HI All,

     I have been facing a lot of problems since I have come to Boston. 

I am very new to this country, and I cannot leave my wife and kids to
stay alone, in CA, hence I had to move them with me to Boston. I was
told that me and my family will get full coverage for medical expenses
during my visit to Boston. However after comming here I find that we are
covered only for "emergency". I had to get certain medical treatment for
my wife, which does not qualify as "emergency", however the cmpany did 
not give me enough time in CA, to get this treatment done. I hence have
to spend all the money from my own pocket, as this medical care is
urgent. Infact the company claimed that I can treat my wife in Boston,
withou looking in to the details  of the plan I had chosen.

A lot of things about my stay in Boston are also quite unclear. I
have been arranged for my stay in the hotel here. 

     a. I did like to know if any arrangement have been made for an offsite
employee like me to take care of my daily expenses which include hotel bill,
gas for the rental car, phones, etc.  

     b. I would also like to know if it is a part of the company policy
that I  share the rented car with any other employee who also comes to
work here in Boston.

     c. I am still unclear, about what benefit I can have from whatever
insurance I have, staying in Boston. I have my wife and kid, and it
seems at tht moment to me that I have to pay all the medical expense
from my own pocket.


    Source: geocities.com/researchtriangle/lab/3184

               ( geocities.com/researchtriangle/lab)                   ( geocities.com/researchtriangle)