call unless it was an emergency,

and I don't know any other guys that would be calling here. We

should go and look for them, they could be in danger." Yaten got

up off the couch and headed for the door. In one fluent motion

he swept his jacket up from the arm of the couch and put it on.

Minako got up also and crossed the room to join him by the door.

He held her jacket up for her to easily put it on.

"I think you're making too big a deal about this. Look

at it outside." She pointed to the window they had previously been

looking out. "I think we should stay here." She shot him a little

smile for an added incentive for him to stay. But he wouldn't listen.

"Look at it outside, that is even more reason why we

should go and find them." He opened the door and they left leaving

behind the warm safe apartment and what would turn out to be their last chance to be together.

The storm blew debry around and cluttered the street

with leaves and branches. No one was out walking around everyone

was in a sheltered place. Everyone but Yaten and Minako. They

walked battling the elements. Yaten held a large umbrella up to

try to shelter the two. They would head to Rei's shrine first.

Usually during big storms the group would sometimes go over there

to hang out together. When they arrived, Rei was the sole person there.

Their next destination was the library. Taiki would

spend most of his leisure time there. The found Ami studying alone.

Their mission seemed to be leading them to nothing but dead ends.

It seemed hopeless. They went to a few more places, Crown, Usagi's

house, Makoto's house, the studio and finally they came back to the apartment.

The two were soaked from head to toe. Now that they

had made it back safely the storm started to die down. "Figures."

Yaten mumbled as he took off his jacket and assisted Minako with hers.

"Where have you been?" Seiya's voice called from the

kitchen. He seemed to be eating something as his words were almost incoherent.

"What do you mean where have I been? I've been out looking

for you ever since you called." Yaten yelled back seemingly annoyed.

"We didn't call you." Taiki joined the conversation

and walked from his room to join the others in the living room.

"We were prepping the stage for our up coming concert." He explained and took a seat on the couch.

"I told you they were all right." Minako said. She

put her already wet jacket back on. "Now that we know you're OK,

I should be heading home. It's getting late." She said her good-byes

and thanked Yaten for hanging out with her that night.


The battle with Galaxia came shortly after. Yaten never

got to tell Minako how he felt. The Starlights were leaving, not

to return for a long time. He saw no use in telling her how he

felt, what good could come of their situation now?

Once back home on his own planet the rebuilding process

began. No one had very much time to think and everyone was surprised

at how well Fighter was taking his separation from his 'Odango'.

It wasn't until they were finished that the trouble began. Now

that the reconstruction was finished things were back to normal.

Everyday activities resumed and the normal life that they had once

known seemed to be blessing them again. Everyone that was except for Fighter.

Fighter's condition seemed to deteriorate. There was

nothing any of them could do but watch. It broke their hearts to

see her suffer this way, but she needed something that none of them

could give to her. Seeing Fighter this way made Healer begin to

think about her own situation. "What would have happened if we

had never gotten that call that night?" She asked herself.

She thought about this a lot. Would she have ended up

like Fighter if her and Minako had just gotten to be together that

one night? The question played over and over again in her head.

Her mental state began to break down. She found herself hopeless

crying in her room. "If I could have just known that it wasn't

important, I wish there was a way to tell myself not to go, not

to leave her that night. What would have become of us?"

Healer felt herself picking up the phone, her fingers

began to dial their old number on Earth. The line rang and some

one picked up. "Moshi moshi." Minako's voice was crystal clear on the other end.

"Minako?" She questioned as just before the line went dead in his hand.

She just sat there in shock, the phone began to make

a horrid sound as it signaled that it hadn't been returned to the

receiver. She was the one who had called that night. It was because

of her that her and Minako left the apartment that night in search

of some one in need. The sadness sunk in and she felt as though

she couldn't go on. Quickly she redialed the number only to hear

the operator's voice on the other end telling her that it was an

unknown number. The agony of it all was too much and she knew she

had destroyed her one chance to be happy on Earth.