Exploring Issues and Resources on Spirituality and Religion in Higher  Education
When discussing the issue of multiculturalism, the most prominent issues associated are race, gender, or sexual orientation.  Spirituality is another important area of multicultural issues yet is often bypassed.  Spirituality and faith are interconnected with developing a sense of purpose and search for meaning in life. (Love & Talbot, 1999).  Spirituality and faith are usually associated with organized religion and due to the fact that there is separation between church and state, it is rare that spirituality and faith are discussed in the realm of higher education and student affairs (Love & Talbot). However, spirituality and faith can be viewed as an inward, individual process.  As student affairs practitioners, we are responsible for the development of the holistic student (Love & Talbot).  This includes the spiritual development of a student.  This website serves as a guide to resources for all student affairs practitioners on spirituality and faith traditions.

Love, P. & Talbot, D. (1999). Defining spiritual development: A missing consideration for student affairs. NASPA Journal, 37, 361-375.
General Information Regarding Spirituality

Resources for Student Affairs Administrators Seeking Information on Spirituality

Student Development Theory and Literature Review

Administrative Responses to Current Issues Regarding Spirituality In Higher Education
Authors of this Page
Jason Kellegan:
Man Way Lam:
Sarah Linz:
Megan Munsey:
Photos on this site are borrowed from: http://www.spiritualityhealth.com