Tuesday~Last Full Day

Today we are heading into town to go to the Mall. The Queen mother of malls.....I forsee lots of walking.

It's called High Point Shopping~shopping~shopping

Wow, now that was a mall. 3 Levels of shopping. There was a mix of American stores and Australian.

I had miso soup and sushi for the first time and I liked it. Yum. It was not the california roll that I was used to seeing but the real deal. We have Chinese all the time and this was not even close. I could never tell the difference between the two. But now I can. Chinese fry most of their foods but the Japanese keep their foods fresh and mostly raw. It's a much lighter meal. We walked all three levels and I bought quite a few things. Dez bought me some perfume and it's yummy. We ate at a place called Pancake Parlour. Really cool@ They had a chess table you can sit at and play a game and the board was huge.

Dez explained the game as the game of life. I won't look at another chess board the same way again. Time is so short now. I need to pack and get my things together. I can't believe I am coming back with an extra bag, I have so much. It was a fun day.

Day One /Day Two/ Day Three/ Day Four/ Day Five/ Home/ Day Seven