// About //

What is a fanlisting?
_____So just what is a fanlisting, you ask? A fanlisting is a website that collects the names and locations of fans of whatever the website it about. The purpose of a fanlisting is to bring fans together and to help fans show their love. It was Janine who brought all the fanlistings over the 'net together and formed one huge website called TheFanlistings.net. This fanlisting was accepted there which makes it the offical Robin Hood: Men in Tights fanlisting.

Okay...so what's this site about?
_____Merry Men is dedicated to one of the coolest movies ever made. For anyone else who appreciates the movie,you'll feel the same as well. It's a hilarious movie that you can watch over and over again and I figured it would be cool to have a place for other fans to go.

So... who runs it?
_____This fansite is run by Loki, a very strange and insane teenager who has watched the movie too many times for her own good. My website, if you wish to visit it, is Filtered.

Get it? Got it?
Good. Now check out the rules.