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Porphyria: The Vampire Disease

By Dr. Peter W. Kujtan, B.Sc., M.D., Ph.D.

Article printed on page 23 in the October 29-30, 2005 issue of
The Mississauga News under the feature: Health & Wellness, Medical Matters.

There exists a fairly rare group of genetic disorders that have unfairly branded many sufferers with the term "vampire". These poor souls are extremely sensitive to sunlight that can easily result in burns and abrasions, and so they prefer darkness. They suffer from acute attacks of abdominal pains, vomiting and loose stools. Their urine may have a purplish-red color leading some to wrongly believe that it results from drinking blood. Those afflicted may have increased hair growth, and with repeated damage, their skin tightens and shrinks. When this occurs around the mouth, the canine teeth appear to be more prominent, and suggestive of fangs. At other times, it causes depression and affects the brain to produce peculiar behavior. It is probably no surprise that garlic makes all the symptoms worse. Porphyria is a misunderstood condition that has affected the likes of Mary Queen of Scots and King George III.

Porphyria refers to a growing collection of disorders in which there are abnormalities in the enzymes involved in heme production. Heme is an iron-containing compound used throughout the body. The most common heme-containing substance found in our bodies is the hemoglobin in our red blood cells - an essential component to transport oxygen around our bodies. There are at least eight steps in the production of heme, and at least eight different types of porphyria can result when an enzyme malfunctions and levels of intermediate substances rise to beyond what the body is accustomed to. It is a condition that runs in families and is inherited. At one time, it was thought to be a dominant trait requiring only one gene from one parent, but there are recessive forms now identified in which genes need to come from both parents.

Porphyria is very difficult to diagnose. Its symptoms mimic those of a hundred other conditions. Traditional testing rarely shows a problem, and patients who develop recurrent acute attacks often require strong narcotics to control the abdominal pain. They often undergo surgery for appendicitis or ovarian conditions without positive findings, and then run the risk of being labeled with a narcotic addiction. There are no easy tests available to diagnose the various porphyria conditions. The best time to attempt diagnosis is when the symptoms are active. Special urine tests looking for PBG (porphobilinogen) and ALA (delta-aminolevulinic acid) can provide a starting clue. More intricate testing then follows in an attempt to make a precise diagnosis.

Porphyria sufferers are affected by anything that can alter the functioning of the deficient enzymes. This can occur to different degrees. Some people are affected so slightly that the diagnosis is never considered. Herbs, drugs, alcohol and even hormones can produce acute attacks by interfering with enzyme function. Sufferers are counseled as to which medications to avoid. Maintaining a hardy diet low in carbohydrates is essential. The best news of all is that if the diagnosis is considered, then infusing heme molecules produced in the laboratory can treat acute attacks. After all, heme is what the body is ultimately craving for when an attack occurs.

When encountering the supernatural, consider the evidence because it usually provides an alternately plausible explanation. Have a safe All Hallow's Eve, and remember that those vampires may be nothing more than ordinary people experiencing distress. Have a treat on me.

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