Rizwi S. Faizer Ph.D. McGill



Book Reviews

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© 1998 Rizwi Faizer.

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Jihâd and the Apocalypse

indicates my preference
indicates a primary source

  1. Arjomand, S. A. "Islamic Apocalypticism in the Classic Period," in The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism Vol. 2: Apocalypticism in Western History and Culture, New York 1999, 238-83.
  2. Bashear, Suliman. "Muslim Apocalypses and the Hour: A Case Study in Traditional Reinterpretation," in IOS 13 (1993): 76-99.
  3. Bashear, S. "Apocalyptic and Other Materials on Early Muslim-Byzantine Wars: A Review of Arabic Sources," JRAS (1991): 173-207.
  4. Bonner, Michael. "Some Observations Concerning the Early Development of Jihad on the Arab-Byzantine Frontier," SI 75 (1992): 5 - 31.
  5. Bonner, M. "Ja`â'il and Holy War in Early Islam," Der Islam 68 no. 1(1991): 45- 64.
  6. Casanova, P. "Mohammed et la fin du Monde," Paris: 1911.
  7. Cook, D. "Muslim Apocalyptic and Jihâd," JSAI 20 (1996), 66-104.
  8. Cook, M. "Eschatology and the Dating of Traditions," in Princeton Papers In Near Eastern Studies (1992): 23-47
  9. Firestone, R. Jihad, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
  10. Kister, M. J. "Land Property and Jihâd: A Discussion of Some Early Traditions," JESHO 34(1991): 270 - 311.
  11. Noth, A. Heiliger Krieg. Bonn, 1966.

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  The background design is an adaptation of the eighth century Mshata wall.
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