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Skydiving is one of the most exhilarating experiences you'll ever have in your entire life. It can rid you of a fear of heights and make the impossible seem possible in your eyes. After skydiving you will be more willing and able to try a whole new spectrum of wild and crazy activities that you had never before dreamed about doing. 

At the left, we have a first time jumper.  Her name is Kay and she is a Michigan Technological University student. Her face shows how much fun you have when you are up 3000 feet in the air hanging from the plane with just your own strength.

See our Training page.

    The view of the ground from the sky is glorious from the plane and on your way down towards the ground. When the door of the plane opens 3000 feet above the ground your emotions start to race. Any emotions you have ever had and more run through your head at the same time. 

    When they say get on the step, you put your feet on a step outside the plane. The wind right on the edge of the plane is amazingly strong and it feels like it is going to whip you off the plane.  You pull yourself up on the step holding on to the wing of the plane, as Kay is doing above.  At this point you look in so the pilot can take your picture.  The jump master will tell you to get on the bar.  You slide your hands one at a time, without letting go to the metal bar, just beyond where Kay is above.  When both your arms are securely on the metal bar you drop you legs.  You will be almost parallel to the ground because of the wind resistance.  

    It is now time to let go of the plane when the jump master signals.  You are supposed to count from one one thousand up to five one thousand out loud as you plummet towards the earth.  You will then look up to make sure your shoot has opened properly.  

    The most scary and exhilarating part of the entire jump is that first five seconds when you feel like you are plummeting to your death.  After those first five seconds you realize that you are safely floating towards the earth with a parachute and a magnificent view from 3000 feet above the earth.  There will be a trained person on the ground that will talk you down to the ground with a one-way radio attached to your jump-suit.